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Technics RS-B605 free download

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File name:RS-B605 Service Manual.part01.rar
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Model:RS-B605 🔎 RSB605
Original:RS-B605 🔎
Descr:RS-B605 Service Manual in 9 parts
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File name RS-B605 Service Manual.pdf

r \, ORDER NO. HAD87O7253CO A2 I ooTloolby NR Equipped Stereo Cassette Deck dual , Cassette Deck RS-8605 Color (K)...Black Type (S)...Silver Type Golor (K) (K) DO DOLBY B.C NR HX PRO Areas 1M]...u.s.4. IMC] ...Canada. [E]...A11 European (K) (s) \, (K) (K) (K) (K) (s) (s) (s) (s) areas except United Kingdom. [EK] ...United Kingdom. [EG]...F.R. Germany. [EH]..:...Holland. [XA] ...Asia, Latin America, Middle Near East, Africa and Oceania. lXLl...Austral ia. [XB]...Saudi Arabia. (K) (s) (K) (s) SPECIFICATIONS T CASSETTE DECK SECTION Stereo casselte deck Deck system Track system Heads +0.180/o (DlN) 4-track,2-channel Frequency response METAL 30 C.O2 20 Hz-19 kHz I LINE HEADPHONES 400 mV/3 kO 80 mV/8 A GENERAL Solid Permaloy head REC/PLAY Double-gap f errite head Erasing Molors Electronically controlled DC motor AC bias Recording syslem 80 kHz Bias frequency AC erase Erasing syslem 4.8 cm/sec. (1-7l8 ips) Tape speed (signal level = max recording level, S/N CrO2 type tape) 92 dB (A weighted) dbx on 74 dB (CCIR) Dolby C NR on 66 dB (CCIR) Dolby B NR on 56 dB (A weighted) NR oll Wow and llutter 0.06% (WRMS) Hz-18 kHz (DlN) 2O Hz-18 kHz NORMAL Dynamic Range (wilh dbx on) Max. lnput level improvemenl (with dbx on) 30 Hz-17 kHz (DlN) 20 Hz-17 k{z 30 Hz."16 kHz (DlN) 110 dB (1 kHz) 10 dB Fast Forward and Rewind Time Approx. 100 seconds with C-60 cassette tape lnput sensilivily and impedance 0.25 mV/400 O-10 kQ MIC 60 mV/47 Output voltage and 20w Power consumplion Powe. supply For U.S.A. and Canada AC 60 Hz, 120V Foi conlinental Europe AC 50 Hzl60 Hz,22OV For United Kingdom and others AC 50 Hzl60 Hz, 1 1OY / 1 27 V /22OV / 240V Dimensions (WXHXD) 430 X 114.5 X 287 mm (16-1 5/16" X 4-1 /2" X 1.l-5l16") Weighl 4.3 kg (9.s lb.) Note: LINE impedance x kQ Specifications are subject to change without notice. Weight and dimensions are approximate. HX Pro headroom extension originated by Bang Olufsen and manufactured under license f rom Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. "DOLBY", the double-D symbol, and "HX PRO" are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. rcr The term dbx is a registered trademark of dbx lnc. ilatsushltr Sewlces Company Panlsonlc Hawall, lnc. 91-238, Kauhi St. Ewa Beach P.O. Box 774 llalsushlla Electdc Trudlno Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 288. Central Osaka JaDan \- 50 Meadowland Parkway, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Honolulu, Hawaii 96808{774 Technics Plnlsonlc Srlos Complny, Olvlslon ol tatsushlt! Elclrlc ol Puerlo Rlco, lnc. Ave.65 De lnfanteria, Km 9.7 Victoria lndustrial Park Carolina, Puerto Rico 006:10 tal3ushltr Eloctrlc ol Clnada Llmltod 5770 Ambler Drivs, Mississauga, Ontario, L4w 2T3 Page . ... 4 Location of Gontrols.,... o Disassembly lnstructions ... 5 . . . . Measurement and Adjustment Methodes... 6-8 Microcompuler Terminal Function and Waveform... ... 9-1

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