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File name whirlpool_awg_995.pdf

"C' ~;. [~ ~ j ~ :; ~ " Whirlpool Consumer ServIces --- AWG 995 PHI LI PS ~, ~'~. ~ ..:. \':'--' Whirlpool Service '--"-' Manual ,s WASHER-DRYER AWG 995 - Model Version AWG 995 WH 8537 995 15000 . Technical Data 4812 713 5006~} 853.7 995 15000 4812 713 60074 Spare Parts List Exploded Vie\l'.ls 481271360076 481271360072 Wiring Circuit Program Drying Diagram Diagram Chart Timer Chart 4812 713 7005~) 4812 713 7005~) 4812 713 70057 4812 713 70056 ~ This document;:7;;;;i;;"~~;-;-;;;ied gulations. Date: 0802 1993 Document-No.: 1812713 techrlicians who are aware of the respective safety re(UK) vorbehalten 100B:! Subject to n,odification -Änderungen Register No.: 14 . ~- TECHNICAL DATA 1. 1.1. Model Dimension Height Width 1.2. Depth Weight Net weight Without package 1.3. General specifications Vortage Connected Fuse 1.4. 1.4.1. Drum da ta Drum speed Washing Pre-spinning Spinning (Iow) Spinning (high) Loading Capacity 1.5. 1.5.1 Electrical Heating Type Rated power draft washing Rated power draft drying Rated voltage draft 1.5.2. Drain pump Power consumption Rotation speed Capacity Height of draining 1.5.3. 1.5.4. Motor Timer The firner program chart includes 2 basic programmes hose approx. 34 approx. 2800 20-25 max. 0,90 Tubular radiator approx. 1950 approx.1000+300 240 building parts approx. 55-60 approx. 95-100 approx. 500 approx. 1000 max. 4,5 Dry laundry load 220/240+-10%1 approx. 2150 13 50 85,0 59,5 ~ 4812713 50069 AWG 995 WH- 14 programmes possibility of more combinations cm cm cm kg kg VI Hz W A and the 52,0 ca. 84 ca. 79 rpm rpm rpm rpm kg . 1.4.2. W W V W rpm I/min m min. 0,60 m 2/16 poles with speedometer single phase-asynchronous ELBI -1235 -normal washing -delicate washing I --"co"":"; oe -" ~ ~ ., ~-- 1.5.5. Drying timer 8314 -drying time: 2 to 104 min. 12 min. Type EATON 1.5.6. Electronic module -cooling time: Type 85602 220/240 V ; °C °C °C °C MicroF 1.6. Thermostat A -a fixed B -a fixed C -two D -an thermostat thermostat drying thermostat 33 + -3 45 + -3 150 + -5 10-90 22 fixed thermostats adjustable 1.7. 1.8. Capacitor Pressostat Low level High level 13,5 + -1 16,5+-1 I I without laundry 1.9. Push button switch unit Version with 5 buttons having switches for -ON/OFF -Half load -No spin -Spin delay -500/1000 rpm . ~ . ~[=:r~~'~: Date Spare part list No. 05.02.93 8537 995 15000 Spare part list tor Washing machlne Model Version Pos. No. 112 131 141 142 143 151 152 153 160 166 170 196 211 213 232 241 247 301 303 304 306 307 311 318 319 320 322 325 327 331 333 334 336 337 339 346 348 351 353 354 355 358 360 361 362 365 368 373 374 375 Subject to moditication AWG 995 853799515000 Spare Part No. 4819 121 18144 481921478267 481932118216 481929068271 4819 121 18143 481953028678 481953028679 4819281 28196 481928128195 481936018217 481953028546 481944019447 481928218476 4819 13448237 481927128812 481941878067 4819280 48012 4819440 19586 481941028605 481941878166 48

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