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Modern Electronic M etrology TECHNICAL MANUAL FOR 9152 SERIES STANDARD CELL ENCLOSURE GUILDLINE INSTRUMENTS ! TABLE OF CONTENTS Para. Page SECTION 1 - GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 Scope General Description Specifications SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1-1 1-1 1-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 Installation Controls and Indicators Operating Notes SECTION 3 - MAINTENANCE 2-1 2-1 2-2 3.1 3.2 3.3 Preventive Maintenance Certification of Cell EMF's Corrective Maintenance SECTION 4 - PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 3-1 3-1 3-2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Introduction Temperature Sensitive Oscillator Amplifier and Detector Heater Driver Overtemperature Circuit Power Supply SECTION 5 - DRAWINGS 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-4 (i) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Front Panel Controls and Indicators SECTION 4 - PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION Heater Control Unit Temperature Sensitive Oscillator Amplifier and Detector Heater Driver Overtemperature Circuit Power Supply LIST OF TABLES SECTION 3 - MAINTENANCE Control Circuit Board Testing Transistor Voltages ! SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 SCOPE This manual contains operating and service information for the Guildline Instruments Model 9152 series, STANDARD CELL ENCLOSURE. using common test equipment. 1.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Model 9152 STANDARD CELL ENCLOSURE consists of a multi walled insulated chamber, the internal temperature of which is maintained by a patented solid state control system at 30 ± .01°C. saturated standard cells. The design assures minimum thermal gradients within the inner chamber containing the The cells are immune to inversion, normal Provision is made shock and vibration in commercial carrier shipment. failure or for use during transportation. It is intended for personnel who are familiar with EMF standards and service techniques for connection of an external 12 volt battery as back up in case of mains Portable versions have a Formica case with the cell connections and calibration card on top; these are on the front panel with the other controls in the 19" rack-mount version, 9152/R4. 1.3 SPECIFICATIONS EMF STANDARDS: Four or twelve invertible saturated standard cells (1.0181 + volts) with porous septa. pairs. EMF LIMIT OF ERRORS: Guildline test report supplied to ± 2uV for each cell, traceable to the legal standard of voltage as maintained by NRC and NBS, may be sent to NRC (or NBS, U.S. customers only) for a report to ±lyV or better. Connections accessible at isolated, unplated copper terminal 1-1 INTERNAL TEMPERATURE: TEMPERATURE REGULATION: 30°C Nominal (except special order). Within ±0.003°C for 24 hours over ambient J of 18 to 28°C for line or battery operation. TEMPERATURE STABILITY: Better than 0.01°C from nominal for a period of five years. TEMPERATURE MONITORING: External null detector (not furnished), connects via front panel terminals to internal thermistor bridge. Monitors chamber stability to ±0.0019C. OVERTEMPERATURE PROTECTION: Bimetallic sensor shuts

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