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zenith z20a21 free download

TV - Conventional CRT, LCD Projectors, TFT, Plasma, Big Screen, HDTV, Home theater - Service manuals, repair tips

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File name:97120013.pdf
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Model:z20a21 🔎
Descr:owner manual for z20a21, z25a64, z25a65, z25a55
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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® THEQUALITYGOES IN BEFORE THE NAME GOES ON Return the Pro du c t Registration Card :and your TV could be SAFETYWARNINGS i ,i WARNING WARNING: _. TO REDUCE THERISK OFELECTRIC SHOCKDONOTREMOVE COVER (OR BACK).NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTSINSIDE.REFER QUALIFIED TO SERVICEPERSONNEL. Thelightning flash with arrowheadsymbol, within an equilateraltriangle, is intendedto alert the user to the presenceof uninsulated"dangerousvoltage,'within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. The exclamationpoint within an equilateraltriangle is intendedto alert the user to the presenceof important operating and maintenance(servicing) instructions in the literatureaccompanyingthe appliance. WARNING: TO PREVENT FIREOR SHOCKHAZARDS, ONOTEXPOSE D THIS ·PRODUCT RAINORMOISTURE. TO POWER CAUTION: CORD POLARIZATION To preventelectricshock,matchwide bladeof plugto wideslot,fullyinsert. ATTENTION: Po_r 6viter leschocs_lectriques, introduire lalamela pluslargedelafichedansia bornecorrespondante de la prise et pousser jusqu'au fond. Note to Cable TV System Installer This reminder is providedto call the cableTVsystem installer'sattention Article 820-40 of the National to ElectricalCode(U.S.A.).The code provides guidelinesfor proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connectedto the grounding systemof the building, as close to the point of the cableentry as practical. RFGULATORY INFORMATION This equipment has beentested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassB digital device,pursuant to Part15 of the FCCRules.These limits are designedtOprovidereasonableprotectionagainst harmful interl:erencewhenthe equipment is operatedin a residentialinstallation.This equipment generates,uses and cart radiateradio frequencyenergyand, if not installedand usedin accordancewith the instruction manual, may causeharmful interferenceto radio communications.However,there is no guaranteethat interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipmentdoes causeharmful interferenceto radio or reception,which can be determinedby turning the equipmentoff and on, the user is encouragedto try to correctthe interferenceby one or more of the following measures: · Reorient or relocatethe receivingantenna. · Increasethe se_)aration betweenthe equipmentand receiver. · Connectthe-equipmentinto an outlet on a circuitdifferentfrom that to which the receiveris connected. · Consultthe dealeror an experiencedradio/TVtechnicianfor help. CAUTION: - ,. Do notattemptto modify this productin anywaywithoutwrittenauthorization fromZenithElecb'onics. Corporation. Unauthorized modification could voidthe user'sauthority operate to this product. ... GA-TV'WEL ii (' IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Your product has been manufactured and tested with your safety in mind. However, improper use can result in potential electrical shock or fire hazards. To avoid defeating the saf

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