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Now downloading free:KORA ARIES

KORA ARIES free download

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File name:kora_aries.pdf
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Size:143 kB
Model:ARIES 🔎
Descr:Audio Hybrid amplifier KORA Aries Schematic
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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+230V R6 47k R7 1k R8 1k R9 47k FU2 C1 D1 Q2 Q3 BF244 D2 1N4148 C2 100nF/63V RL2:B 4 3 5 RELAY 3.15AT 100nF/63V1N4148 +50V R23 1k BF244 C4 4.7µF/400V Q5 R25 33k IRFP150N C8 D3 D5 BZX85C15 BZX85C15 13000uF/63V R41 R5 220 D7 1N4148 R10 220 100k C5 4.7µF/400V 33k R19 1 6 R18 L1 7 8 5 9 4 12BH7 220 R32 R40 100k 0v R21 10k R37 100 RCA SW1 220 RV1 3 R1 1k 2 3 R11 1k LS1 RV2 Q10 2 R28 R27 3.3k 3.3k R4 100k SW-DPDT R2 33k Q4 Q1 BF244 R12 33k R13 100k 10k SPEAKER 10k R33 33k 1 BS170 C17 82uF/16V R22 10k D6 BZX85C15 0V C7 13000uF/63V R29 100 Q9 BF244 XLR C6 100nF/63V R24 1k R26 33k D4 BZX85C15 Q6 IRFP150N R20 100k R3 1k BC549 R14 R16 47k D8 RL2:B 4 3 5 RELAY 1N4148 R15 220 C3 R17 1k 47k 82uF/16V +50V FU1 3.15AT R30 560k R31 560k -5V VERS C2 BR1 BR2 +5V U3 GP4 3 VERS C3 + KBU10G KBU10G + C16 100nF 2 VCC OSC1 1 R43 10k R42 GP0 7 100k D13 BZX55C4V7 CDE EXTERNE 5 GP2 MCLR GND GP1 6 12F629 4 5 4 5 IRF840 Marche/Veille Q7 RL1:B RL1:B RELAY 3 3 RELAY R36 1k +230V R44 1k R46 10k +5v R45 1k R34 100k 8 4 R38 BR3 100k R35 1k C15 22uF/250V D14 LED 1 RL1:A 2 1 RL2:A D16 TR1 35v 35v 220v 200VR47 7V 7V TRAN-2P10S 1 W10M C13 100uF/400v D9 BZT03C82 2 1N4148 RELAY 5V RELAY 5V D10 BZT03C82 C14 22uF/250V Q8 BC549 D11 BZT03C82 R49 1 U1 7805CT +5V VO GND 1 R48 1 BR4 3 VI C9 470uF/25V C11 470uF/25V R39 330 2 W10M 1 470uF/25V 3 VO GND R50 C10 C12 470uF/25V VI 2 D12 LED D15 LED chauffage filament L1 1 TITLE: DATE: -5V U2 7905CT patte 4 patte 5 KORA Aries BY: REV: 01/01/12 PAGE: 1/1

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