File name History_FS-C5100DN_FSC-5200DN_FS-C5300DN-(Cassiopeia).txtÿþFS-C5100/5200/5300DN History:
Current Version: 07.00.0020 (2011-05-16)
Main Frame Version
System 2HN_3000.007.008 (NEW)
FS-C5100DN: S2HL_1000011001 (NEW)
FS-C5200DN: S2HM_1000011001 (NEW)
FS-C5300DN: S2HN_1000011001 (NEW)
This is the latest release version for Cassiopeia models
none documented
<Service Bulletin>
This version implements following service bulletin:
Current Version: 06.00.0040 (2009-10-30)
Main Frame Version
System 2HN_3000.006.003
FS-C5100DN: S2HL_1000009001
FS-C5200DN: S2HM_1000009001
FS-C5300DN: S2HN_1000010001 (NEW)
This is the latest release version for Cassiopeia models (only FS-C5300DN engine was updated)
1. Change of the default value of color registration
<Service Bulletin>
This version implements SB-2HN-0026-B052
Version: 07.00.001C (2011-01-18)
Main Frame Version
System 2HN_3000.E07.017 (NEW)
FS-C5100DN: S2HL_1000008002
FS-C5200DN: S2HM_1000008002
FS-C5300DN: S2HN_1000008002
This is the latest evaluation version for Cassiopeia models
1. Printing specific data continuously cause lower speed compearing with the printing speed just
after power on.