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Amstrad STV2104 free download

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AMSTRAD STV 2104 Adjustments Cont'd Convergence Adjustment (see fig. 7) Signal Out: Voltmeter at TP2. Method: 1: Adjust VR102 to read 2.9 -3V. Remarks: Tuner without signal I/P and loading. Signal In: LNB supply alignment Signal Out: Voltmeter at tuner LNB input. Fig. 7 Method: 1: Receive a dotted pattern. 2: Un-fix the convergence magnet clamper and align red with blue dots at the centre of the screen by rotating (R, B) static convergence. 3: Align red/blue with green dots at the centre of the screen by rotating (RB-G) static convergence magnet. 4: Fix the convergence magnets by fixing the clamper. 5: Remove the DY wedges and slightly tilt the deflection yoke horizontally and vertically to obtain good overall convergence. 6: Fix the deflection yoke by wedges. 7: If purity error is found, follow Purity Adjustment instructions SAT Section AFC Alignment Signal In: Power on. Method: 1: Connect 43 W resistor to LNB input. 2: Connect TP1 to GND and power on. 3: Press SEQ. key twice and press select +/key to select V-polarisation. 4: Press pre-set key twice until the turning bar appears. 5: Press select +/- key to adjust LNB voltage to 13.1V ± 0.1V. 6: Press SEQ. key and select +/- key to select H-polarisation. 7: Press pre-set key twice until the turning appears. 8: Press select +/- key to adjust LNB voltage to 17.5V ± 0.1V. SIF Alignment Signal In: RF signal generator. Signal Out: VTVM and distortion meter at pin 1 and 3 of SAT SCART. 2 Method: 1: Receive the correct RF program and audio channel. 2: Adjust T101 to maximum level output and minimum distortion output of pin 3 of SAT SCART. 3: Adjust T102 to maximum level output and minimum distortion output of pin 1 of SAT SCART. Remarks: 1: Pre-set audio mode to stereo and audio frequency L to 7.02 MHz and audio frequency R to 7.20 MHz of RF signal generator. 2: Pre-set audio deviation to 100 kHz p-p. Video DEV. Alignment Signal In: RF signal generator. Signal Out: Oscilloscope at pin 19 of SAT SCART. Method: 1: Receive the monoscope pattern. 2: Press SEQ. key and select +/- key to select 16 MHz video deviation. 3: Adjust VR101 to output 1Vp-p. Remarks: 1: Connect 75 W resistor between ground to pin 10, pin 12 and pin 19 of SAT SCART. AV Diagram IF Diagram Teletext Diagram CRT Diagram Adjustments / Adjustments Cont'd / Safety Parts / AV Diagram / IF Diagram / Remote Control Diagram / Main Diagram / Main Diagram Cont'd Main Diagram (Sat Rec) / LED Diagram / Teletext Diagram / CRT Diagram AMSTRAD STV 2104 Main Diagram 3 Adjustments / Adjustments Cont'd / Safety Parts / AV Diagram / IF Diagram / Remote Control Diagram / Main Diagram / Main Diagram Cont'd Main Diagram (Sat Rec) / LED Diagram / Teletext Diagram / CRT Diagram AMSTRAD STV 2104 LED Diagram 4 Main Diagram Cont'd. Remote Control Diagram Adjustments / Adjustments Cont'd / Safety Parts / AV Diagram / IF Diagram / Remote Control Diagram / Main Diagram / Main Diagram Cont'd Main Diagram (Sat Rec) / LED Diagram / Teletext Diagram / CRT

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