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File name:Описание BW_150_170_200_186.pdf
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Descr:electrical diagram weldind inverter
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File name Описание BW_150_170_200_186.pdf

cod. 988588 TECHNOLOGY 150-170-200-186CE/GE inver ter TROUBLESHOOTING AND REPAIR MANUAL CONTENTS PAGE 2 2 3 5 6 OPERATION AND WIRING DIAGRAMS... Block diagram Analysis of the block diagram Illustrations Wiring diagrams REPAIR GUIDE...10 Equipment required 10 General repair instructions 11 Troubleshooting and remedies 11 Testing the machine 14 Illustrations 17 SPARE PARTS LIST...20 REPAIR SHEET... 22 "reparation no problem !" INPUT INDUCTANCE & SHUNT PRIMARY EMC FILTER RECTIFIER BRIDGE PRE-CHARGE CHOPPER CURRENT TRANSFORMER POWER TRANSFORMER SECONDARY FILTER EMC SECONDARY DIAODES FILTER OUTPUT BLOCK DIAGRAM 1 7 2 5 6 8 10 3 4 9 FAN PRIMARY CURRENT READER AND LIMITER OVERVOLTAGE SAFEGUARD UNDERVOLTAGE SAFEGUARD FLY-BACK POWER SUPPLY IGBT DRIVER V V MAXIMUN CURRENT REGULATOR SHUNT AMPLIFIER t t 27 25 12 26 11 13 21 20 ALARM LED CURRENT POTENTIOMETER ALARM BLOCK DUTY CYCLE FORMATOR ADDER 17 14 15 16 18 SECONDARY DIODES THERMOSTAT INDUCTANCE THERMOSTAT GALVANIC SEPARATION SHORT CIRCUIT DELAY ARC FORCE i i HOT START WELDING MODE FUNCTION SELECTOR TIG-LIFT t t HARD SOFT 19 22 23 24 30 29 31 SHORT CIRCUIT DETECTOR V OPERATION AND WIRING DIAGRAMS TECHNOLOGY 150-170-200-186CE/GE HYBRID 28 t + | + -2- TECHNOLOGY 150-170-200-186CE/GE TECHNOLOGY 150-170-200-186CE/GE ANALYSIS OF THE BLOCK DIAGRAM NOTE: Unless indicated otherwise, it should be assumed that the components are assembled on the welding machine. D3, D5 recirculate the inductance output current (block 9) during the time when the IGBT's are not conducting, bypassing the power transformer (block 7). Block 9 Block 1 EMC Filter Consisting of: C3, R5, L1, C8, C9 (primary board). Prevents noise from the machine from being transmitted along the main power line and vice versa. Inductance and Shunt Consisting of: L1, R1. The inductance levels the output current from the secondary board diodes making it practically direct.The shunt detects the current circulating in the secondary and sends a voltage signal to block 16 (adder), which will process it. Block 2 Rectifier bridge Consisting of: D3, D5 (primary board). Converts the alternating mains voltage to continuous pulsed voltage (N.B. No D3 present on Technology 150). Block 10 Secondary EMC Filter Consisting of: CY1, CY2. Prevents noise from the power source from being transmitted through the welding cables and vice versa. Block 3 Pre-charge Consisting of: K1, K2, R1 (primary board). Prevents the formation of high transient currents that could damage the main switch, the rectifier bridge and the electrolytic capacitors. When the power source is switched on relays K1 and K2 are de-energised, capacitors C2, C4, C5, C6, C7 are therefore charged via R1. When the capacitors are charged the relay will be energised. (N.B. No K2 present on

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