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Descr:This is the repair/mod for the inverter card.
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LG inverter modification "II" Ref. nr. SCC_73709 Doc. version 1.2 October 30, 2009 SCC_73709 COMPONENT KIT (996500095005) The Component Kit includes the following components (for Master & Slave) : · TVS zener diode (33 V) · MLCC capacitor (100 pF) · Resistor (DIP type or SMD) 4.7 x2 x2 x4 2 SCC_73709 STEP 1 Confirm Inverter model name: ·PNEL-T707A(MASTER), ·PNEL-T708A(SLAVE). REMARK 1 · It does not matter if the zener diode (modification "I") exists or not for inverter modification "II". 3 SCC_73709 STEP 2.1 Cut tracks: - Cut the SW1 & SW2 tracks on both inverters. - Confirm that there are no short circuits with metal pieces of tracks, and there is no damage to other tracks ! PNEL-T707A PNEL-T708A 4 SCC_73709 STEP 2.2 1. Check the secure cut line (SW1 & SW2) by visual inspection first: Visual inspection to verify if cut well and not damaged. 2. Check the resistance between two `via' holes of the cut SW line: Measure the resistance of the cutted SW1 & SW2 line through ,,via holes with a DVM (Digital Volt Meter). Measure Point (Master) Cut Mark Measure Point (Slave) Case 1 > Several tens of k: Line cut well. Case 2 > under 1 : Line short. After attaching the resistor, the resistance should be 4.2 ~ 5.2 . 5 SCC_73709 STEP 2.3 Check pattern damage of parallel tracks Cut Mark Cut mark PNEL-T707A GND PNEL-T708A GND GND GND SW1 Pattern SW2 Pattern HN2 Pattern SW1 Pattern HN1 Pattern HN1 Pattern HN2 Pattern SW2 Pattern Case study for pattern damage of parallel tracks Parallel tracks of SW line are HN1, HN2 and GND tracks. - Case1> If cut the HN track by mistake Cause of Inverter malfunction. Check : HN lines resistance should be under 0.5 when measured with DVM (resistance b.t.w. via holes of HN line). - Case2> Damage on GND track by mistake No affect to Inverter function. No damage on GND function because GND track is spread widely. 6 SCC_73709 REMARK 2 · The kit of components can include the following resistors: 4 x DIP type resistors (4.7 ) with shrink tube (20 mm) then go to step 3.1 and 3.2 20mm OR 4 x SMD type resistors (4.7 ) then go to step 3.3 7 SCC_73709 STEP 3.1 Solder resistors on board PNEL-T708A: - Remove the coating/varnish on solder point to reveal the copper pad. - Solder resistor (DIP type resistors (4.7 ) with shrink tube (20 mm)) on solder points (red marks). PNEL-T708A PNEL-T708A 8 SCC_73709 STEP 3.2 Solder resistors on board PNEL-T707A: - Remove the coating/varnish on solder point to reveal the copper pad. - Solder resistor (DIP type resistors (4.7 ) with shrink tube (20 mm)) on solder points (red marks). PNEL-T707A PNEL-T707A 9 SCC_73709 REMARK 3 Front side of reworked inverter (DIP type resistor): DIP type resistor (Front) Side view dimension of implemented inverter Take care that the height of the DIP type resistor is below the height of the transformer because of the metal shielding on the inverter boards. Trans. Resistor 8mm 3.5mm 3.5mm Cover Bottom 1mm Shield Cover Cap. 11

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