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Now downloading free:Pioneer A-91D

Pioneer A-91D free download

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File name:A-91D instructions.part3.rar
Size:1812 kB
Model:A-91D 🔎 A91D
Original:A-91D 🔎
Descr:A91-D Instruction Manaul in 3 parts
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name A-91D instructions.pdf

AI91D Thank you for buying this Pioneer product. Please read through these operating instructions so you will know how to operate your model properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, put them away in a safe place {or STEREO AMPLIFIER future reference. ln some countries or regions, the shape of the power plug and power outlet may sometimes differ from that shown in the explanatory drawings. However, the method of connecting and operating the unit is the same. WARNING: ro PREvENT FIRE oR sHocK LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR SWITCH Only multi-voltage models are provided with this switch. U.S., Canadian, European, U.K., and Australian models are not provided with this switch. Mains voltages in Saudi Arabia are 127V and220Y only. Never use this model with 110V setting in Saudi Arabia. The line voltage selector switch is on the rear panel. Before your model is shipped from the factory, this switch is set to the power HAZARD, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. IMPORTANT NOTICE [For U.S. and Canadian models] The serial number for this equipment is located on the rear panel. Please write this serial number on your enclosed warranty card and keep it in a secure area. This is for your security. [For Canadian modell requirements of the destination. Check that it is set properly before plugging the power cord into the AC wall socket. lf the voltage is not properly set or if you move to an area where the voltage requirements differ, adjust the selector switch as follows. CAUTION: ro pREvENr ELEcrRrc sHocK Do NOT USE TH|S (POLARTZED) PLUG W|TH AN EXTENSTON CORD, RECEPTACLE OR OTHER OUTLET UNLESS THE BLADES CAN BE FULLY INSERTED TO PREVENT BLADE EXPOSURE. 1. 2. Use a medium-size screwdriver. lnsert the tip of the screwdriver into the groove on the voltage selector, and adjust so that the tip of the arrow points to the voltage level of your area. ATTENTIONI poun pREVENTR LES cHocs ELECTRIOUES EN PAS UTILISER CETTE FICHE 240V POLARISEE AVEC UN PROLONGATEUR UNE PRISE DE COURANT OU UNE AUTRE SORTIE DE COURANT, SAUF SI LES LAMES PEUVENT ETRE INSEREES A FOND SANS EN LAISSER AUCUNE PARTIE A DECOUVERT. ()rrloNEER The future ol sormd and vision. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS READ INSTRUCTIONS All the saletv and operating instructions should be r.ead belore lhe appliance is operated. The operating inst.ucRETAIN INSTFUCTIONS tions should be retained lor tuture feference. warnings on the appliance All HEED WABNING and in the operating instructions should adhered to. be WATEF AND MOISTURE All operating and use FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS instructions should be followed. The appliance should - lor example, near a not be used near water bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, etc. The appliance should be installed in a LOCATION stable location. An outdoor antenna should be located away from power lines. NONUSE PERIODS The power cord of the appliance should be unplugged lrom the outlet when lelt unu

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