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Now downloading free:Fairhaven AV10

Fairhaven AV10 free download

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Model:AV10 🔎
Descr:Fairhaven AV10 Alti-Vario User manual
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A V 1 0 F A I R HA VE N A L T I - V A R I O / V 1 0 0 Thank you for buying a Fairhaven product. V A R I O We hope that you will find that it gives long service and is a pleasure to use. A b o u t t h e A V - 1 0 . The AV10 is an analogue variometer (rate of climb/descent indicator) which has a needle indication calibrated to 10 knots, and a loud audio tone system, which indicates vertical speed. It is combined with a digital altimeter which is versatile and has a large display. The lift and sink tones are easy to distinguish from one another. The lift tone is a clear interrupted bleep which increases in pitch, rate and volume across the vario's scale. The sink tone starts with a gradual click and builds to a continuous loud bleep, so the vario will really let you know if you hit sinking air, without being annoying if you only manage a "top to bottom" descent. The thresholds at which the tones start to occur can be adjusted so that no tone is produced during near-level flight. Adjustments can be made without dismantling the vario's case. An additional feature of the AV1C is the battery tester. This is not strictly a low battery indicator, which tells you when the battery is flat, but a tester which loads the battery and lights the indicator if the battery has the power to withstand the load. This is an established way of testing batteries, and providing that the indicator lights, there will be sufficient energy to power the vario for an average day's use. Therefore no provision has been made to carry spare batteries, offering a saving in weight. The battery tester fades out after two seconds and the vario continues to consume very little power, (around 2 milliamps), giving over fifty hours use with alkaline batteries, such as Duracell MN1604, or over 200 hours with lithium cells, which we can supply. The vario will operate over a 6 to 14 volt battery range, which is compatible with rechargeable PP3 batteries, and certain other supplies. The AV10 also has a low battery indicator which appears as a battery symbol on the left of the altimeter display. U s i n g y o u r a l t i - v a r i o . The battery switch on the front panel allows selection of both tones when in the up position, while pressing the switch down gives audio on lift only. The vario is off when the switch is at the centre position and it is recessed to prevent inadvertent operation. Audio is muted initially until the vario settles. The battery tester is operated, for a short time, whenever the AV10 is switched on. If the indicator fails to light, the battery has less than 7 volts and should be changed. This is done by applying pressure to the raised triangle on the battery lid to disengage the catch, and sliding the lid towards the rear. The battery can then be jolted out or removed with the corner of the battery lid. There is no need to open the main case. Switch off when changing batteries and observe polarity when reconnecting. Do not leave batteries inside the vario fo

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