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Now downloading free:YAMAHA YTA 95

YAMAHA YTA 95 free download

Car wirings and schematics,automobile documentation, auto repair guides,car audio manuals, car stereo

File information:
File name:yamaha.yta-45.jpg
[preview YTA 95] new window
Size:57 kB
Model:YTA 95 🔎
Descr:Some motherless idiot worked on my Yamaha YTA 95. He couldn't fix it so he returned it to me with some of the transistors missing. I am trying to get hold of the circuit diagram for this amp or perhaps a picture of the PC board of a working YTA 95 to enable us to see what make and type of transistors (3) he removed/destroyed. Can you perhaps assist me in this regard? I am very attached to this old amp and have done a lot of my first gigs using it for superb sound. Thank you in advance.
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:UnDefined
Extracted files:0

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