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Now downloading free:Technics RS-M270X

Technics RS-M270X free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:RS-M270X instructions.part1.rar
[preview RS-M270X]
Size:2929 kB
Model:RS-M270X 🔎 RSM270X
Original:RS-M270X 🔎
Descr:Instructions for RS-M270X in 4 parts
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name RS-M270X instructions.pdf

Technics TAPE DECK RS-M27OX OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Before operating this set, please read these instructions completely ITPORTANT (For United Kingdom) THE wIREs IN THIS MAIIiIS LEAD ARE COLOURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING GODE: LIVE the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the As the colours of terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: *The wire which is coloured blue r$ust be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black' rThe wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red. lf a 13-amp (8.S. j 363) plug is used, a 3-amp fuse must be fitted, or if any other type of plug is used, a s-amp fuse must be fitted either in the plug or adaptor or at the distribution board. \ G BLUE: NEUTRAL BROWN: . . . VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT SPANNINGSJUSTERING REGLAGE DU VOLTAGE . REGOLAZIONE DEL VOLTAGGIO .INSTELLING VAN DE NETSPANNING . INDSTLLING AF SPIENDINGEN .EINSTELLEN DER SPANNUNG . SETTING OF VOLTAGE SELECTOR . INSTALLNING AV SPANNINGSVALJABEN . REGLAGE DU SELECTEUR DE VOLIAGE . BEGOLAZIONE DEL SE!EIIORE DEL VOLTAGGIO . STAND VAN DE NETSPANN]NGS SELEKTOR . SPND NGSVELGERENS STLLLING TELLUNG DES SPANNUNGSWAHLERS il1ililililililil1t ililililrililtilil . LOCAL ' LoKAL VOLTAGE SPANNING AC:100, AC: 115, .105, Preset power voltage 24OV tor U.K. and Australia. . TENSIONE LOCALE . PLAATSELIJXE NETSPANNING . DEN STEDLIGE NETSPANDING . dRTL NETSPANNUNG . TENSION LOCALE 110V 117, 120, 125V AC:200, 210, 220V 50-60 Hz 50'60 Hz 50 60 Hz . LES CASSETTES .KASSETTEBAND . DIE CASSETTE .OM KASSETTEBAND . NOZION! CIRCA LE CASSETTE rl#l\ L===:-i How to correct tape looseness. . ACCIDENTAL.ERASE PREVENTION Use standard cassette Do not use this type. -:f_- PREVENTION . BESKYTTELSE D'ENREGISTREMNT DISPOSITIF DE . VOORKOMEN VAN ABUISIEVELIJK WISSEN MOD SLETNTNG LOSCHSCHUTZVOhRTCHTUNG .SKYDD MOT OAVSIKTLIG RADERING PREVENZIONECANCELLAMENTO 1 . ACCTDENTALa For side 1 Per il lato 1 Ftir Seite Voor kant For sida 1 pour le cot6 1 For side 1 ffiw-w-xroktl!!l I J! 1 \--jcrewdriver {" .E 'lj" ,!" For side 2 For sida 2 Pour le cot6 Per 2 Voor kanl 2 For side 2 il lato 2 Fir Seite . 2 Cover hole with cellophane ENTRETIEN W,(9'C +[!![ t tape. rec . WARTUNG .a.- i ':: ; 'li" A "lj" ; a . MAINTENANCE . VARD . MANUNTENZIONE . ONDERHOUD . VEDLIGEHOLDELSE [[nlrI I LE_r a a 0da stop 'Cleaning the head section .Rang6ring av bandhuvuddelen .l{ettoyage des t6tes . Operate in the numbered order. .Gor som bilderna visar i nummerordning. . Procdd6r par ordre num6rique. . Operare nell'ordine numerato. .Plizia del tralerro della testina .Reinigen van de koPPen . . Reinigen des Tonkopfteils .Rensning af tonehoveddelen Voer de verrichtingen uit in de genummerde volgorde. .GA frem efter numrene. . Das Gerat in der nummerierten Reihenlolge bedienen. rplr ",""trr rg l

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