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Montarbo 716-V3 free download

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File name:montarbo_716s_v3.pdf
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Size:2145 kB
Model:716-V3 🔎 716V3
Original:Annee 2003 🔎
Descr:Montarbo 716-V3
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Electrical diagram
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File name montarbo_716s_v3.pdf

716S stereo powered mixer SERVICE MANUAL - MANUALE DI SERVIZIO 2003 716S STEREO POWERED MIXER TABLE OF CONTENTS: Spare parts Technical specifications Elettrical diagrams - 1st verision Elettrical diagrams - 2nd verision Assembled circuit boards INDICE: Parti di ricambio Dati tecnici Schemi elettrici - 1a versione Schemi elettrici - 2a versione Circuiti assemblati A608022 Green knob Manopola verde A608023 Violet knob Manopola viola A608026 White knob Manopola bianca A608027 Grey knob Manopola grigio A608028 Blue knob Manopola blu A608149 Grey eq. knob Manopola eq. grigio A608101 grey/white knob Manopola grigio/ bianco A603055 I.E.C. power supply socket Spina Europea a vaschetta A900021 Power ON/OFF switch Interruttore A600060 Fuse 6,3A Fusibile 6,3A A603350 Auxiliary ground socket Presa a boccola GD40 D00750K D00916J cs 916JR1 cs 750K D00516Q D00750Y cs 750Y cs 516I D00750U cs 750U D00516I cs 516I D00DSPE cs DSPE D00516S cs 516SR2 D00PX7L cs PX7LR1 D00EQ11 cs EQ12 D00516A cs 516AR1 D00516D cs 516DR1 D00920V cs 920V D00516E cs 516ER1 A427212 Potentiometer Potenziometro 10Klog x 2 D00516M cs 516MR2 A427211 D00750P cs 750PR2 Potentiometer Potenziometro 10Klog D00516C cs 516CR2 D00920B cs 920BR2 D00750T cs 750T D00750F cs 750F A560107 Fan Ventola D00750R cs 750RR2 D00DSP2 cs DSP2R1 D00750H cs 750HR1 D00783K cs 783KR1 B005063 Transformer Trasformatore SPECIFICATIONS DATI TECNICI Mono input channels micro (sensitivity / impedance) line (sensitivity / impedance) channel gain range equivalent input noise equalization 8 -60dB / 2,2K -30dB /33K 30dB -126dB HF ± 15dB@15KHz MF (level) ±15dB MF (freq.) 0,18 ÷3KHz LF ± 15dB @ 50Hz 4 -30dB / 33K 30dB -126dB HF ± 15dB@15KHz MF ± 15dB @ 600Hz LF± 15dB @ 50Hz 2x160 programs 18 bit Delta/Sigma conversion 56 bit 40Hz ÷15KHz <0,1% >98dB 2 -10dB 2 -10dB 2 0dB / +22dB HF ± 15dB@15KHz Hmid ± 15dB@2,5KHz Lmid ± 15dB@400Hz LF ± 15dB @ 50Hz 0dB 20Hz ÷ 30KHz ±2dB 31-63-125-250-500Hz 1-2-4-8-16KHz /±12dB 0dB -20dB -10dB 200 ÷600 2 350+350W / 4 30Hz ÷ 25KHz ±1dB <0,1 % 350W / 4 79dB thermal and electronic, delayed power-up sequence, automatic trouble-shooting, forced cooling 72x17x61 cm 25Kg Stereo input channels line (sensitivity / impedance) channel gain range equivalent input noise equalization Dual Multieffect DSP AD and DA conversion internal DSP bandwidth THD SNR External effect send nominal level External effect return (stereo) nominal level Monitor outputs nominal level/max level equalization Pre-out L/R nominal leve frequency response Stereo graphic equalizer Mono out nominal level Tape in (sensitivity) Tape out (nominal level) Headphones (load impedance) Built-in amplifier total outpower (watt) frequency response THD SNR Protections Dimensions (WxHxD) Weights FREQ. 100KCx2 P3 P1 GAIN 100KC P2 H.F. 47KLINcc P3 M.F. 100KCx2 P4 LEVEL 47KLINcc P5 L.F. 47KLINcc C16 2u2 XLR1 MICRO 1 3 2 C2 EXT. 10Klog 47u L1 L2 2 1 3 +3dB R30 NC RED IB1 IB LED5 11 9 8 7 6 5 4

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