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Candy CG654XT free download

Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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Model:CG654XT 🔎
Original:3113323.4 🔎
Descr:Service Manual
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Washing Machines
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File name Candy CG654XT.pdf

W.MACHINE/WASHER-DRYER 31133234 CG654XT Service Manual 142 142a 134a 558 153 113 116 114 118 112 103 511 109 134 132b 132d 464 556 132c 134 101 124 99a 153a 632 138a 556 131 132 74 74a 125 665 133 142 496 856 138b 749 830 811 138 499 97 96 810 97d 161d 94c 97c 96a 96 422 161 94b 94b IELB2415 161e 491 157 190 152f 328 672 288/287h 151 614 164 157h 152 152a 328a 618/619/620 126 155/155a/494 152 156 151 734 157h 547 509 328 152a 547a 479 171 227 292 174 487 226 228a 488/488a 800 184a 173 181 488/488b 177 185 183 226 228b 800 617 800 175 176 181 183/183a 185/186 172 487 228 227 479 226 488a 800 774 473 828 835 829 226 483a 547 617 800 IELB2414 Mod: 31133234 CG654XT 0025 (16/06/2000) Ricambio Part No. Piece E-Teil Pieza 91601892 41002889 91942582 92963230 91670263 91670230 91601332 41002906 91624874 91670741 91602166 91619296 91619304 91619270 91503052 91800558 91408709 91601643 91601642 91402201 91944064 91601644 91601646 91942580 91670645 92154491 91750606 92888429 92149418 92606474 92692300 91940540 0127 (02/07/2001) 0127 (02/07/2001) 0207 (14/02/2002) 0207 (14/02/2002) Inizio Beginning Debut Begin Inicio Fine Ending Fin End Fin 0207 (14/02/2002) 0207 (14/02/2002) Ref. Descrizione - Description - Beschreibung - Descripcion 2 2 8a 10 14 14 15 15 19 31 32 48 48a 49 51 56 57 58 59 59a 60 61 62 65a 67 74 76 77 78 79 80 94b Programs disc Programs disc Buffer with spring service pack Timer/select. knob Temp.regulation knob Temp.regulation knob Cam disc Cam disc Button Control panel Dispenser drawer front R/H side frame L/H side frame Top rear frame Work top Latch Spring Latch block Latch guide Latch guide fix.screw Hinge Counter ring Door surround Door catch with spring service pack Glass door with frame Steam drain hose Cabinet assy Rear panel Socle Rear foot Front foot Filter knob with removable gasket Copyright 2003 Gias S.r.L. Mod: 31133234 CG654XT 0025 (16/06/2000) Ricambio Part No. Piece E-Teil Pieza 91941111 92606391 92607639 91941774 91941772 91602912 91602938 92967926 92884212 92621606 92152800 41000950 92621614 92483148 92152941 92470194 92131739 92470012 92206333 25686057 92693373 92689587 92895051 92485226 92250869 91200237 41002632 91201258 92129592 91208785 92123967 92213420 0207 (14/02/2002) 0207 (14/02/2002) 0136 (03/09/2001) 0136 (03/09/2001) 0120 (16/05/2001) 0120 (16/05/2001) Inizio Beginning Debut Begin Inicio Fine Ending Fin End Fin Ref. Descrizione - Description - Beschreibung - Descripcion 94c 96 96a 97c 97d 101 103 109 112 113 114 114 116 118 126 131a 132 133 134 134 138 138a 138b 141 142 151 151 152 152a 153 155a 156e Filter knob with gasket Gasket Gasket Stopper x drain/recycle pump Filt hous w/filter cartridge Dispenser drawer Rack Dispenser drawer container assembly Direction control rod Lever Lever Lever Cam Spring Pressostat lever assy Hose clip Valve hose cold water Hose clip Solenoid valve Solenoid valve Drain hose Drain house elbow Hose clamp Rubber washer Fil

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