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Toshiba 32WLT68 free download

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File name:toshiba_32wlt68_repair-tips.pdf
[preview 32WLT68]
Size:268 kB
Model:32WLT68 🔎
Descr:Toshiba 32WL(T)68 Stuck In Standby. Won’t come out of standby when cold (RED LIGHT ON ). Then fault progresses to stuck in standby all the time.
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name toshiba_32wlt68_repair-tips.pdf

WL(T)68 Stuck In Standby Problem ·Won't come out of standby when cold (RED LIGHT ON ). Then fault progresses to stuck in standby all the time. Cause ·DDR 2.5V rail missing from Cortez IC preventing boot up Cure ·Re-solder IC420 MP2105DJ-LF-Z on Signal Processing board. Using lead free solder. DLS 24/10/09 WL(T)68 Stuck In Standby 1. Remove Signal PCB 2. Remove 3 screws from screening can ( Shown by 3. Unfold securing lugs (Show by ) ) DLS 24/10/09 WL(T)68 Stuck In Standby 4. Unfold securing lugs (Show by ) DLS 24/10/09 WL(T)68 Stuck In Standby 5. Remove the top Shield and then the bottom shield NOTE : There are 3 heat sinks that are clipped onto the shield which may be stuck on the 3 processing IC's These must be fitted when re assembling after repair DLS 24/10/09 WL(T)68 Stuck In Standby 6. Locate IC420 on bottom of PCB, and resolder Lead free solder must be used. 7. Reassemble in reverse order DLS 24/10/09

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