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Disassembly & Reassembly 12. Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1 Overhaul Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-1 Separation of the back cover and the chassis Part Name Back Cover Description Remove 12 screws to remove the back bottom cover. : TH,B,M4.L15,BLK,SWRCH18A Description Photo Terminal Board Loosen and remove the 4 screws on the terminal board and jack. * The 4 Jack Screws : RH,B,M4,L15,ZPC(BLK),SWRCH18 Holder Chassis Separate the DVI cable. Notice: The DVI screw is made of soft plastic and may easily break when applying excessive force through a screw driver. Ensure that extreme caution is taken when loosening the screw. Samsung Electronics 12-1 Disassembly & Reassembly Part Name Holder Chassis Seperate the Gt-wires. Seperate the cables. Description Description Photo 12-2 Samsung Electronics Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-2 Separation of the MAIN Board Part Name MAIN Board Description Remove the 4 standoffs. StandOff : M3,L5,Ni PLT,SUM24L,#4-40 Notice: The standoff may easily break through applying excessive force. Ensure that extreme caution is taken. Description Photo After Removing the Top Shield Case. Notice: Use the two lock holes on either side of the shield case when removing it. Remove the 5 screws : PWH,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWRCH18A MAIN Board. Samsung Electronics 12-3 Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-3 Separation of the Optical Engine Part Name Optical Engine Description Remove the 3 screws to remove the bracket. : TH,B,M4.L15,BLK,SWRCH18A Description Photo Remove the screw and Remove the engine by pulling it out of the cabinet. : TH,B,M4.L15,BLK,SWRCH18A Notice: Be careful when removing the Light Engine as it may get caught up by the upper cable of the case. 12-4 Samsung Electronics Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-4 Separation of the Power Board Part Name Power Board Separate the 2 cables. Description Description Photo Remove the power board carefully before disconnecting the cables. Notice: Wear gloves when handling the power board as there may be some remaining electrical charge in the capacitors. Specifically, avoid touching any part of the capacitors. After removing the 3 screws, separate the bottom power braket. : PWH,B,M3,L10,ZPC(YEL),SWRCH18A Samsung Electronics 12-5 Disassembly & Reassembly 12-1-5 Lamp Replacement Notice 1. Replace with the correct code numbered lamp to avoid damage to the TV. 2. Turn the power off and wait for 30 minutes before replacing the lamp as it will be hot. 3. Do not touch the glass part of the lamp with your bare hands nor insert any foreign object inside the cover as it may cause poor screen quality, electric shock or fire. 4. Do not place the old lamp near flammable objects or within the reach of children. 5. Be sure to connect this TV directly to an AC wall outlet. If the TV's AC plug is connected to a cable box or other source, it will not allow for proper cool down time. Part Name Lamp Description Unplug the TV, then use a screwdriver to remove the 4 s

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