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Now downloading free:LLOYD´S LC-1022

LLOYD´S LC-1022 free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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Model:LC-1022 🔎 LC1022
Descr:Sustituto Para IC D2915CP Con AN5150N,AN5151N,CD5151CP Usado En Monitor de Circuito Cerrado Datasheets
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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Silicore TYPICALAPPLICATION CIRCUIT (l2"or14" BIW T\/) D29r5 i.i,:I 1+1. .15 *"'l t'* t ar üü, ?F tfi É5 84, 3,3 ¿3 3:l üS {g 1B $T Í6 5 mtrü1 $ü m{r Í ii¡¡ 1 $ 1 l E '1 f t T fdT¡* \ ; I t T" ;,T $"i ;;-E* l\ th|T¡ * rv* gl4 | ftr+.c iv, ss"d;¡{Hl l {*l il TT*ll 1rV i*hlr S.t%r rlt I l.$'Vqf l¡.r.1 -.$LJ L t.$98 tül i lt nE É t : rw lA".fq l¡t) !;StJ¡.e llll *l raj** SiF"{ r¡r,| l- llfiñ* $/ltAr"i*lq,\li rutJ H H **ffiF"t 1 i-"1 SHAOXING SILICORETECHNOLOGYCO.,LTD www. Silicore. CHMC 7tlCffilC t ANsI sON,AN515I N ü¡lput I+1r5V1 AN5I 5ON,ANsI 5I N SAW mF¡"p;¡l TFCHsSMUZ K50 +B lF é TFcs =lsoDF 4R5MCJM tr B EÍ-CS{RsMSIE I Turcr AFC loLn + topF 23C8?8A 68ln I Tunrr AFC Oltput I lll'A(;C Ourput tv-.-r-::gtel l,¡l fz'rv"-' 8&n ) #**,/Ptn f f i + Á Pin Name Pin No. Pin No, I vrF¡.t0) RF AcC 7.r v-ffi'g. RF AGC T/J IF AGC VIF Input(l) RF AGC Delay Adi. RF AGC Output IF AGC Video Outout Sync. Sep, Input 2 3 4 D l5 16 t7 18 l9 ffi-Í& = sAl*&tÉI w(2\ iF,r(2) ,k+S7: ^s*fF t(+ AFC fr/l Pin Name Video Det. Coil(2) Vcc¿ Hor. Output Hor. Osc. 8*t*s¡ Hffi?.ffi^h SIF A¡ }\fi,:4 7 7 SIF S' Hor. AFC Output Vccl 6 I 20 2l EirF.f,tE(1) , F B / s / 1^ ^ / ] SIF lnput Input Bias GND FB Pulse Input Sync. Sep. Output Vert Osc. 8 I SIF Output SIF Det. Input t0 ll L¿ srF&ia^¡ ÉFüN AFC *l] l--iAFC=1¡v 3 E*,fA&iÉ 4 )v(l) t +-t 22 23 24 IÉJffáffidJ'] ÉÉ#l¡i *É/): á' D iÉ, SoundOutput Tuner AFC Output z5 26 Vert. Saw-tooth Vert. Output Over Voltage Protection l3 Tuner AFC Coil Video Det. Coil(1) 27 28 t1 SÉStr üE.fxEfi vrF ^t(2) VIF Input(2) -123- Be sure to visit GhipDocs web site for more information. +FaxXtNHt& CD5151CP s. ÉH&W Fir{ 0,4.7VtW r-j¿scl4¡A | fF F--_tr,qm.ul f-:_ ll$D .r fts¿nsn¡ov O rñ lr) O l33k 5k : (x lu I lf rú,d IRF--Acf @ 4ctr:ffr+ÉrF if: +B ftMtn. tr" 9 fr. ^rt to Jt

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