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Océ Océ XXXX xx-Chapter Title Technical Service Manual TSM Océ 5150 Preface Contents Contents Preface 1 Copyright notations 2 2 Tsm information 3 3 General warnings 4 4 Notation conventions 4 5 Edition review 5 6 Modification bulletin survey 5 7 Safety data 5 8 Customer end test 5 9 Current status sheet 6 10 Document change request form 7 Preface Edition 1. Confidential © 1999 Océ-Technologies B.V. 1 TSM Océ 5150 Preface Copyright notations Preface 1 Copyright notations This publication is and remains the property of Océ-Technologies B.V. The information it contains is confidential and is solely intended as a personal aid for service personnel in carrying out service activities on the Océ equipment described in this publication. No part of this publication may be reproduced or be made public in any form or in any way whatsoever without the prior written permission of Océ-Technologies B.V. © 1999 Océ-Technologies B.V.. Edition 1. Confidential © 1999 Océ-Technologies B.V. 2 TSM Océ 5150 Preface Feedback Tsm information 2 Tsm information Why should you use the Technical Service Manual Océ 5150? The TSM Océ 5150 is one of the tools you will need for your work. It will enable you to meet customer requirements better, quicker and in a clearly structured and accessible way. The TSM provides you with information you will require for installing and carrying out corrective and preventive maintenance on this machine. At whom is the TSM Océ 5150 targeted? This TSM has certainly not been written as a teach-yourself manual. During the Océ 5150 service training course you will learn to use and interpret the TSM in such a way that you can work quickly and efficiently. The service training course also gives you an opportunity to broaden your knowledge on how the machine functions. The TSM and service training course are closely linked. Participating in a service training course without using the TSM is just as incomplete as using the TSM without having learnt how to use and interpret it in a service training course. The compilers of the TSM hope that you will find adequate information so that you can do your work quickly, correctly and with a continuing sense of satisfaction. Naturally, this TSM is always open to improvement. It is not unlikely that you may find imperfections and/or errors. Océ would be grateful if you would inform ITC (International Training Centre) in Venlo of any errors, imperfections or suggestions for improvement. You can do this as follows: This chapter contains a Document Change Request Form (DCRF). If you have any remarks about this manual, print this form and write them on the form or enter your remarks in the DCRF before printing. Send the DCRF to the Technical Co-ordination department. This department will inform the International Training Centre-Service. The address is: For the attention of: Océ-Technologies B.V. Manager I.T.C.- Service Postbus 101 5900 MA Venlo [email protected] E-mail: Edition 1. Confidential

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