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KRELL KPS25 SC free download

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File name:KPS25SC_V001_MAN.pdf
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Model:KPS25 SC 🔎
Original:KPS25 SC V7.05 (50HZ / 60HZ) 🔎
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File name KPS25SC_V001_MAN.pdf

KPS25sc Krell with Krell Playback System CASTTechnology Instructions for Use Owner's Reference KPS 25sc Krell Playback System with Krell CAST Technology v 00.1 Krell Industries,Inc. 45 Connair Road Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA TEL 203-799-9954 FAX 203-891-2028 E-MAIL krell WEBSITE This product complies with the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) the low-voltage directive (73/23/EEC). and WARNINGS The KPS 25sc must be placed on a firm. level surface whereit is not exposed dripping or splashing. to Donot removeor bypass the ground pin on the end of the ACpower cord. This can cause radio frequency interference (RFI) to be introduced into your playback system. Operatethe KPS 25sc only with the power cord supplied. Theventilation grids on the top of the KPS 25scmustbe unobstructed all times during operation. Donot at place flammable material on top of or beneaththe component. Turn off all systems' powerbefore connecting the KPS 25sc to any component. Makesure all cable terminations are of the highest quality, free fromfrayedends,short circuits, or cold solder joints. Connecting non-CAST components CAST to inputs or outputs can damage your equipment and void your warranty. Donot attempt to changeCAST cable terminations or CAST inputs or outputs to RCA XLRconnectors. It is or electrically impossibleto convert CAST input or output connections balanced single-endedvoltage operfor or ation. THERE ARE NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE ANY KRELL PRODUCT. Please contact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krell if you haveany questionsnot addressed in this reference manual. (-~--~equipped Thisproduct manufacturedthe United is in States America. of Krell* is a registered trademark Krell Industries.Inc.. andis restricted for useby Krell of TM its subsidiaries, authorized and agents. Krell Playback System is a trademark Krell Industries.Inc. Krell CAST a patentpending of is of TM '~. TM Krell Industries,inc. Krell Link is a trademark Krell Industries.Inc. [-~----~-I, HDCDHighDefinitionCompatible of Digital* andPacific Microsonics are either registeredtrademarks trademarks Pacific Microson~cs. in the UnitedStatesand/or other countries. HDCD or of Inc. system manufactured underlicensefromPacific Microsonics. Inc. This productis covered oneor more the following: In the USA: by of 5.479.168. 5,638,074, 5.640.161. TM is a trademark Toshiba 5,808,574.5,838,274,5.854,600,5.864,311,5,872,531,and in Australia: 669114, Otherpatents pending.TosLink of Corporation. other trademarks tradenames registeredto their respective All and are companies. ©2000 Kretl Industries, by Inc. All rights reserved P/N 303963 Contents INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF TERMS REVOLUTIONARYKRELL CAST TECHNOLOGY UNPACKING PLACEMENT AC Power Guidelines QUICK START FactoryDefault Settings Input and Output Connections Power On To Play a CompactDisc To Play Another Input Source INSTALLING THE ACRYLIC COVER Attaching the Acrylic Cover Connectin

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