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File information:
File name:semikron skiip 3 driver board 313 Rac SEMISTACK SKIIP fault report.pdf
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Size:483 kB
Model:skiip3 🔎
Descr:repair solution to semikron skiip3 driver board used on semikron 313rac, semistack and skiips
Group:Electronics > Documentation
Multipart:No multipart

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File name semikron skiip 3 driver board 313 Rac SEMISTACK SKIIP fault report.pdf

Semikron skiip 3 driver board 313 RAC Semistack fault report Semikron SKIIP 3 driver boards have been used on 313 RAC , SEMISTACK and SKIIPs . This type of driver board fail after few years on operation. We have develop repair solution to repair and test this board. 50 percent of IPM Skiip module failure is cause by premature driver board failure. SKIIP module being test individually Skiip 3 driver board separated from the cover Power testing of Semikron skiip 2/3 using high current power supply , dummy load and skiip control box. PWM signal is via optical cable to test both the optical interface and igbt driver board For inquiries please email us: [email protected]

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