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Kenwood KDC-8024 free download

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File name:kenwood_kdc-8024_sm_2.pdf
[preview KDC-8024]
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Model:KDC-8024 🔎 KDC8024
Descr:CD Recieber Kenwood kdc-8024 service manual
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Car Audio
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File name kenwood_kdc-8024_sm_2.pdf

CD RECEIVER KDC-8024 SERVICE MANUAL © 2003-2 PRINTED IN JAPAN B53-0033-00 (N) 1874 CD mechanism operation description is not in this service manual. Please, refer to service manual X92-4030-0x (B51-7867-00). CD mechanism extension cord : W05-0935-00 Panel assy (A64-2985-01) s 50W 4 COMPACT DIGITAL AUDIO Escutcheon (B07-3078-01) Panel assy (A64-3002-02) Escutcheon (B07-3078-01) Mounting hardware assy (J21-9823-03) Plastic cabinet assy (A02-2731-03) DC cord (ISO) (E30-4942-05) Remote controller assy (RC-420) (A70-2026-05) Lever (D10-4674-04) x 2 Screw set (N99-1734-05) Antenna adaptor (T90-0552-05) KDC-8024 HOW TO THE PANEL MECHANISM ASSEMBLY 1. Fixed the position of operation side (Fixed the horizontal position when the panel opened) q The mounting hardware (281) of operation side is rotation (A) into the stop position with close side. w As figure (B) line is just above and the gear (230) attached to pin. A Rotary to the stop position 281 B 230 This line attached just above Fig. B (This figure from look at B arrow) 2. The slider assembly insert to bottom chassis q The bracket for display panel (284) is leave down, insert to the chassis (702). (C) 284 SW C 702 w The slider assembly insert to the chassis (702) after that shift (D) direction. e The bracket for display panel (284) is raised (E) direction. r Keep the raising conditions, the slider assembly is shift (F) direction. (Note) Do not bend the knob of chassis detection switch when the slider assembly insert. 284 F SW D E 702 3 KDC-8024 BLOCK DIAGRAM (X25-964) 8V IC2 IC5 8V Q207,208 PRE MUTE Q203,204 IC13 OP AMP 9V TUNER AUDIO OUT FM AM CD CH PRE OUT (NF) Q303,304 AM+B 8V 8V S-METER SW5V 8V BPF E-VOL & MPX IC12 OP AMP 9V SYSTEM E'S+ PRE MUTE Q205,206 PRE OUT (REAR) AGC QUAL 8V IC11 OP AMP 9V BUFFER PRE MUTE IC4 8V PRE OUT (FRONT) BUFFER IC14 RDS DECODER IC1 SW5V IC6 WOW IC20 FOCUS SW 8V SP OUT (FL) SP OUT (FR) POWER IC SP OUT (RL) SP OUT (RR) IC9 CD BU5V 8V SERVO CD4.7V MUTE DRIVER BU5V WIRED REMO/ OPEL DISP I/F IC18 P-CON Q23,24 P CON CH ANT-CON u-COM BACK UP BU5V ANT CON Q25 EXT AMP Q26 DIMMER TEL MUTE Q29 DIMMER TEL MUTE EXT.AMP.CON Q501 EEP5V IC1 EEPROM BU5V ACC DET Q27 B.U DET Q1,2 ACC TDF UNIT (X16-208) DISPLAY UNIT (X16-212) PANEL5 BU5V BACK UP BU5V IC8 BU5V Q3,601 RESET SW5V SW 5V Q502,503 PANEL 5V Q4,5 SW 14V Q6-8 PANEL5V IC11 IC10 BPF u-COM AGC Q6,10 PANEL SW5V Q4 FL3.3V IC15 MOTOR DR IC16 MOTOR DR SW14V LEVEL SHIFT SERVO Q2,3 REMO IC9 FL FL+B PANEL MECHA SW5V DC/DC A8V A8V 9V Q9,602 SERVO SERVO Q11-14 FL+B FAC DC/DC FL+B IC19 SWITCH UNIT (X16-217) ROTARY ENCODER KEY KEY MATRIX RESET SW KEY ILL CD4.7V SW REG 3 KDC-8024 COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION q SUB-CIRCUIT UNIT (X16-2080-10) Ref. No. IC1 Application/Function E2PROM For security Operation/Condition/Compatibility q SUB-CIRCUIT UNIT (X16-2120-10) Ref. No. IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 IC5 Q1, 2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Application/Function 3.3V regulator Buffer IC Re

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