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Now downloading free:Midea T3 Star Series

Midea T3 Star Series free download

Air conditioning and climatization devices

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File name:SM Midea t20 star.PDF
Size:217 kB
Model:T3 Star Series 🔎
Original:MSF3-07/09/12 HR/CR 🔎
Descr:Service manual Midea models: MSF3-07CR MSF3-07HR MSF3-09CR MSF3-09HR MSF3-12CR MSF3-12HR
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Air conditioning
Multipart:No multipart

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File name SM Midea t20 star.PDF

GD Midea Refrigeration Equipment Co.,Ltd SPLIT TYPE, HEAT PUMP AIR CONDITIONERS Technical & service manual 2005 T3 Star Series (50Hz) R22 Wall Mounted [Models] MSF3-07CR MSF3-07HR MSF3-09CR MSF3-09HR MSF3-12CR MSF3-12HR Contents 1. Features... 2 2. Specification...3 3. Dimensions... 4 4. Refrigeration cycle diagram...5 5. Operation limits...6 6. Wiring diagram...7 7. Troubleshooting...9 8. Electronic function...10 1 1.Features 1.1 Compact design 1.2 High efficiency and quiet operation 2 2.Specification Model MSF3-07CR MSF3-07HR MSF3-09CR MSF3-09HR MSF3-12CR MSF3-12HR Power supply Ph-V-Hz 1, 220-240V~, 1, 220-240V~, 50Hz 1, 220-240V~, 50Hz 1, 220-240V~, 50Hz 1, 220-240V~, 50Hz 1,220-240V~,50Hz Cooling Capacity Btu/h 7000 7000 9000 9000 12000 12000 Input W 850 850 930 1000 1230 1230 Rated current A 3.8 3.8 4.1 4.4 5.7 5.7 EER Btu/w.h 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.6 9.8 9.8 Heating Capacity Btu/h 8500 10500 13000 Input W 880 1020 1290 Rated current A 4 4.5 6.0 COP W/W 2.8

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