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Now downloading free:Minolta Dimage 5400II

Minolta Dimage 5400II free download

Service manuals for scanners - flatbed, manual, color o black and white

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File name:Manual for Dimage 5400II Minolta.pdf
[preview Dimage 5400II]
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Model:Dimage 5400II 🔎
Descr:software manual
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Scanners
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File name Manual for Dimage 5400II Minolta.pdf

9222-7310-11 AV-A304/ME-0304 E SOFTWARE MANUAL Tone-curve corrections By selecting individual color channels on the tone curve, adjustments to the overall color of an image can be made. In this example, the image is too yellow. By moving the blue curve up, the image looks more neutral. For more on tone curve corrections, see page 50. Digital ROC - Reconstruction Of Color Original image After Digital ROC processing Digital ROC restores the color of old faded film, see page 45. 2 Color examples BEFORE YOU BEGIN Thank you for purchasing this Minolta product. Please take the time to read through this instruction manual so you can enjoy all the features of your new scanner. Check the packing list in the scanner hardware manual before using this product. The DiMAGE Scan functions available vary between scanner models. To find the functions listed in this software manual that are not compatible with your scanner, see "Compatibility with the DiMAGE Scan Utility" in the scanner notes section of the hardware manual. If the operating system's display controls are set to a large font size, the text in the DiMAGE Scan applications will not be displayed correctly. Use the computer's initial display text size. This instruction manual does not provide instruction in the basic operation of the personal computers, nor the basic operation of Windows or Macintosh operating systems; refer to the manuals supplied with the computer. The examples in this manual use Windows software. The appearance of the screens may differ from the examples when using Macintosh or other Windows operating systems. The screens can also vary with the scanner model. Every precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this material. Specifications in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice. Minolta is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of this software. This instruction manual may not be copied either in part or in its entirety without the prior permission of Minolta. Before installing the DiMAGE Scan Utility RAM-stationed programs such as anti-virus or installation-monitoring software may cause the installer to fail. Remove or disable these programs before installing the DiMAGE Scan Utility. Reinstall or enable the software when the installation is complete. The scanner hardware manual contains the system requirements for the purchased scanner unit; do NOT connect the scanner to a computer before installing the DiMAGE Scan Utility software. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows XP are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh, Apple, and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Adobe and Photoshop are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Digital ICE3, Digital ICE, Digital ROC, and Digital GEM are trademarks of registered trademarks and technologies of Applied Scienc

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