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Now downloading free:Apex - China AT3208S

Apex - China AT3208S free download

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File name:AT3208S.part1.rar
[preview AT3208S]
Size:2929 kB
Mfg:Apex - China
Model:AT3208S 🔎
Original:CH-10C3 🔎
Descr:Service man. + schematics part 1/2
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name AT3208S.pdf

FILE NO. SM-CTV-O-046 SERVICE MANUAL MODEL NO.: AT3208S CHASSIS NO.: CH-10C3 COLOR TELEVISION Please read this manual carefully before service PRINTED IN CHINA.MAY.2003 © CONTENTS SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ... 1 SPECIFICATIONS... 3 KEY ICS AND ASSEMBLIES... 4 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS ... 5 IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS ... 8 CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENTS ... 38 SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS... 40 SERVICE MODE AND BUS DATA ... 42 TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS ... 44 SERVICE SPARE PARTS LIST... APPENDIX: 1. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 2. FINAL WIRING DIAGRAM 3. FINAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM 4.PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DIAGRAMS SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: BEFORE SERVICING THIS CHASSIS, READ THE PRECAUTION , SAFETY PRECAUTION AND INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. X-RAY RADIATION PRECAUTION 1. The EHT must be checked every time the TV is serviced to ensure that the CRT does not emit X-ray radiation as result of excessive EHT voltage. The nominal EHT for this TV is 28.8 0.8KV at zero beam current (minimum brightness) operating at AC 120V. The maximum EHT voltage permissible in any operating circumstances must not exceed 31KV. When checking the EHT, use the High Voltage Check procedure in this manual using an accurate EHT voltmeter. 2. The only source of X-RAY in this TV is the CRT. To prevent X-ray radiation, the replacement CRT must be identical to the original fitted as specified in the parts list. 3. Some components used in this TV have safety related characteristics preventing the CRT from emitting X-ray radiation. For continued safety, replacement component should be made after referring the PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE below. SAFETY PRECAUTION 1. The TV has a nominal working EHT voltage of 28.8KV. Extreme caution should be exercised when working on the TV with the back removed. 1) Do not attempt to service this TV if you are not conversant with the precautions and procedures for working on high voltage equipment. 2) When handling or working on the CRT, always discharge the anode to the TV chassis before removing the anode cap in case of electric shock. 3) The CRT, if broken, will violently expel glass fragments. Use shatterproof goggles and take extreme care while handling. 4) Do not hold the CRT by the neck as this is a very dangerous practice. 2. It is essential that to maintain the safety of the customer all power cord forms be replaced exactly as supplied from factory. 3. Voltage exists between the hot and cold

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