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Now downloading free:Velleman VTSC30N

Velleman VTSC30N free download

Electronic circuits, electronic components datasheets and schematics

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Model:VTSC30N 🔎
Descr:Velleman VTSC30N
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits > Controller
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VTSS 0N V SC30 SO OLDERIN STATION WIT CERA NG TH AMIC HEA ATER, LE & LCD ED D SO OLDEERS STATION MET KERAMISCH VERWA N ARMINGSELEMEN LED &LCD NT, & ST TATION DE SOUD DAGE AV VEC RÉSI ISTANCE EN CÉR E RAMIQUE LED & LCD E, ES STACIÓN DE SOLD N DADURA CON ELE EMENTO CALENTA C ADOR CER RÁMICO, LED & LC CD LÖ ÖTSTATION MIT KERAMIK K-HEIZK KÖRPER, LED & LC CD USER MAN U NUAL GEBRUIKE G ERSHANDLEIDING NOTICE D'EMPLOI N MANUAL D M DEL USUA ARIO BEDIENUN B NGSANLEI ITUNG 3 5 7 10 12 VTSSC30N N Rev. 03 Fig gure 1 19.04.2010 2 ©Velleman nv n VTSSC30N V N Rev. 03 Use man er nual 1. Introdu . uction To all residen of the E o nts European Un nion Im mportant en nvironment informat tal tion about t this produc ct This s symbol on th device or the package indicates th disposal of the devic after its lif he e hat ce fecycle could d harm the environment. Do no dispose of the unit (or batteries) a unsorted municipal waste; it shou ot f r as w uld be tak ken to a specialized com mpany for rec cycling. This device shou be return uld ned to your distributor or d to a lo ocal recycling service. Re espect the lo ocal environmental rules s. If in d doubt, cont tact your lo ocal waste disposal au uthorities. Thank you for buying the V VTSSC30N! Please read the manual thoroughly before bring ! d l ging this device into service. If t the device w damaged in transit, d not install or use it and contact your dealer. was d do d This soldering station is te emperature-c controlled: s sophisticated circuitry regulates the temperature between d e 150°C and 420 0°C. soldering sta ation with a temperature sensor in t e the ceramic heating elem ment. The The VTSSC30N is a 48W s heating element is supplied with the n necessary po ower via a sa 24V trans afe sformer, while the bit is completely iso olated from t the mains. T The control circuitry ensu ures that dev vices sensitiv to static c ve charges cannot be damaged durin the soldering process The included bit consis of a copp core that is protected by a steel ng s. sts per t d coa ating. 2. Safety I . Instructions Keep this device a away from c children and unauthorize users. ed Do no use near inflammable products or in explosive atmospher ot r e res. Only use in properly ventilated e y rooms s. ot dering tip as this can cau serious burns. Alway return the soldering s use ys e Do no touch the shaft or sold iron to its stand b between uses; always let it cool dow after use and before s wn storage. Inc correct use may cause fire. ys ct wer e tenance activ vities are Alway disconnec mains pow when the device is not in use or when maint perfor rmed. Handl the power cord by the plug only. Do not crimp the power cord(s) and protect le r e p d against damage. Have an aut thorised dealer replace it if necessar ry. Do not inh hale solder fu umes. Dispose of solder residue in a accordance w with local reg gulations. Never use the dev r vice on live electronic circuits. Make sure power to the work piece is cut and e r k t capa

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