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Model:GP12 SMX 🔎
Original:T0600 🔎
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File name SMX_PRE_AMP_service.pdf

TRACE ELLIOT SERVICE MANUAL DATE : Product Code: Model Number : December 29, 1999 T0600 GP12SMX pre-amp Issued by: Trace Elliot Limited Blackwater Trading Estate The Causeway Maldon Essex England CM4 4GG PARTS LIST FOR GP12SM FRONT BOARD Description RESISTORS 15K ¼WATT 1K ¼WATT 1K3 ¼WATT 1K5 ½ WATT 4K7 ¼WATT 6K8 ¼WATT 430R 2.5 WATT CAPACITORS 10µF 35V AXIAL SEMI-CONDUCTORS GREEN LED RED LED YELLOW LED BC549C TRANSISTOR OTHERS BULB SLIDER 10 WAY LINK PLASTIC SPACER 73-FLUOR-TUBE 73-SLIDER-B100KC 72-LK-10W150TEG 71-SPA-LED-TEG2 2 12 2 3 A SL1-12 2 G,O,Y 72-LED-GRN-REC 72-LED-RED-TEG 72-LED-YEL-REC 72-TBC549C 1 1 1 5 G O Y TR24-28 72-C10-35VEA 1 C118 72-RM15K 72-RM1K 72-RM1K3 72-RM1K5-.5W 72-RM4K7 72-RM6K8 72-RWW430R-2.5W 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 R169 R170 R174 R176 R172 R173 R171 R168 R175 R177 Part Code Qty Where Used Rik Daniels February 24, 1997 PARTS LIST FOR GP12SM MAIN PCB Description RESISTORS 3M9 ¼Watt 47K ¼Watt Part Code Qty Where Used 72-RM3M9 72-RM47K 3 11 10K ¼Watt 72-RM10K 23 1K ¼Watt 4K7 ¼Watt 72-RM1K 72-RM4K7 7 44 100K ¼Watt 72-RM100K 13 220K ¼Watt 22K ¼Watt 72-RM220K 72-RM22K 9 10 3K3 ¼Watt 3K8 ¼Watt 1M ¼Watt 15K ¼Watt 33K ¼Watt 72-RM3K3 72-RM3K8 72-RM1M 72-RM15K 72-RM33K 1 8 5 2 14 56K ¼Watt 2M2 ¼Watt 180K ¼Watt 15R ¼Watt 470R 1 Watt 220R ¼Watt 560R ¼Watt 3K9 ¼Watt LINKS CAPACITORS 72-RM56K 72-RM2M2 72-RM180K 72-RM15R 72-RM470R-1WATT 72-RM220R 72-RM560R 72-RM3K9 72-RCZERO 2 2 2 1 2 6 1 1 56 R1 R3 R5 R15 R17 R51 R55 R61 R64 R65 R68 R122 R123 R143 R4 R8 R12 R20 R32 R33 R40 R41 R43 R48 R49 R53 R57 R60 R63 R67 R116 R124 R125 R126 R129 R133 R138 R6 R7 R26 R34 R141 R145 R153 R9 R28 R31 R36 R39 R80-115 R146 R163 R165 R10 R11 R69 R70 R71 R73 R75 R76 R120 R157 R158 R162 R19 R13 R14 R16 R21 R77 R127 R131 R135 R2 R18 R59 R119 R142 R151 R152 R154 R155 R160 R161 R23 R30 R38 R44 R52 R56 R58 R79 R167 R24 R25 R27 R35 R50 R42 R66 R45 R46 R117 R121 R128 R132 R139 R144 R148 R149 R150 R164 R166 R147 R72 R74 R118 R140 R156 R159 R22 R29 R37 R54 R62 R130 R134 R136 R137 R78 R47 PARTS LIST FOR GP12SM BACK Description RESISTORS ZERO OHM LINK 100K ¼WATT 10K ¼WATT 180K ¼WATT 220K ¼WATT 22K ¼WATT 33K ¼WATT 470K ¼WATT 47K ¼WATT 72-RCZERO 72-RM100K 72-RM10K 72-RM180K 72-RM220K 72-RM22K 72-RM33K 72-RM470K 72-RM47K 9 2 5 1 1 3 2 2 14 Part Code Qty Where Used 4K7 ¼WATT 560R ¼WATT 6K8 ¼WATT CAPACITORS 1µF 63V RADIAL 10µF 63V RADIAL 72-RM4K7 72-RM560R 72-RM6K8 3 6 1 R14 R16 R10 R11 R17 R19 R20 R4 R3 R68 R69 R70 R15 R18 R26 R34 R1 R2 R5 R6 R13 R23 R24 R22 R28 R30 R31 R32 R36 R38 R7 R25 R33 R9 R21 R27 R29 R35 R37 R12 72-C1-63VER 72-C10-63VER 1 7 C3 C1 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 POTS & SWITCHES 50K PCB MOUNT POT LATCHING SWITCH SEMI-CONDUCTORS J112 FET TL072 OP-AMP SOCKETS XLR SOCKET 10 WAY 100MM LINK 10 WAY 300MM LINK JACK SOCKET JACK SOCKET Rik Daniels February 26, 1997 73-XLR-PCB-M 72-LK-10W100TEG 72-LK-10W300TEG 72-SKT-JCKBBBG 73-JCKBNBG 3 1 1 1 6 XLR1-3 CA CD J1 J2-7 72-FET-J-112 72-IC-TL072 3 4 TR1-3 IC1-4 73-POT-50KB 73-SWT-F2UEE 1 2 V1 SW1 SW2

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