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File name GTI9000_ET-EX-SI.pdf

GSM TELEPHONE GT-i9000 GSM TELEPHONE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CONTENTS Safety Precautions Specification Product Function Exploded View and Parts list MAIN Electrical Parts List Level 1 Repair Level 2 Repair Level 3 Repair 9. Reference data Notice : All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document inclu ding, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabiliti -es of the product are subject to change without notice or obligation. Samsung reserves the right to make changes to this document and the product described herein, at anytime, without obligation on Samsung to provide notification of such change. GSPN (Global Service Partner Network) Country North America Latin America CIS Europe China Asia Mideast & Africa Web Site This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law. Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. 2010. 06. Rev.1.1 2. Specification 2-1. GSM General Specification WCDMA210 WCDMA900 0 1922~ 1977 2112~ 2167 880~ 915 925~ 960 GSM850 Fr eq. Band[MHz] Uplink/Downlin k ARF CN r ange EG SM 900 DCS1800 PCS1 900 824~ 849 869~ 894 880~ 915 925~ 960 0~1 24 & 975~1 023 1710~ 1785 1805~ 1880 1850~ 1910 1930~ 1990 128~ 251 512~ 885 512~ 810 UL:9 612~98 UL:2 712~28 88DL:10 562 63, DL :2937 ~10 838 ~ 30 88 190 MHz 45MHz T x/Rx spacing 45MHz 45MHz 95MHz 80MHz Mo d. Bit r ate/ Bit Period 270. 833kbp 270. 833kbp 270. 833kbp 270. 833kbp s s s s 3.6 92us 3.6 92us 3.6 92us 3.6 92us 3.84Mcps 3.84Mcps Ti m e Sl ot Pe rio d/Fr am e Per iod 576. 9us 4.615 ms 576. 9us 4.615 ms 576. 9us 4.615 ms 576. 9us 4.615 ms Fr ameLeng t Fr ameLeng t h: h: 1 0m s 1 0m s Slotlengt h: Slotlengt h: 0.667 ms 0.667 ms Q PS KH Q PS Q PS KH Q PS K K 24d Bm~50d Bm 3(max+24dB m) 24d Bm~50d Bm 3(max+24dB m) Modula tion 0.3 GMSK 0.3 GMSK 0.3 GMSK 0.3 GMSK MS Po wer 3 3dBm~5 dB 3 3dBm~5 dB 3 0dBm~0 dB 3 0dBm~0 dB m m m m 5pcl ~ 19p cl Powe r Class 5pcl ~ 19pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl 0pcl ~ 15pcl Se nsitivity - 102dBm - 102dBm - 100dB m - 100dBm -106 .7dBm -106 .7dBm TDMA Mu x 8 8 8 8 8 8 Ce ll Radius 35Km 35Km 2Km 2Km 2Km 2Km 2-1 Specification 2-2. GSM Tx Power Class TX Power control level 5 33±2 dBm TX Power GSM850 control level 5 33±2 dBm 31±2 dBm 29±2 dBm TX Power EGSM900 control level 0 30±3 dBm 28±3 dBm 26±3 dBm 24±3 dBm 22±3 dBm 20±3 dBm 18±3 dBm 16±3 dBm 14±3 dBm 12±4 dBm 10±4 dBm 8±4 dBm 6±4 dBm 4±4 dBm 2±5 dBm 0±5 dBm TX Power DCS1800 control level 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 30±3 dBm 28±3 dBm 26±3 dBm 24±3 dBm 22±3 dBm 20±3 dBm 18±3 dBm 16±3 dBm 14±3 dBm 12±4 dBm 10±4 dBm 8±4 dBm 6±4 dBm 4±4 dBm 2±5 dBm 0±5 dBm PCS1900 6 31±2 dBm 6 1 2

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