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Now downloading free:Technics SU-VZ320

Technics SU-VZ320 free download

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File name:SU-VZ320 instructions.part1.rar
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Size:2929 kB
Model:SU-VZ320 🔎 SUVZ320
Original:SU-VZ320 🔎
Descr:SU-VZ320 Instruction Manual in 3 parts
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name SU-VZ320 instructions.pdf

STEREO INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER SU-VZ32O OPERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONS . Specifications differ according to the area code. . The "EB" area code, for example, indicates United Kingdom specifications oThe "EB" indication is shown on the packing case and serial number tag. Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely. Notes: RQT1339.B E N Printed in Japan H1291M0 9"o*9d^"*,?o* We want to thank you for selecting this product and to welcome you to the growing family of satisfied Technics product owners around the world. We feel certain you will get maximum enjoyment from this new addition to your home. Please read these operating instructions carefully, and be sure to keep them handy for convenient relerence. Contents a a a a Accessory For United Kingdom. Gonnections... Front Panel Controls and Functions Listening to the Sound Recording .. .. .. a O 2 2 3 5 6 8 o Technical Specifications o Protection Circuitry o Maintenance. . . SuggestionslorSalety . Troubleshooting Guide ..-.10 ...-.11 Back cover ... 10 ... 10 CAUTION: The AC voltage is different according to the area. Be sure to set the proper voltage in your area before use. (For details, please refer to the page 4.) Accessory .Aopowersupplycord ...1 Configuration of the AC power supply cord differs according to area. Fo r U n ited Ki ngdom (..E8,, a,ea code mode, on,y) The "EB" indication is shown on the serial number tag. lmportant THE WIRES IN THIS MAINS LEAD ARE COLOURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODE. NEUTRAL BLUE: BROWN: LIVE As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings identilying the terminals in your plug proceed as lollows. The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK. The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the ter' minal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED. Under no circumstances must either of the above wires be connected to the earth terminal of a three pin plug. 2 Connections Make connections to each component in the system by using stereo connection cables (not included). Stereo connectlon cable White (L) Red (R) "PHONO" terminals Connect a turntable. "AUX'terminals Connect a component such as a video disc player (audio only con- nectable), etc. Turntable (not included) L:ll Ground wire (not included) l^il^ltvt t;;t Video disc player (not included) I I (R)(u 'TUNER" terminals "TAPE 1" terminals Connect a firsl tape deck. Tuner (nol included) Tape deck 1 (not included) (R) (u (E (u "CD" terminals Connect a compact disc player. *TAPE 2[DAT" terminals Connect a second tape deck or a digital audio tape deck (DAT). I Rec prnv I ITAPE t;r ltaL_ le+rrltt ll {E GJ ,loArl I I l-L-E Compact disc player (not included) con lo' ol---(R) our arcxl Digital audio tape deck (DAT) (not included) Pi_$ (L) (E (u I 3 Con nections Gonnec

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