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Mitsubishi VS-50805, WT-60805, WS-55905, WS-65905, WS-73905, WS-55805, WT-46805 free download

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File name:Mitsubishi VS-50805, 60805, WS-55905, 65905, 73905, 55805, WT-46805 (Ch V16 N W).part1.rar
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Model:VS-50805, WT-60805, WS-55905, WS-65905, WS-73905, WS-55805, WT-46805 🔎
Original:V16 N W 🔎
Descr:Mitsubishi VS-50805, WT-60805, WS-55905, WS-65905, WS-73905, WS-55805, WT-46805 (Chassis V16 N W) (Training Manual + Schematic)
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File name 1-Service_Procedures.pdf

Chapter 1 Service Procedures Servicing models in the V16 chassis family is similar to previous Mitsubishi projection televisions. This chapter will familarize the service technician with: Cabinet Disassembly Procedures Lightbox Removal Procedures PCB Functions PCB and Major Parts Locations For actual service, please refer to the Service Manual for more complete information, including the Safety Precautions and Product Safety Notice. Page 1-1 Page 1-2 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (FRONT VIEW) VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WS-55805 Figure 1-1 1. Front Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the Speaker Grille by pulling forward. Remove the Board Front by removing 4 screws (a). Remove the 3 screws (b) holding the Screen Assembly. Lift the Screen Assembly up and away from the cabinet. Page 1-3 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (FRONT VIEW) WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 Figure 1-2 1a. Front Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remove the Cover Front and the two Speaker Grilles by pulling forward. Remove 2 screws (a) to remove the Control Panel. Remove the Board Front by removing 4 screws (b). Remove the 4 screws (c) holding the Screen Assembly. Lift the Screen Assembly up and away from the cabinet. Page 1-4 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (FRONT VIEW) WT-46805 Figure 1-3 1b. Front Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remove the Speaker Grille by pulling forward. Remove 2 screws (b) to remove the Control Panel. Remove the Board Front by removing 4 screws (a). Remove the 4 screws (c) holding the Screen Assembly. Lift the Screen Assembly up and away from the cabinet. Page 1-5 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (REAR VIEW) VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 Figure 1-4 2. Rear Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove 12 screws (a) holding the Back Board. Remove the 4 screws (c) holding each Board Shelf. Remove the 4 screws (b) securing the Light Box Assembly. Slide the Light Box out the rear of the Cabinet. Page 1-6 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (REAR VIEW) WT-46805 Figure 1-5 2a. Rear Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. Remove 15 screws (a) holding the Back Board. Remove the 13 screws (b) holding the Back Cover. Remove the 3 screws (d) securing each Board Shelf. Remove the 4 screws (c) securing the Light Box Assembly. Slide the Light Box out the rear of the Cabinet. Page 1-7 Figure 1-6 shows the location of all PCBs attached to the main chassis. The primary functions of each PCB are listed below. PCB-SIGNAL NTSC Tuning uPC Control Low Voltage Regulation NTSC/SDTV Switching Interface for stand-up PCBs. PCB-TERMINAL Audio and Video Inputs DTV Interface Audio/Video Switch Audio signal processing PCB-AUDIO Audio Output Amplifier PCB-YCS / DECODER NTSC Luminance/Chroma Separation NTSC Chrominance Demodulation Matrix to YCrCb PCB-PIP/SCALAR PIP Processing Picture Size and Aspect Ratio Control PCB-DOUBLER Line Doubling PCB Functions and Locations PCB-RGB Red, Green and Blue Signal Processing DTV/DVD Signal Selection PCB-POWER Standby Power Supply
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Chapter 2 Alignment Procedures Performing electrical alignments on the V16 chassis is also similar to previous Mitsubishi projection televisions. The major difference between aligning a standard NTSC model and the HDTV capable V16 is that it is necessary to perform many alignments in each major video format, the Standard (NTSC or SD) mode, the High Definition (HD) mode and the DVD 480p (480p) mode. (Note: Adjustments in the 480p mode are limited to setting fixed data values.) This chapter will familiarize the service technician with: Accessing the Option Menu and performing an Initial Setup. Accessing the Circuit Adjustment Mode, selecting Adjustment Functions and Adjustment Items, changing data values and saving new data values. Accessing the Convergence Adjustment Mode, selecting Adjustment Functions and Adjustment Items, changing data values and saving new data values. Raster Geometry and Convergence alignment procedures. When performing alignments, please refer to the Service Manual for the exact procedure. Since Raster Geometry and Convergence alignments are performed most frequently, the procedures from the Service Manual are included in this manual as well. Page 2-1 Page 2-2 1. Initial Setup A. Option Menu Setup Follow the steps below for the initial set-up: 1. Select the "MENU" display by pressing the "MENU" button once. 2. Press the number buttons "1", "2", "7", "0" in sequence to select the "OPTION MENU" display. 3. Press the "ADJUST" button to select "INITIAL." 4. Press "ENTER." NOTE: At this time channel 3 is automatically selected. CAUTION: Do not select E2 RESET and press QV (RCL). Doing so will require a full item by item alignment of all data values listed in the "Service Adjustment" and Convergence Miscellaneouts modes. CAUTION: Do not select Convergence Reset and press ENTER. This resets all data in the Coarse and Fine Convergence modes. OPTION MENU Initial E2RESET Direct Key Mode :OFF DTV Port :AUTO DTV Signal Strength Power restore :OFF V-chip supported :ON Convergence reset DTV Diagnostics DTV Reset DTV E2 Reset Free Run Factory Option Menu B. Default Settings SETUP Memorize Channels ANT A Language English CLOCK Clock Setting Auto Time Zone Eastern Daylight Savings Applies Clock Time N/A Set Day N/A AV CONNECTION AV Network OFF External Audio System NO AV Receiver at Input 1 None Audio Output Variable INPUT ASSIGNMENT Antenna A On Antenna B On DTV YPrPb Input 1 Input-1 Input 2 Input-2 Input 3 Input-3 Input 4 Input-4 CAPTIONS Closed Captions With Mute CC Background Gray DTV Channel Guide N/A MAIN MENU DEFAULT SETTINGS Input Channel Memory Name SQV CHANNEL EDIT ANTA 3 Deleted ---OFF TIMER Timer Off Set Time 12:00PM Set Day Everyday Input ANT A Channel 3 V-CHIP PARENT LOCK TV Rating Off FV-Fantasy Violence N/A D-Sexual Dialog N/A L- Adult Language N/A S-Sexual Situation N/A V-Violence N/A Program not Rated N/A Movie Rating Off V-CHIP HOURS/LOCK BY TIME V-Chip Start Time N/A V-Chip Stop Time N/A Lock by Time Off Lo
File name 3-Power_Supplies.pdf

Chapter 3 Power Supplies Power supply circuitry in the V16 chassis is conventional for high performance projection televisions. Topics covered in this chapter include: Standby Power Supplies Switched Power Supplies Block diagrams are provided to assist in servicing these circuits. Page 3-1 Page 3-2 The Standby Power Supply not only supplies circuits that require power while the TV is not in use, some of the sources are also used as switched supplies. This requires a slightly more complex circuit. Standby Power Supply Regulation Figure 3-1 shows a simplified diagram of the Standby Regulator circuitry. The basic operation of the Regulator is the same as that in previous models. The key points of the Regulators operation are as follows: Start-up Voltage 16.5V from R917 provides start-up voltage for the oscillator. Run Voltage Voltage produced by the secondary at D914 sustains the oscillators DC supply as the IC starts to draw current. Standby Power Supplies Over Voltage Protection If Pin 4 exceeds 20.5V, the IC will shut down. Regulation Feedback The 31.5V Supply is the monitored source. Feedback is coupled by PC900 back to Pin 1 of the IC. Over Current Protection Pin 1 of IC951 is also the Over Current Protect input. The internal FETs ground return is at pin 2 of the IC. The voltage drop across R955 and R956 indicates the FETs current. It is coupled through R953 to pin 1 of the IC. The Over Current Protect circuit is activated if the voltage at pin 1 of the IC exceeds 1.35 volts. Three Standby Supplies and one Switched Supply are directly generated by rectifying signal from the secondary windings of T900; Standby voltages 34 Volts, 31.5, Volts 12 Volts and Switched 32 Volts. Page 3-3 The Switched 32 Volt supply furnishes power to the Vertical Output IC. The Standby 34 Volts is for the Audio Output. The 31.5 Volt Supply is the source for the: Tuning voltage Standby 12 Volt supply Switched 12 Volt Supply Switched 5 Volt Supply The three switched supplies are only activated when the POWER-ON line goes HIGH, driving Q924 into conduction. The conduction of Q924 enables IC922, and Q925. IC922 generates the 5VSW supply, and Q925 the 12VSW supply. The POWERON line also feeds Q921, Q922 and Q923 to switch the 32VSW source. Standby Power Supply Distribution Overall Distribution of the Standby Power Supplies is shown in Figure 3-2. The diagram shows the source of each of the Standby Supplies, and the major circuits using that supply. If a DC voltage is missing in a circuit, the diagram in Figure 3-2 will help to quickly locate the source of that supply. Page 3-4 The Switched Power Supply is similar to the Standby Power Supply. Figure 3-3 diagrams both the regulator and the distribution of the supplies produced. On-Off Switching On-off switching is provided by the relay, K9A30 and the relay driver, Q9A30. The Power-on command is generated by the Main uPC, IC700. When first switched on, initial surge current is limited by R9A01, 1.8 ohms. A
File name 4-Control_Circuitry.pdf

Chapter 4 Control Circuit The Control circuitry in the V16 chassis is necessarily complex. In addition to supporting the additional features included, communications for the optional Mitsubishi HD-1080 ATV Receiver are provided. This chapter will cover the following subjects: µPC Requirements I2C Bus Lines Control Interface Circuitry I/O Expander Parallel Inputs and Outputs AC Off Circuit Troubleshooting Tips Block diagrams are provided to assist in servicing these circuits. Page 4-1 Page 4-2 From the Simplified Block Diagram in Figure 4-1, it is apparent that the Control Circuitry in the V16N and V16W chassis is similar to that in the VZ6 and V15 chassis. There are three I2C lines in the V16 chassis, used to: 1) Read and Write data to and from the E2PROM memory. 2) Control the Video, Sound and Deflection circuitry. 3) Control the Convergence circuitry Control Circuit Overview The Control Interface Circuitry: 1) Provides a communication link between the Main µPC and the Sub µPC. 2) Transfers data between the Main µPC and the Port Expander. 3) Directs Main µPC commands to the Line Doubling circuitry. 4) Is the interface between the Main µPC and, when used, an HD-1080 Advanced TV Receiver. Page 4-3 Figure 4-2 illustrates the basic requirements for the Main and Sub µPCs operation. These are the same as in previous models: A 5 volt DC supply Ground Returns Timing Signals (Clock) Reset circuit to set the µPCs to their nominal point when power is initially applied to the set. The only difference between this circuit and that in the V15 chassis is there is no separate IC to perform the initial reset action. The Watchdog IC, IC709, performs this function in the V16. IC709 still monitors the circuits operation and activates a Reset pulse if one of the µPCs locks-up. During normal operation pulses from the Main Loop output of the Main µPC keep resetting the Watchdog IC so a reset pulse is not generated. If lock-up occurs, in either the Main or Sub µPC, no pulses are generated from the Main Loop output. IC709 responds by outputting a pulse to reset both µPCs. µPC Basic Requirements The logic at pin 42 of the Main µPC differs between the V16N and the V16W chassis. In the V16N chassis, R7A5 holds pin 42 LOW. There is no connection at pin 42 in the V16W. Figure 4-3 shows the paths of the three I2C lines controlling the TV and the major ICs each line controls. The E2P line is dedicated to writing and reading data, to and from the E2PROM. This is mainly user programmed, and service adjustment data. The SDA1 line is also a dedicated line, used to control the Convergence Circuitry. The SDA2 line controls the rest of the TV, Video, Color, Sound, Deflection, etc. Although the Control circuitry is active, whether the TV is ON or OFF, the SDA2 line is only applied the PCB-YCS/ DECODER and PCB-PIP when the set is ON. I2C Lines Page 4-4 Page 4-5 IC208 removes the SDA2 line from these PCBs when the set is OFF. Figure 4-4 illustrates a simplified
File name 5-Signal_Processing.pdf

Chapter 5 Video-Color Signal Processing As discussed in the introduction, there are two types of V16 chassis, the V16N and the V16W. The most apparent difference between the two chassis is the aspect ratio. V16N models have a 4:3 screen, and V16W models use a 16:9 screen. Less obvious are the differences in PIP/POP and Format features. These differences are more evident when the VideoColor signal path is analyzed. In addition, both V16 chassis are capable of producing High Definition, 1080i as well as Standard Definition, 480p and 480i pictures when used with an Advanced TV Receiver. They will also produce pictures from DVD, 480p and 480i signals. These details make the Video-Color Signal Processing circuitry far more complex than a standard NTSC receiver. This chapter will cover: Video/Color Signal Path Signal Processing by PCB As in previous chapters, block diagrams are provided to help streamline circuit analysis and troubleshooting techniques. Page 5-1 Page 5-2 Figure 5-1 illustrates an Overall Block Diagram of the Video/Color circuitry. Although not indicated in the diagram, the PCB-SIGNAL serves as an interface between most of the PCBs. The terminology YUV is used in Figure 5-1 to denote signals. Remember Y is luminance, U is Cb (B-Y) and V is Cr (R-Y). There are two different PCB-PIPs, one for the V16N and one for the V16W. The V16N PIP circuit is basically the same as in previous chassis, except the Main Picture Y signal is enhanced in IC6V30 before the PIP picture is inserted. The V16W PIP circuitry is similar to that in the V15 except for two additions. The Main Y signal is enhanced in IC7310 before the PIP picture is inserted. Also, a Scalar Bypass IC, IC7300, has been added. Overall Video/Color Signal Path This IC bypasses the Main Scalar circuit when using an External Input in the Expanded mode. The Line Doubling Circuitry is basically the same as that in the VZ6 and V15 chassis. The resulting YUV signals, at twice the horizontal scan rate, pass through enhancement circuitry in IC2D00 and are applied to IC2B00, the Multi-Component Processor. The signals are then converted to a RGB format and directed to the CRTs. As in the previous chassis, the SDTV, or HDTV, signals are applied to IC2B00. In the V16 chassis, the DVD input signals are also applied to IC2B00. IC2B00 selects either SDTV or DVD 480i signals and directs them to the Main and Sub Signal Select circuitry on the PCB-SIGNAL. IC2B00 can only select one of the two signals. If one of these signals is the main picture source, the other signal is not available as the sub picture source. Page 5-3 If the selected main picture signal is 1080i HDTV, 480p SDTV or 480p DVD, the signals are converted to RGB in IC2B00 and directed to the CRTs. Since the HDTV and 480p format signals are not directed through the PIP and Doubler circuitry, the Expansion and PIP features are not valid. IC2B00 will accept signals from the ATV inputs in either the RGB or Component (Y, Pr and Pb) format
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Chapter 6 Sync, Deflection and High Voltage Like the Video-Color Signal Processing circuitry, the Sync, Deflection and High voltage circuitry is also more complex than that used in a standard NTSC receiver. This chapter will cover: Sync Signal Path Deflection Signal Path High Voltage Generation Block diagrams are included for circuit analysis and future troubleshooting needs. Page 6-1 Page 6-2 Basic Block Diagram Figure 6-1 shows a basic block diagram of the Sync, Deflection and High Voltage circuits. The Vertical and Horizontal Sync Signals can originate from three different sources. NTSC Y/V -- When an NTSC signal source is selected, Vertical and Horizontal Sync pulses are selected and separated from the Y Signal in the NTSC Decoder. DVD Component-- If the component inputs are used, Vertical and Horizontal Sync is selected and separated from the Y Signal in the Multi-Component Processor. DTV -- Sync from an ATV receiver can be input either separately, as Sync on Green, or as part of the Y signal if Component Video is used. Incoming Horizontal Sync can be one of three frequencies depending on the format of the signal received. 480i -- 15.75 KHZ, or the same as NTSC. 480p -- 31.5 KHZ, or twice the NTSC rate. 1080i -- 33.75 KHZ. The Vertical Sync frequency is 59.94 or 60 HZ depending on the source. Page 6-3 When the selected signal is NTSC or 480i SDTV/ DVD, the signal is enhanced by Line Doubling. In these instances, the Horizontal Sync frequency is doubled in the Pulse Timing Controller located in the Scan Doubler circuit. This results in a horizontal sync frequency of 31.5 KHZ. The output format is customer selectable, 480p or 960i. The Multi-Component Processor, IC2B00, outputs to the Deflection Jungle either the direct input DTV 1080i/480p sync signals, the direct input DVD 480p sync or the 480p/960i line doubled sync sources. The sync signals are then used by the Deflection Jungle, IC4A01, to synchronize the internal Vertical and Horizontal Drive circuits. Vertical Drive is applied to conventional Vertical Output IC circuitry to power the Deflection Yokes. Horizontal Drive is sent to the Output circuitry, amplified, then directed to the Horizontal Deflection Yokes. A sample of the Horizontal Deflection drive signal is coupled to the High Voltage Regulator. Regulation is performed by Pulse Width Modulating the High Voltage drive signal. More details on the Sync, Deflection and High voltage circuits are provided in this chapter. Sync Block Diagram The signal path for vertical and horizontal sync is much longer than in a conventional TV receiver. In addition to the switching required by the different signal sources, timing for the PIP, Scalar and Line Doubler circuits is provided by the sync signals. A block diagram of the sync signal path is shown in Figure 6-2. The sync path for each of the three types of inputs, NTSC, DVD Component and DTV, will be explained further. NTSC Sync NTSC signals can be sourced from the tuner or ext
File name 7-Convergence.pdf

Chapter 7 Convergence Convergence circuitry in the V16 Chassis is similar to the NTSC VZ5 and VZ7 digital convergence designs and identical to that used in the first generation HDTV capable VZ6 and V15 Chassis. This chapter will cover: Input Buffer Circuitry Convergence Output Circuitry PCB-CONVERGENCE Signal Path Convergence Control Circuitry Edge Convergence Enhancement Convergence Shutdown Control Page 7-1 Page 7-2 A Basic Block Diagram of the Convergence Circuitry in the V16 chassis is shown above. Horizontal and vertical pulses from the Deflection circuitry are shaped and timed by the Input Buffer circuitry. The outputs of the Buffer circuit are applied to the Convergence Generator. The Convergence Generator generates red, green and blue horizontal and vertical convergence correction signals. The correction signals from the Generator are in a serial digital format and are applied to Digital to Analog (D/A) Converter circuitry. The signals are converted from digital to analog and any remaining high frequency digital signals are removed by Low Pass Filters (LPFs). The analog signals are then directed to Summing Amplifiers. In the Summing circuitry, the signals are amplified, and green correction is added to the red and blue signals. The green signals are used for overall ras- ter correction. Although raster correction is performed while viewing a green raster, the adjustments also affect the red and blue rasters. The signals from the Summing Amplifiers are amplified by Convergence Output Amplifiers and are directed to the Sub Coils in the Deflection Yokes. Although the Block Diagram of the Convergence Circuitry is the same as that in the VZ5 and VZ7 chassis, differences do exist. The main differences in the circuitry are: A Schmitt Trigger IC is added to the Vertical and Horizontal Pulse Input Buffer circuit. Different Convergence Output ICs are used. Three additional A/D Converter ICs are added. Edge Convergence correction is increased by momentarily increasing the Output ICs' DC Supplies. Page 7-3 Page 7-4 Figure 7-1 illustrates the Vertical and Horizontal Pulse Input Buffer circuitry, and the Convergence Output circuitry. Both circuits are located on the PCB-POWER. A Schmitt Trigger IC, IC402 is added to the Buffer circuitry. It is inserted between the Deflection circuits and the D-Type FF, IC403. IC402 provides cleaner pulses to drive IC403. The Clock signal for IC403 is the same as in the VZ5, supplied by the WCLK output at pin 27 of IC800, the Convergence Generator. Horizontal and vertical pulses from IC403 are directed to the HBLK and VBLK inputs of IC800, respectively. All convergence correction signals are derived from the horizontal and vertical pulses applied to IC800. Input Buffer Circuit vergence signals, and IC8D02 amplifies Vertical Convergence signals. Different Output ICs (Generic #STK392-040) are used in the VZ6 and V15 chassis, resulting in different input and output pin numbers. There are three Pre Amplif
File name 8-Audio.pdf

Chapter 8 Audio Audio circuitry in the V16 Chassis is conventional in design. This chapter will cover: Audio Select, Control and Output Page 8-1 Page 8-2 The Audio circuitry in the V16 Chassis is similar to previous Mitsubishi Televisions. Figure 8-1 is a block diagram of the signal circuit. The only major differences that should be noted are: ATV Input Jacks -- Accepts analog audio in from an ATV Receiver. Sub Output Jacks -- Allows the PIP audio source to be output to an A/V Receiver (V16W only). Key components in the audio circuit are: IC7600, A/V Switch -- Selects the Audio Source. IC300, Audio Control -- Controls the Audio Volume, Bass, Treble, Balance, etc. IC301, Fixed/Variable Switch -- Switches the Main Audio Output to the Fixed or Variable source. IC3001, Audio Amp -- Audio Amplifier for the internal speakers. Troubleshooting the audio circuit can be greatly simplified by testing the various inputs and outputs to narrow down the problem by process of elimination. Page 8-3 Page 8-4 Copyright © 1999 Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, Inc. 9351 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1904 Part Number: T/M V16
File name Adjustment_Testpoint_Locations.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 Adjustments Test Point Locations Page 42
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Audio Circuit] 1. MCS Input Level Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal Oscilloscope TP14A, TP15A, TP14B, TP15B -----50mV/Div RF Monaural 400 Hz modulation RF Input Purpose: Check the input signal level to the MCS circuit Symptom: Distorted sound during a stereo broadcast. 1. Supply an RF monaural signal to the Ant A input, 400 Hz at 100% modulation (25 kHz deviation). 2. Connect the oscilloscope to TP14A (Main Tuner Left Audio). 3. Enter the Adjustment Mode and select the Audio Function. 4. Verify that the Audio Function items are set to the data values given the table below. 5. Confirm the audio level at TP14A is 1.1 Vp-p ±0.1V. 6. Connect the oscilloscope to TP15A (Main Tuner Right Audio). 7. Confirm that the audio level at TP15A is 1.1 Vp-p ±0.1V. 8. Connect the oscilloscope to TP14B (Sub Tuner Left Audio). 9. Confirm that the audio level at TP14B is 1.1 Vp-p ±0.1V. 10. Connect the oscilloscope to TP15B (Sub Tuner Right Audio). 11. Confirm that the audio level at TP15B is 1.1 Vp-p ±0.1V. Note: Adjustment 2 (Stereo Separation) must be performed after this adjustment) SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) AUDIO FUNCTION Item # Abbrev. 1 AGC 2 MON 3 SUR 4 VMX Data 0 8 8 8 [Audio Circuit] 2. Separation Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal Oscilloscope TP14A, TP15A TP14B, TP15B -----10mV/Div RF Stereo RF Input Purpose Check stereo separation Symptom: Poor stereo separation Note: This adjustment must follow Adjustment 1 (Input Level) 1. Supply a RF Stereo Signal (dual tone stereo) to the Ant. A input. Left Channel = 300 Hz modulation Right Channel = 3 kHz modulation 2. Connect the oscilloscope to TP14A (Main Tuner Left Audio). 3. Enter the Service Mode and select the Audio Function. 4. Set the data values to those given in the table below. 5. Confirm the presence of 300 Hz signal at: TP14A (Main Tuner Left Audio) TP14B (Sub tuner Left Audio) 6. Confirm the presence of 3 kHz signal at: TP15A (Main Tuner Right Audio) TP15B (Sub Tuner Right Audio) . SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) AUDIO FUNCTION Item # Abbrev. 1 AGC 2 MON 3 SUR 4 VMX Data 0 8 8 8 Page 43
File name Audio_Signal_Path.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65903 / WS-73905 AUDIO CIRCUIT Page 82
File name Cabinet_Disassembly_VS-50805-60805-WS-55805.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (FRONT VIEW) VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WS-55805 *Refer to the Parts List for Part Numbers 1. Front Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove the Speaker Grille by pulling forward. Remove the Board Front by removing 4 screws (a). Remove the 3 screws (b) holding the Screen Assembly. Lift the Screen Assembly up and away from the cabinet. Page 5 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (REAR VIEW) VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 *Refer to the Parts List for Part Numbers 2. Rear Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove 12 screws (a) holding the Back Board. Remove the 4 screws (c) holding each Board Shelf. Remove the 4 screws (b) securing the Light Box Assembly. Slide the Light Box out the rear of the Cabinet. Page 8
File name Cabinet_Disassembly_WS-55905-65905-73905.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (FRONT VIEW) WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 *Refer to the Parts List for Part Numbers 1a. Front Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remove the Cover Front and the two Speaker Grilles by pulling forward. Remove 2 screws (a) to remove the Control Panel. Remove the Board Front by removing 4 screws (b). Remove the 4 screws (c) holding the Screen Assembly. Lift the Screen Assembly up and away from the cabinet. Page 6 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (REAR VIEW) VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 *Refer to the Parts List for Part Numbers 2. Rear Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove 12 screws (a) holding the Back Board. Remove the 4 screws (c) holding each Board Shelf. Remove the 4 screws (b) securing the Light Box Assembly. Slide the Light Box out the rear of the Cabinet. Page 8
File name Cabinet_Disassembly_WT-46805.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (FRONT VIEW) WT-46805 *Refer to the Parts List for Part Numbers 1b. Front Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remove the Speaker Grille by pulling forward. Remove 2 screws (b) to remove the Control Panel. Remove the Board Front by removing 4 screws (a). Remove the 4 screws (c) holding the Screen Assembly. Lift the Screen Assembly up and away from the cabinet. Page 7 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 CABINET DISASSEMBLY (REAR VIEW) WT-46805 *Refer to the Parts List for Part Numbers 2a. Rear Cabinet Disassembly 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. Remove 15 screws (a) holding the Back Board. Remove the 13 screws (b) holding the Back Cover. Remove the 3 screws (d) securing each Board Shelf. Remove the 4 screws (c) securing the Light Box Assembly. Slide the Light Box out the rear of the Cabinet. Page 9
File name Chip_Parts_Replacement.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 REPLACEMENT PARTS Parts Ordering To expedite delivery of replacement parts orders, specify the following: 1. Model Number/Serial Number 2. Part Number and description 3. Quantity Note: Unless complete information is supplied, delay in processing of orders will result. Critical and Warranty Parts Designation Critical Electrical Components are indicated by Bold Type in the Parts List, and in the schematic diagrams by shading. Warranty Return Parts are indicated in the Parts List with an (*). Parts Tolerance Codes Refer to the following chart for tolerance characteristics of electrical components. MARK Tolerance % B ± 0.1 C ± 0.25 D ± 0.5 F ±1 G ±2 J ±5 K ± 10 MARK Tolerance % M ± 20 N ± 30 V ± 10 X + 40 -20 Z + 80 -20 P + 100 -0 Q + 30 -10 MARK Tolerance (pF) M ± 0.1 N ± 0.25 V ± 0.5 X ±1 Z ±2 PAGE 59
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 4. Circuit Adjustment Mode Most of the adjustments can only be performed using the remote hand unit. Many of the adjustments must be performed in both the NTSC and HD modes. Video/Color adjustments must be performed in the NTSC and HD modes, and data must be preset in the 480P (DVD) mode. A. Activating the Circuit Adjustment Mode The current signal source determines if the activated Adjustment Mode is NTSC or HD. 1. Select the signal source (NTSC or HD). 2. Press the "MENU" button on a remote hand unit. 3. Press the number buttons "1", "2", "5", "7" in sequence. The screen will change to the Adjustment Mode. Note: Repeat steps 1 and 2 if the circuit adjustment mode does not appear on screen Page 21 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 B. Selection of adjustment Functions and Adjustment Items To select an adjustment item in the circuit adjustment mode, first select the adjustment function that includes the specific adjustment item to be selected. Then select the adjustment item. Refer to the following pages for the listing of adjustment functions and adjustment items. 1. Press the "AUDIO" button on a remote hand unit to select an adjustment function. Each time the button is pressed, the Function changes in the following sequence: 2. Press the VIDEO button to select a specific Adjustment Item. The Item number increases each time the VIDEO button is pressed. C. Changing Data After selecting an adjustment Item, use the ADJUST UP/DOWNbutton to change data. Press ADJUST DOWN to decrease the data value. Press ADJUST UP to increase the data value. D. Saving Adjustment Data Press ENTER to save adjustment data in memory. The character display turns red for approximately one second in this step. Note: If the circuit adjustment mode is terminated without pressing ENTER, changes in adjustment data are not saved. E. Terminating the Circuit Adjustment Mode Press the MENU button on the remote hand unit twice to terminate the adjustment mode. Note: The circuit adjustment mode can also be terminated by turning power OFF. Page 22 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 F. Circuit Adjustment Mode Toggle (NTSC / HD / 480P) When in the Circuit Adjustment Mode, pressing 3 toggles between the NTSC, HD and 480P (DVD) modes. Since the signal source cannot be changed when in the Circuit Adjustment Mode, the toggle cannot be used to perform adjustments, but can be used to preset data in the three modes. CAUTION: Data is not automatically saved when 3 is pressed. Press ENTER to save data changes before pressing 3. G. Direct Key Mode This feature is for Factory Use Only. It enables access to the Service Adjustment Modes by using the VCR buttons on the remote control. Activate the Factory Option Menu (MENU-1-2-7-0) Change the option for DIRECT KEY MODE from OFF to ON. Exit the Option Menu (P
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Convergence Circuit] 23. Coarse Convergence Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal ------------------NTSC -- None HD -- HD sync Video & HD Inputs Purpose: Symptom: To converge red and blue on green at the edges of the screen. Color edging at the top, bottom and sides of the screen. SD mode 1. Select an External Input with no signal. 2. Activate the Convergence Mode, Coarse Red. 3. Adjust the Items shown below to converge the red on the green. 4. Select Coarse Blue mode. 5. Adjust the Items shown below to converge the blue on the green. Note: If center convergence shifts, use red and blue Items 0 HSTA and 5 VSTA to correct the shift. 4. Exit the Convergence Mode. HD mode 1. Select an HD signal (sync only). (If no HD signal is available, use the Conv. HD with No Signal procedure) 2. Repeat SD Steps 2 through 7 in the HD mode. 3. Exit the Convergence mode. CONV. HD WIT H NO SIGNAL 1. MENU-1-2-7-0 2. Set DTV Port to HD 3. MENU (twice) 4. INPUT select HD Inputs 5. MENU-1-2-5-9 After adjusting, set the DT V Port to AUT O CONVERGENCE MODE Acivate ..MENU-1-2-5-9 Misc. ."6" Coarse..."5" Fine ..."4" Color (R,G or B)AUDIO Item No...VIDEO Adjust/Move.ADJUST Cursor Toggle...ENTER Save & Exit..MENU (twice) Page 56 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Convergence Circuit] 24. Fine Convergence Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal -----------------NTSC -- None HD -- HD sync Video & HD Inputs Purpose: Symptom: To converge red, green and blue at the edges of the screen Color edging at the edges of the picture. SD Fine Adjustment 1. Select an External Input, no signal. 2. Activate the Convergence Mode, Fine Red. 3. Use the Cursor to converge red on the green. 4. Select the Fine Blue mode. 5. Use the Cursor to converge blue on the green. 6. Exit the Convergence mode. HD Fine Adjustment 1. Select an HD signal (sync only). (If no HD signal is available, use the Conv. HD No Signal Procedure.) 2. Repeat SD Steps 2 through 7, in the HD mode. CONVERGENCE MODE Acivate ..MENU-1-2-5-9 Misc. ."6" Coarse..."5" Fine ..."4" Color (R,G or B)AUDIO Item No...VIDEO Adjust/Move.ADJUST Cursor Toggle...ENTER Save & Exit..MENU (twice) CONV. HD WIT H NO SIGNAL 1. MENU-1-2-7-0 2. Set DTV Port to HD 3. MENU (twice) 4. INPUT select HD Inputs 5. MENU-1-2-5-9 After adjusting, set the DT V Port to AUT O Page 57
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 6. Convergence Adjustment Mode The Convergence mode is used to perform raster geometry correction, and convergence adjustments. These adjustments must be made in both the SD (NTSC) and HD modes. A. Convergence Mode Activation 1. 2. Press MENU-1-2-5-9 When the Convergence Mode is activated, the display below appears on a Green Crosshatch. Continued on following pages... Page 23 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 B. Selecting the HD or SD Mode 1. 2. Select the Signal Source before entering the Convergence Mode, either an NTSC or HD source. Enter the Convergence Mode _ If the signal source is NTSC, the SD mode is activated. _ If the signal source is HD, the HD mode is activated. (Mitsubishi HD-1080 DTV Receiver required.) Activating the HD mode when no HD signal is available _ Activate the Factory Option Menu (MENU-1-2-7-0) _ Use the Adjust keys to select DTV Port and use the Enter key to change the setting from AUTO to HD. _ Exit the Option Menu (Press MENU twice) _ Select the DTV Inputs as the signal source (INPUT button) _ Activate the Convergence Mode ... the Convergence mode will be in the HD mode and the internal crosshatch is displayed. After adjusting Convergence, be sure to set the DTV Port back to AUTO. _ Select an analog Input as the signal source (INPUT button) _ Activate the Factory Option Menu (MENU-1-2-7-0) _ Use the Adjust keys to select DTV Port and use the Enter key to change the setting from HD to AUTO. _ Exit the Option Menu (Press MENU twice) 3. 4. C. Convergence Mode Functions In the Convergence Mode there are three main Functions (Categories). _ Pressing 6 activates CONV MISC _ Pressing 5 activates COARSE CONV _ Pressing 4 activates FINE CONV D. CONV MISC (Press 6) This mode is used to preset data values controlling the Convergence Generator, and to perform the HV Regulation adjustment. 1. Use the VIDEO button to select an item. 2. Use the ADJUST buttons to change data. NOTE: When Item 0 HVOL is selected the screen goes black except for the data display. This occurs since a black screen is required when making the HV Regulation adjustment. E. COARSE CONV (Press 5) There are four Sub Functions in the Coarse mode, COARSE GREEN, COARSE RED, COARSE BLUE and DF. _ COARSE GREEN ... used to make Coarse Raster Geometry Adjustments. _ COARSE RED ... used to make Coarse Red Convergence Adjustments. _ COARSE BLUE ... used to make Coarse Blue Convergence Adjustments. _ DF ... used to preset data values controlling the Dynamic Beam Focus circuit drive signal. 1. Use AUDIO button to select a Sub Function 2. Use the VIDEO button to select an Adjustment Item. 3. Use the ADJUST buttons to change data. Page 24 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 F. FINE CONV (Press 4) Sub Functions This mode is used to perform Fine Raster Correction, and Fine Red and
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65903 / WS-73905 CONVERGENCE CIRCUIT Page 84
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MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Service Manual PROJECTION TELEVISION V16N / V16W CHASSIS ''' V16N MODELS V16W MODELS VS-50805 VS-60805 WT-46805 WS-55805 WS-55905 WS-65905 WS-73905 CAUTION: Before servicing this chassis, it is important that the service person read the "SAFETY PRECAUTIONS" and "PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE" contained in this manual. Power Input Power Consumption Frequency Range Antenna Input _ CRT Size _ High Voltage _ Speaker : AC 120V, 60Hz : 320W (V16N) : 320W (V16W) SPECIFICATIONS _ Cabinet Dimensions : VHF 54 ~ 470MHz UHF 470 ~ 806MHz : VHF/UHF 75 unbalanced Single axis input : [Except for WS-73905} 7 inches : [WS-73905 only] 9 inches : 32.0kV (at 0A) : [VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805] 5" round type, full range 2 pcs. (8 10W) : [WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905] 5" round type, full range 2 pcs.(8 10W) 2" round type, tweeter 2 pcs. (8 10W) : : : : : : : [VS-50805] 202 lbs [VS-60805] 265 lbs [WT-46805] 171 lbs [WS-55805] 250 lbs [WS-55905] 269 lbs [WS-65905] 366 lbs [WS-73905] 413 lbs _Input Level : : : : : : : : [Model] (W)x(H)x(D) [VS-50805] 43"x52"x27.5" [VS-60805] 55.5"x62"x30" [WT-46805] 42.5"x38"x28.5" [WS-55805] 51.5"x52.5"x29" [WS-55905] 51"x52.5"x29" [WS-65905] 59.5"x62.5"x28.5" [WS-73905] 66.5"x67"x30.5" _ Weight : VIDEO IN JACK (RCA Type) 1.0Vp-p 75 unbalanced : AUDIO IN JACK (RCA Type) -4.7dBm 43k unbalanced : S-VIDEO IN JACK (Y/C separate type) Y:1.0 Vp-p C:0.286Vp-p(BURST) 75 unbalanced : DVD / Y, Cr, Cb (RCA Type) Y: 1.0 Vp-p Cr, Cb: 700mVp-p : ATV / Y(G), Pr(R), Pb(B), H, V Y: 1.0Vp-p with sync 75 (BNC) Pr, Pb: 700mV 75 H, V: 3.0Vp-p 75 : VIDEO OUT JACK (RCA Type) 1.0Vp-p 75 unbalanced : AUDIO OUT JACK (RCA Type) -4.7dBm 4.7k unbalanced _Output Level Weight and dimensions shown are approximate. Design specifications are subject to change without notice. MITSUBISHI DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. 9351 Jeronimo Road, Irvine, CA 92618-1904 Copyright © 1999 Mitsubishi Digital Electronics America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. V16 Chassis Technical Training Manual T 2000 ECHNICAL RAINING HDTV 1080i Capable DVD 480p Capable WS-55805 VS-50805 VS-60805 WS-55905 WS-65905 WS-73905 WT-46805 V16N 4:3 V16W 16:9 Features Service Procedures Block Diagrams Alignments Circuit Descriptions Troubleshooting Table of Contents Introduction ... I Chapter 1 - Service Procedures ... 1-1 Disassembly ... 1-3 PCB Functions and Locations ... 1-8 Chapter 2 - Alignment Procedures ... 2-1 Initial Setup ... 2-3 Circuit Adjustment Mode ... 2-4 Convergence Adjustment Mode ... 2-6 Raster Geometry and Convergence Alignment Procedures ... 2-9 Chapter 3 - Power Supplies ... 3-1 Standby Power Supply ... 3-3 Switched Power Supply ... 3-5 Chapter 4 - Control Circuit ... 4-1 Control Circuit Overview... 4-3 µPC Basic Requirements ... 4-3 I2C Lines ... 4-3 Control Interface Circuitry ... 4-6 I/O Port Expander ... 4-7 Parallel Inputs/Outputs ... 4-7 AC-Off Circuit ...
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 CRT REPLACEMENT 1. Removal of the CRT Caution! High voltage should be completely discharged prior to CRT removal. Since The CRTs receive high voltage from the CR Block, discharge by shorting the open end of the respective high voltage cable to chassis ground. Note: Refer to the Cabinet Disassembly Procedures when performing steps 1 through 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Remove the Speaker Grille, Front Board, and Screen Assy. Remove the Back Board. Remove the Anode Lead Wire from the CR Block. Remove the PCB-CRT. Remove 4 hex-screws "a" retaining the Optical Unit. [Figure 5-1] Remove 4 screws "b" retaining the Lens. Note: DO NOT loosen the RED screws. Doing so will break the seal between the C-Element and the # 6 Lens, causing leakage of the CRT Coolant. 7. Remove 4 screws "c" retaining the CRT. [Figure 5-2] 8. Remove the Deflection Yoke from the neck of the CRT. [Figure 5-7] Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Note: The 4 spring-loaded screws shown in Fig 5-2 and labeled as "DO NOT REMOVE", should not be loosened under any circumstance. Doing so will break the seal between the CRT and the CRT-Spacer, causing leakage of the CRT Coolant. Page 16 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 2. Installation of the CRT Note: The replacement CRT is supplied as an assembly comprised of the CRT and the Inner Lens with the space between them filled with ethylene glycol. Care should be taken during handling and installation to prevent shock from disrupting the seal or alignment between the CRT and Inner Lens. [Figure 5-3] Figure 5-3 Note: The CRT fixing screws should not be loosened nor should they be removed. [Figure 5-4] Figure 5-4 1. Carefully position the replacement CRT and fasten in place using 4 screws "d". [Figure 5-6] Figure 5-6 Figure 5-5 Page 17 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 2. Install the Deflection Yoke on the CRT neck. [Figure 5-7] 3. Install the Lens that was removed in steps 8 and 9 of Removal Of The CRT. [ Figures 5-1 and 5-2 ] a) Position the Lens so that the Label faces the direction shown in Figure 5-8. b) Install the mounting screws. [Figure 5-1] 4. Connect the PCB-CRT. 5. Insert the Optical Unit into the Light Box Assembly. 6. Insert the Anode Lead Wire into the Flyback Transformer. 7. Re-clamp the Lead Wire in its original position. Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 Adjustment procedures after replacing the CRT(s) CRT Cut Off / White Balance Adjustment Static Convergence Adjustment Dynamic Convergence Adjustment Page 18
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65903 / WS-73905 DEFLECTION / HV 115V 115V HV / PROTECT 115V Page 83
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS Note: Perform only the adjustments required. Do not attempt an alignment if proper equipment is not available. 1. Test Equipment Oscilloscope (Unless otherwise specified, use 10:1 probes) Signal Generator (both SD and HD capable) Frequency Counter Direct Current Voltmeter Direct Current Power Supply Multiplex Audio Signal Generator Direct Current Ampere Meter 2. Test Signal A. Monoscope Signal Note: If you do not have a monoscope signal source, connect the unit to a VCR and play a Monoscope *alignment tape. (* Part Number: 859C568060) B. Color Bar Signal Use the color bar signal shown below, unless otherwise specified in this manual. Monoscope Signal 100% 75% 40% 40% 1H Split-Field Color Bars (100% window) Page 19
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Focus Circuit] 15. Dynamic Focus Preset Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal -----------------Monoscope Video Input Purpose: Symptom: 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. To improve edge focus. Poor focus at the edges of the screen. Supply a Monoscope signal to a Video Input Activate the Convergence Mode, Conv. Misc Function. Set Items 4 FPHS and 6 DPHS to the data values given in Table 1. Select the DF Function under the Conv. Coarse Mode. Set Items 0 DFH and 1 DFV to the data value given in Table 2. Exit the Conv. Mode. CONVERGENCE MODE Acivate ..MENU-1-2-5-9 Misc. ."6" Coarse..."5" Fine ..."4" Color (R,G or B)AUDIO Item No...VIDEO Adjust/Move.ADJUST Cursor Toggle...ENTER Save & Exit..MENU (twice) CONV-MISC. Item # Abbrev V16N Data V16W Data 4 FPHS 186 178 6 DPHS 250 245 Table 1 DF Function Item # Abbrev V16N Data VA6W Data 0 DFH 175 200 1 DFV 50 40 Table 2 [CRT Circuit] 16. Electrostatic Focus Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal ------------------Monscope Video Input Purpose Symptom: To set electrostatic focus to the optimum point. Poor focus. Note: This adjustment must be performed after the Sub Contrast adjustment. 1. 2. 3. 3. Supply a Monoscope signal to a Video Input Activate A/V Reset Select Red, Green or Blue rasters using the table below. Set the Red, Green and Blue Focus VRs for optimum focus at the top center of the picture.. Raster Color Selection Color Raster Activation Code Red MENU-1-2-5-9-1 Green MENU-1-2-5-9-2 Blue MENU-1-2-5-9-3 Page 50 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Video Circuit] 17. Lens Focus Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal ------------------Monoscope Video Input Purpose: To set the Lens position for optimum focus. Symptom: Poor focus Note: This adjustment must follow item 6 (Electrostatic Focus). Perform this adjustment for RED, GREEN, and BLUE monochrome pictures. 1. Supply a VIDEO signal (Monoscope). 2. Cover the Red and Blue Lens (producing a green raster). 3. Adjust the Green Lens for best focus at the center of the Monoscope pattern. Note: Attach a white paper to the screen center. During adjustment, observe the picture on the screen from inside for easier adjustment. 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the Red and Blue monochrome pictures. [On Screen Display] 18.Character Position Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal ------------------Video Signal Video Input Purpose To position the character display horizontally. Symptom: Incorrect display position 1. 2. 3. 3. Supply a video signal to a Video Input Enter the Service Mode HR function. Adjust so the width of (A) and (B) are equal as shown below. Save data and exit the Service Mode. SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [HV Circuit] 3. HV Regulation Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal DC Voltmeter DT 1 & 2 -----------Video Signal Monoscope Video Input Purpose: Symptom: To set the CRT Anode voltage. Dark Picture Note: This adjustment must be rechecked following Adjustment 9 CRT Cutoff. 1. Supply a video monoscope signal. 2. Sent Contrast to maximum, and Brightness to mid position. 3. Connect a DC volt meter between pins 2 and 5 of the DT connector. (Positive lead to pin 2) 4. Activate the Conv-Misc Mode. 5. Select Item 1 HVOL (screen goes black). 6. Adjust Item 1 HVOL for 9V ±0.1V on the meter. 7. Save data and exit the Conv-Misc mode. 8. Confirm that the voltage does not change more than 0.15V. Note: This adjustment must be performed if E2RESET is activated. CONVERGENCE MODE Acivate ..MENU-1-2-5-9 Misc. ."6" Coarse..."5" Fine ..."4" Color (R,G or B)AUDIO Item No...VIDEO Adjust/Move.ADJUST Cursor Toggle...ENTER Save & Exit..MENU (twice) [Video Circuit] 4. Main/Sub Y Level Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal Oscilloscope GJ-16, GJ-5 ----------Color Bars Video Input Purpose Symptom: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To set picture luminance Excess or insufficient brightness. Supply a color bar signal to a Video Input (not an RF input). Select the color bar signal for both the main and sub pictures. Connect the oscilloscope to connector GJ pin 16. Activate the Service Mode Select Item 3 YDRM in the Main Matrix function. Adjust the data for 0.7 Vp-p max. - 0.67 Vp-p min. at GJ pin 16. (If it cannot be adjusted within this range, set to the lower value) 7. Move the oscilloscope to GJ pin 5. 8. Select Item 2 YDRS in the Sub Matrix function. 9. Adjust the data for 0.7 Vp-p max. - 0.67 Vp-p min. at GJ pin 16. (If it cannot be adjusted within this range, set to the lower value) SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) Page 44
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 INTRODUCTION This service manual provides service instructions for PTV Models VS-50805 and VS-60805 which use the V16N chassis, and PTV Models WS-55805, WS-55905, WS-65905, WS-73905 and WT-46805 which use the V16W chassis. Service personnel should read this manual thoroughly before servicing these chassis. This service manual includes: 1. Assembly and disassembly instructions for the front and rear cabinet components. 2. Servicing of the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens. 3. Servicing printed circuit boards (PCBs). 4. CRT replacement procedure. 5. Electrical adjustments. 6. Chip parts replacement procedures. 7. Circuit path diagrams. The parts list section of this service manual includes: 1. Cabinet and screen parts. 2. Electrical parts. Schematic and block diagrams of the above listed models are included in this service manual for better understanding of the circuitry. PCB drawings are also included for easy location of parts and test points. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Many electrical and mechanical parts in television receivers have special safety related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection nor can the protection afforded by them necessarily be obtained by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Replacement parts which have special safety characteristics are identified in this service manual. Electrical components having such features are identified by bold type in the parts list of this service manual, and by marking on the supplementary sheet for this chassis to be issued subsequently. The replacement for any safety part should be identical in value and characteristics. Page 3 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS NOTICE: WARNING: 1. 2. 3. Observe all cautions and safety related notes located inside the receiver cabinet and on the receiver chassis. Operation of this receiver outside the cabinet or with the cover removed presents a shock hazard from the receiver's power supplies. Work on the receiver should not be attempted by anyone who is not thoroughly familiar with the precautions necessary when working on high voltage equipment. Do not install, remove or handle the picture tubes in any manner unless shatterproof goggles are worn. People not so equipped should be kept away while the picture tube is being handled. Keep the picture tube away from the body while handling. When service is required, observe the original lead dress. Extra precaution should be taken to assure correct lead dress in the high voltage area. Where a short-circuit has occurred, replace those components that indicate evidence of overheating. X-Radiation warning The surface of the cathode ray tubes (CRTs) may generate X-Radiation, so take proper precautions when servicing. It is recommended that a lead apron be used for shielding while handling the
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Introduction The V16 chassis line offers NTSC receivers that are Digital TV (DTV) capable. When connected to an appropriate Advanced TV (ATV) Receiver, the sets can produce pictures broadcast in the DTV Standard set by the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC). The Digital Television Standard is divided into two categories capable of eighteen video formats: 1) SDTV - Standard Definition TV 2) HDTV - High Definition TV All formats convert the original analog signal to digital, then compress and transmit the digital data. The receiver must reverse the process, decompressing the data and converting it back to the original analog signals. All formats also utilize ghost cancellation. Table 1 compares the DTV video formats in regard to active horizontal lines, pixels (samples) per line, picture aspect ratio, picture repetition rate, and scanning methods. In the Picture Rate column, an I indicates interlace scanning, and a P progressive scanning. SDTV SDTV is comprised of twelve video formats. Either progressive or interlace scanning may be used. Two picture aspect ratios may be used, conventional 4:3, or the new 16:9 ratio. The choice of picture rates provides compatibility with most NTSC, Motion Picture and Computer System materials. The pixel count is for the active portion of each horizontal line. 704 pixels results in horizontal resoSDTV HDTV Digital Television lution that is slightly better than the NTSC format. The 480i active horizontal scan lines is the same as the NTSC standard. Since the horizontal resolution and the number of active horizontal lines are roughly the same as the NTSC format, the picture quality is basically the same. However, digital transmission solves most problems associated with snow and ghosts, resulting in an improved picture. Under marginal signal conditions, all or part of a DTV picture will simply freeze momentarily. The 480 line/640 pixel format is not used for any current video production. However, since it corresponds to the PC VGA graphics format it will probably be used in the future. HDTV HDTV has six video formats. All HDTV video formats increase the number of active horizontal lines and the number of pixels per line. This results in an improved high resolution picture. HDTV features a 16:9 aspect ratio using progressive and interlace scanning. As with SDTV, the various picture rates provide compatibly with most NTSC, Motion Picture and Computer System materials. DTV Channels Due to the compression, encoding and modulation method used in the ATSC standard, DTV channels can be made up of major (main) channels and minor (sub) channels. A major channel can have several minor channels. Channel availability is determined by the broadcast station. Horiz. Lines Pixels Aspect Ratio Picture Rate 480 640 4:3 60P, 60I, 30P, 24P 480 704 16:9/4:3 60P, 60I, 30P, 24P 720 1280 16:9 60P, 30P, 24P 1080 1920 16:9 60I, 30P, 24P Table 1: DTV Video Formats Page I The V16 Chassis is Mitsubishis second generation of HDTV up
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 SERVICING THE LENTICULAR SCREEN AND FRESNEL LENS CAUTION: Wear gloves when handling the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens. This prevents cuts and finger prints. Do not place Fresnel Lens in the sun. This may cause fine and heat related injuries. VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WS-55805 1. Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens Removal 1. Remove the screen assembly shown in the Cabinet Disassembly procedure. 2. Remove the Frame Holder by removing 12 screws (a). 3. Remove Screen Holder by removing 6 screws (b). Note: When separating the Lenticular Screen from the Fresnel Lens, use caution while prying the Screen and Lens apart. Use a slot type screw drive, and remove the pressure sensitive double sided tape. Page 10 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 SERVICING THE LENTICULAR SCREEN AND FRESNEL LENS 2. Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens Installation. Note: Store the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens in a cool dry place. High humidity may deform the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens. 1. Apply double coated tape (Part # LENS-TAPE) along the top front edge of the Fresnel Lens as shown below. Refer to the Table below for proper tape length. 2. Place the Fresnel Lens on top of the Lenticular Screen and apply pressure at the top edge to bond them together as shown below. MODEL VS-50805 VS-60805 WS-55805 WS-55905 WS-65905 WS-73905 WT-46805 SCREEN TAPE SIZE LENGTH 50" 60" 55" 55" 65" 73" 46" 37.5" 45" 45" 45" 53" 60" 37.5" Page 12 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 SERVICING THE DIAMONDSHIELD 1. DiamondShield Removal Procedure Note: Wear gloves when handling the DiamondShield to prevent finger prints. 1. Remove the left and right molding clips by gently inserting a small screwdriver between the DiamondShield and one end of the clip. 2. Gently pry both clips loose and remove them by pulling toward you. 3. Carefully insert a small screwdriver into the gap between the DiamondShield and the Lenticular Screen at the top/center point. Pivot the screwdriver up and forward to pull the top edge of the DiamondShield slightly away from the unit. Then, with your left and right hands placed at the approximate points shown, gently bow the DiamondShield toward you and away from the unit to remove. 4. Complete the DiamondShield removal by replacing the molding clips removed in step 2. For both the left and right, press the clip into place starting at one corner. Then, run a finger along the length of the clip to press it into place. Do not force. Page 13 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 2. DiamondShield Installation Procedure *(See Parts List for DiamondShield part numbers) 1. Remove the left and right molding clips by gently inserting a small screwdriver between the DiamondShield and one end of the clip. 2. Gently pry both clips loose and r
File name Lens-Screen-DiamondShield-WS-55905-65905-73905-WT-46805.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 SERVICING THE LENTICULAR SCREEN AND FRESNEL LENS CAUTION: Wear gloves when handling the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens. This prevents cuts and finger prints. Do not place Fresnel Lens in the sun. This may cause fine and heat related injuries. WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 / WT-46805 1a. Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens Removal 1. Remove the screen assembly shown in the Cabinet Disassembly procedure. 2. Remove the Screen Frame top section by removing 4 screws (a). 3. Carefully grasp the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens combination and pull upward and out of the Screen Frame Assembly. Note: When separating the Lenticular Screen from the Fresnel Lens, use caution while prying the Screen and Lens apart. Use a slot type screw drive, and remove the pressure sensitive double sided tape. Page 11 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 SERVICING THE LENTICULAR SCREEN AND FRESNEL LENS 2. Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens Installation. Note: Store the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens in a cool dry place. High humidity may deform the Lenticular Screen and Fresnel Lens. 1. Apply double coated tape (Part # LENS-TAPE) along the top front edge of the Fresnel Lens as shown below. Refer to the Table below for proper tape length. 2. Place the Fresnel Lens on top of the Lenticular Screen and apply pressure at the top edge to bond them together as shown below. MODEL VS-50805 VS-60805 WS-55805 WS-55905 WS-65905 WS-73905 WT-46805 SCREEN TAPE SIZE LENGTH 50" 60" 55" 55" 65" 73" 46" 37.5" 45" 45" 45" 53" 60" 37.5" Page 12 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 SERVICING THE DIAMONDSHIELDTM 1. DiamondShieldTM Removal Procedure Note: Wear gloves when handling the DiamondShieldTM to prevent finger prints. 1. Remove the left and right molding clips by gently inserting a small screwdriver between the DiamondShieldTM and one end of the clip. 2. Gently pry both clips loose and remove them by pulling toward you. 3. Carefully insert a small screwdriver into the gap between the DiamondShieldTM and the Lenticular Screen at the side/center point. Pivot the screwdriver up and forward to pull the side edge of the DiamondShieldTM slightly away from the unit. Then, with your left and right hands placed at the approximate points shown, gently bow the DiamondShieldTM toward you and away from the unit to remove. 4. Complete the DiamondShieldTM removal by replacing the molding clips removed in step 2. For both the left and right, press the clip into place starting at one corner. Then, run a finger along the length of the clip to press it into place. Do not force. Page 15 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 2. DiamondShieldTM Installation Procedure *(See Parts List for DiamondShieldTM part numbers) 1. Remove the left and right molding clips by gently
File name List_of_Adjustment_Items.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 E2PROM Replacement IC704 stores the adjustment data. After replacing the IC, set the data to the values given in the following tables. If good performance is not obtained, perform the Adjustments Procedures given in the Notes column. List of Adjustment Items. Function Display Adjustment Item # Abbrev. Description 1 SCT Picture Gain Control 2 SBRT Sub Brightness 3 SCOL Sub Color 4 STIN Sub Tint 5 SCON Sub Contrast 6 RDRH R-Drive (high) 7 GDR G-Drive 8 BDRH B-Drive (high) 9 CTRH R-Cutoff (high) 10 CTGH G-Cutoff (high) 11 CTBH B-Cutoff (high) 12 RDRL R-Drive (low) 13 BDRL B-Drive (low) 14 CTRL R-Cutoff (low) 15 CTGL G-Cutoff (low) 16 CTBL B-Cutoff (low) 17 GMMA Gamma control 18 BRT Brightness control 19 COL Color Gain control 20 TINT Tint Control 21 CONT Picture Gain control 22 SHRP Sharpness control 23 SSH1 Sub Sharpness for NT 24 SHF1 Sharpness F0 for NT 25 PROV Pre/Overshoot Gain 26 LTI Y Edge Enhancement Level 27 DCOL Dynamic Color 28 CTIL CTI Level 29 ACL ABL mode 30 ACLL ACL level 31 PACL Peak ACL detect 32 DPIC Dynamic Picture 33 DCT DC Restoration 34 LMT Peak Limit level 35 AKB AKB On 36 AKBT AKB Timing Pulse 36 37 BLK Hor/Vert Blank level 38 BLKB RGB Blank bottom level 39 CLMP Clamp Pulse select 40 CLMW Clamp Width 41 SEPA H Sync Separator mode 42 SYNC Sync Detect mode 43 VSYN V Sync Separator T/C 44 HSSW HS Pulse width (Continued on next page) VIDEO / CHROMA Function IC2B00 (CXA2101Q) Initial Data Notes NTSC HD 480P 42 Sub Contrast 18 Black Level 2 2 2 Preset 7 10 7 " 2 2 2 " 42 42 White Balance 50 50 Preset 42 42 White Balance 15 15 " 50 50 Preset 15 15 White Balance 50 " 25 " 23 " 50 " 10 " 8 4 5 Preset 31 User 31 User 31 User 42 Preset 31 31 User 2 3 3 Preset 0 3 3 " 3 1 1 " 2 2 2 " 1 1 1 " 3 3 3 " 0 " 0 " 8 " 1 1 User 1 1 Preset 3 3 " 0 " 0 1 0 " 0 " 0~1 0 " 0~15 0 " 0~1 0 " 0~3 0 " 0~1 0 0 0 " 0~3 1 1 3 " 0~3 2 " 0~3 0 " () Automatically goes to value on the left Indicates V16W Only Data Range 0~63 0~63 0~15 0~15 0~15 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~15 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~63 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~1 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~15 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~1 0~1 Page 26 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 VIDEO / CHROMA Function (Continued) Function Display Item # Abbrev. 45 HDTC 46 HSBL 47 HSSW 48 IN-1 49 MAT 50 IN-2 51 MODE 52 VM 53 VMDL 54 YSM1 55 VMSW 56 CRO1 57 CBO1 58 CRO2 59 CB02 60 R-YR 61 R-YB 62 G-YR 63 G-YB 64 PON 65 RON 66 GON 67 BON 68 AG-1 69 AG-2 70 OSDL Adjustment Description HDTV Sync T/C HS mask on VS Input Sync select Input select-1 Matrix mode Input select-2 Input Signal mode VM Level VM Delay timing YS/YM-1 On/Off SVM On/Off by YS/YM CR Offset 1 CB Offset 1 CR offset 2 CB Offset 2 R-Y Gain of R-Y R-Y Gain of B-Y G-Y Gain of R-Y G-Y Gain of B-Y RGB On R On G On B On White Aging On /Off Black Aging On/Off OSD Level Data Initial Data Note
File name Mitsubishi VS-50805, VS-60805, WS-55905, WS-65905, WS-73905, WS-55805, WT-46805 (Chassis V16 N W) (S

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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Video Circuit] 17. Lens Focus Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal ------------------Monoscope Video Input Purpose: To set the Lens position for optimum focus. Symptom: Poor focus Note: This adjustment must follow item 6 (Electrostatic Focus). Perform this adjustment for RED, GREEN, and BLUE monochrome pictures. 1. Supply a VIDEO signal (Monoscope). 2. Cover the Red and Blue Lens (producing a green raster). 3. Adjust the Green Lens for best focus at the center of the Monoscope pattern. Note: Attach a white paper to the screen center. During adjustment, observe the picture on the screen from inside for easier adjustment. 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for the Red and Blue monochrome pictures. [On Screen Display] 18.Character Position Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal ------------------Video Signal Video Input Purpose To position the character display horizontally. Symptom: Incorrect display position 1. 2. 3. 3. Supply a video signal to a Video Input Enter the Service Mode HR function. Adjust so the width of (A) and (B) are equal as shown below. Save data and exit the Service Mode. SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) Page 51
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MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 3. Initial Setup A. Option Menu Setup Follow the steps below for the initial set-up: 1. Select the "MENU" display by pressing the "MENU" button once. 2. Press the number buttons "1", "2", "7", "0" in sequence to select the "OPTION MENU" display. 3. Press the "ADJUST" button to select "INITIAL." 4. Press "ENTER." NOTE: At this time channel 3 is automatically selected. CAUTION: Do not select E2 RESET and press QV (RCL). Doing so will require a full item by item alignment of all data values listed in the "Service Adjustment" and Convergence Miscellaneouts modes. CAUTION: Do not select Convergence Reset and press ENTER. This resets all data in the Coarse and Fine Convergence modes. OPTION MENU Initial E2RESET Direct Key Mode :OFF DTV Port :AUTO DTV Signal Strength Power restore :OFF V-chip supported :ON Convergence reset DTV Diagnostics DTV Reset DTV E2 Reset Free Run Factory Option Menu B. Default Settings SETUP Memorize Channels ANT A Language English CLOCK Clock Setting Auto Time Zone Eastern Daylight Savings Applies Clock Time N/A Set Day N/A AV CONNECTION AV Network OFF External Audio System NO AV Receiver at Input 1 None Audio Output Variable INPUT ASSIGNMENT Antenna A On Antenna B On DTV YPrPb Input 1 Input-1 Input 2 Input-2 Input 3 Input-3 Input 4 Input-4 CAPTIONS Closed Captions With Mute CC Background Gray DTV Channel Guide N/A MAIN MENU DEFAULT SETTINGS Input Channel Memory Name SQV CHANNEL EDIT ANTA 3 Deleted ---OFF TIMER Timer Off Set Time 12:00PM Set Day Everyday Input ANT A Channel 3 V-CHIP PARENT LOCK TV Rating Off FV-Fantasy Violence N/A D-Sexual Dialog N/A L- Adult Language N/A S-Sexual Situation N/A V-Violence N/A Program not Rated N/A Movie Rating Off V-CHIP HOURS/LOCK BY TIME V-Chip Start Time N/A V-Chip Stop Time N/A Lock by Time Off Lock Time N/A Unlock Time N/A ADVANCED FEATURES SD Video Format 480P Video Mute On Black Level Expansion On AUDIO/VIDEO SETTINGS Audio Volume 30% Bass 50% Treble 50% Balance 50% Listen to Stereo PIP Audio Out (V16W) Stereo Level Sound Off Video Iris OFF Contrast 100% Brightness 50% Auto Picture OFF Sharpness 50% Color 50% Tint 50% Color Temp. High Video Noise Normal PIP/POP Source Ant A Ch 3 PIP Position (V16N) Lower Rght POP Position (V16W) Rght Half Format (V16W) H-LIN EXP Page 20 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 A/V RESET DEFAULT SETTINGS A/V Memory ANT-A/B DTV INPUT 1/2/3/4 DVD Iris OFF Contrast Max. Max. Max. Max. Brightness Center Center Center Center Auto Picture OFF Sharpness Center Center Center Center Color Center Center Center Center Tint Center Center Center Center Color Temp. High High High High Video Noise Normal Normal Normal Normal Bass Center Center Center Center Treble Center Center Center Center Balance Center Surround OFF OFF OFF OFF Listen To Stereo PIP Audio Out Stereo (V16W only) Level Sound OFF OFF OFF OFF C. A/V Memory Each of the 7 i
File name Ordering-Identification.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 REPLACEMENT PARTS Parts Ordering To expedite delivery of replacement parts orders, specify the following: 1. Model Number/Serial Number 2. Part Number and description 3. Quantity Note: Unless complete information is supplied, delay in processing of orders will result. Critical and Warranty Parts Designation Critical Electrical Components are indicated by Bold Type in the Parts List. Warranty Return Parts are indicated in the Parts List with an (*). Parts Tolerance Codes Refer to the following chart for tolerance characteristics of electrical components. MARK Tolerance % B ± 0.1 C ± 0.25 D ± 0.5 F ±1 G ±2 J ±5 K ± 10 MARK Tolerance % M ± 20 N ± 30 V ± 10 X + 40 -20 Z + 80 -20 P + 100 -0 Q + 30 -10 MARK Tolerance (pF) M ± 0.1 N ± 0.25 V ± 0.5 X ±1 Z ±2 PAGE 59 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 PAGE 60
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File name PCB-Front.pdf

File name PCB-JUNGLE.pdf

File name PCB-MAIN.pdf

File name PCB-PIP-1-V16W.pdf

File name PCB-PIP-2-V16N.pdf

File name PCB-POWER.pdf

File name PCB-PREAMP.pdf

File name PCB-RGB.pdf

File name PCB-SIGNAL_FS.pdf

File name PCB-SIGNAL_HF-Video.pdf

File name PCB-TERMINAL-Video_Signal_Path.pdf

File name PCB-TERMINAL.pdf

File name PCB-YCS_DECODER.pdf

File name PCB_and_Main_Component_Locations.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 PCB Locations Main Components Location Page 15
File name Quick_Reference_List.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 QUICK REFERENCE FOR COMMON REPLACEMENT PARTS CRT ASSEMBLIES * 251C205010 * 251C205020 * 251C205030 * 251C206010 * 251C206020 * 251C206030 * 251C205040 * 251C205050 * 251C205060 * 251C205070 * 251C205080 * 251C205090 * 251C206040 * 251C206050 * 251C206060 * 251C206070 * 251C206080 * 251C206090 * 251C204070 * 251C204080 * 251C204090 ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE VS-50805 VS-50805 VS-50805 VS-60805 VS-60805 VS-60805 WS-55805 WS-55805 WS-55805 WS-55905 WS-55905 WS-55905 WS-65905 WS-65905 WS-65905 WS-73905 WS-73905 WS-73905 WT-46805 WT-46805 WT-46805 HIGH VOLTAGE / DEFLECTION COMPONENTS Q530 T500 261P08201 334P264040 920P016010 330P260020 129P059050 453B035010 453B035020 453BO35030 453B035O40 HV-OUT 2SK2771-O1R TRANS-FLYBACK HV-BLOCK DEFL-YOKE VR-FOCUS-MHF116-50W CAP ANODE-RED CAP ANODE-B&G CAP ANODE-RED CAP ANODE-B&G VR550 Except WS-73905 Except WS-73905 Only WS-73905 Only WS-73905 MISCELLANEOUS 290P098020 REMOTE CONTROL MODEL VS-50805 VS-60805 WS-55805 WS-55905 WS-65905 WS-73905 WT-46805 MIRROR 767D055020 767D048050 767D055040 767D055040 767D048090 767C031010 767D055050 LENTICULAR SCREEN 491P089020 491P079030 491P103010 491P103010 491P105010 491P085020 491P097010 FRESNEL LENS 491P090040 491P080030 491P104010 491P104010 491P106010 491P086020 491P098010 PAGE 60
File name Raster_Centering_and_Static_Convergence_Adjustments.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Convergence Circuit] 22. Centering and Static Convergence Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal -----------------NTSC -- None HD -- HD sync Video & HD Inputs Purpose: Symptom: To converge red, green and blue at the center of the screen Color edging over the entire picture. Preliminary Degauss the shield cover and bracket unit of the CRT assembly ans chassis. HD mode 1. Supply an HD Monoscope signal to the HD Inputs. 2. Select the HD Inputs as the signal source (Input button). 3. Activate the Service Mode, Defl. Jungle Function. 4. Check that the data for Item 14 HPOS is set to 34. 5. Save data and Exit the Service Mode. 6. Enter the Convergence Coarse mode. 7. Check that the data for the HSTA and VTSA items for red, green and blue are set to 0. 8. In the Coarse Green mode: Center the Green Raster using the Green Centering Magnet. Rotate the Green Deflection Yoke to correct any tilt. 9. In the Coarse Red mode, use the Red Centering Magnet to converge red on the green at the center of screen. Correct any red tilt with the Red Deflection Yoke. 10. In the Coarse Blue mode, repeat Step 9 using the Blue Centering magnet and the Blue Deflection Yoke. 11. Exit the Convergence mode. SD mode 1. Supply an NTSC Monoscope signal to a Video Input. 2. Select the Monoscope as the signal source (Input button). 3. Activate the Service Mode, Defl. Jungle Function. 4. Check that the data for Item 14 HPOS is set to 35. 5. Save data and Exit the Service Mode. 6. Enter the Convergence Coarse mode. 7. In the Coarse Green mode, use Items 0 HSTA and 4 VSTA to center the green raster. 8. In the Coarse Red mode, use Items 0 HSTA and 5 VSTA to converge red on the green at the center of the screen. 9. In the Coarse Blue mode, repeat step 8 to converge the blue on the green. 10. Exit the Convergence mode. SERVICE M ODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) CONVERGENCE MODE Acivate ..MENU-1-2-5-9 Misc. ."6" Coarse..."5" Fine ..."4" Color (R,G or B)AUDIO Item No...VIDEO Adjust/Move.ADJUST Cursor Toggle...ENTER Save & Exit..MENU (twice) Page 55
File name Raster_Geometry_Adjustments.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Conv/Defl] 19. Geometry Preset Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal ------------------NTSC & HD Video & HD Inputs Purpose: Symptom: To preset data controlling raster geometry Raster distortion. Note: This procedure is usually only necessary if: An E2PROM is replaced in the Control or Convergence circuits. E2RESET or Convergence Reset has been activated. Procedure In the Service Adjustment and Coarse Convergence Modes set the data to the values given in the Tables below. Function Display V16N Data V16W 55/65/73" V16W 46" Item # Abbrev. HD NTSC HD NTSC HD NTSC 1 HWID 34 39 40 44 38 44 2 HKEY 35 36 40 36 30 25 3 EWPT 47 55 25 25 31 25 4 EWCT 42 42 40 40 40 40 5 EWPB 36 54 31 20 27 20 6 EWCB 34 34 38 34 38 34 7 VHGT 16 16 31 40 21 31 8 VLIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 VSCN 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 VLNT 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 VLNB 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEFL JUNGLE Function SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) CONVERGENCE MODE Acivate ..MENU-1-2-5-9 Misc. ."6" Coarse..."5" Fine ..."4" Color (R,G or B)AUDIO Item No...VIDEO Adjust/Move.ADJUST Cursor Toggle...ENTER Save & Exit..MENU (twice) CONV GREEN Items Item Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abbrev. Name HSTA* SPCC HWID SKEW VSTA* VKEY TBPC TILT CONV. HD WITH NO SIGNAL 1. MENU-1-2-7-0 2. Set DTV Port to HD 3. MENU (twice) 4. INPUT select HD Inputs 5. MENU-1-2-5-9 After adjusting, set the DTV Port to AUTO Data (SD/HD) 50-60" 55-65-73" 46" -35/-35 0/0 0/0 0/0 -35/-35 0/-10 0/0 0/0 -220/-150 -220/-200 -220/-200 0/0 CONV RED Items Item Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abbrev. Name HSTA* HLIN SKEW HWID HSBW VST* VKEY TILT 50-60" +50/+50 -220/-200 0/0 0/0 30/30 -20/-20 -140/-120 0/0 Data (SD/HD) 55-65-73" 46" +40/+50 +75/+75 -210/-200 -225/-210 +10/+10 +5/+5 -25/-5 +15/+20 -100/-100 -115/-85 CONV BLUE Items Item Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Abbrev. Data (SD/HD) Name 50-60" 55-65-73" 46" HSTA* -50/-50 -40/-40 -75/-75 HLIN +220/+200 +240/+220 +240/+215 SKEW 0/0 -10/-10 0/0 HWID 0/0 -20/-5 -15/-20 HSBW -50/-50 -45/-45 -45/-45 VST* -20/-20 -10/-10 -5/-5 VKEY +140/+120 +115/+115 +115/+105 TILT 0/0 0/0 Page 52 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Deflection Circuit] 20: Deflection Geometry Adjustment Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal -----------------Monoscope (NTSC & HD) Video & HD Inputs Purpose: Symptom: To set the height, width and linearity of the raster. Incorrect height, width and/or linearity. NTSC Mode 1. Supply an NTSC Monoscope signal to a Video Input. 2. Select the Monoscope as the signal source (Input button) 3. Activate the Service Mode, Defl. Jungle Function. 4. Select and adjust each of the following items. 7 VHGT ... so the vertical marker sum = 4 8 VLIN ... so the large circle is round 1 HWD ...
File name Screen_Assembly_Parts.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 #] Model Legend: (1) VS-50805, (2) VS-60805, (3) WS-55805, (4) WS-55905, (5) WS-65905. (6) WS-73905, (7) WT-46805 Ref # Part # Part Name & Description [#] Ref # Part # Part Name & Description SCREEN-LENTICULAR - 60" LENS-FRESNEL - 60" CONTROL-PANEL SCREEN CLIP - 60" HOLDER-SCREEN-BOT FRAME-SCREEN-TOP - 60 FRAME-SCREEN-S - 60" CORNER CAP - LEFT CORNER CAP - RIGHT DIAMOND-SHIELD - 60" SCREEN-LENTICULAR - 55" LENS-FRESNEL - 55" CONTROL-PANEL SCREEN CLIP - 60" HOLDER-SCREEN-BOT FRAME-SCREEN-S - 55" CORNER CAP - LEFT CORNER CAP - RIGHT DIAMOND-SHIELD - 55" [#] 290P098020 871D230010 871D283010 871D284010 ACCESSORIES REMOTE CONTROL IB - OWENRS GUIDE V16 IB - OWNERS GUIDE V16 IB - OWNERS GUIDE V16 5&6 VS-50805 (1) 491P089020 (2) 491P090040 (3) 702A391010 (4) 622C060020 (5) 622C063020 (6) 701B400060 (7) 701B417020 (8) 702A388030 (9) 702A388040 (10) 760D613020 SCREEN ASSEMBLY PARTS SCREEN-LENTICULAR - 50" LENS-FRESNEL - 50" CONTROL-PANEL SCREEN CLIP - 50" HOLDER-SCREEN-BOT FRAME-SCREEN-TOP - 50" FRAME-SCREEN-S - 50" CORNER CAP - LEFT CORNER CAP - RIGHT DIAMOND-SHIELD - 50" VS-60805 (1) 491P079030 (2) 491P080030 (3) 702A391020 (4) 622C060040 (5) 622C063040 (6) 701B400080 (7) 701B417030 (8) 702A388030 (9) 702A388040 (10) 760D613040 WS-55805 (1) 491P103010 (2) 491P104010 (3) 702A391020 (4) 622C060040 (5) 622C063040 (7) 701B417010 (8) 702A388030 (9) 702A388040 (10) 701C078090 VS-50805 VS-60805 WS-55805 PAGE 77 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 #] Model Legend: (1) VS-50805, (2) VS-60805, (3) WS-55805, (4) WS-55905, (5) WS-65905. (6) WS-73905, (7) WT-46805 Ref # Part # Part Name & Description [#] Ref # Part # Part Name & Description [#] WS-55905 (1) 491P103010 (2) 491P104010 (3) 622D746080 (4) 711C029040 (5) 711C029050 (6) 711C029060 (7) 768C065010 (8) 760D613080 SCREEN ASSEMBLY PARTS SCREEN-LENTICULAR - 55" LENS-FRESNEL - 55" CLIP-SIDE - 55 FRAME-SCREEN-TOP - 55" FRAME-SCREEN-SIDES - 55" FRAME-SCREEN-BOTTOM - 55" CORNER-CAP DIAMOND-SHIELD - 55" SCREEN-LENTICULAR - 65" LENS-FRESNEL - 65" CLIP-CABINET - RIGHT COVER CLIP-CABINET - LEFT COVER CLIP-SIDE - 65" FRAME-SCREEN-TOP - 65" FRAME-SCREEN-SIDES - 65" FRAME-SCREEN-BOTTOM - 65" CORNER-CAP DIAMOND-SHIELD - 65" WS-65905 (1) 491P105010 (2) 491P106010 622C061010 622C061020 (3) 622D746020 (4) 711C026040 (5) 711C026050 (6) 711C026060 (7) 768C065010 (8) 701C078020 WS-73905 (1) 491P085020 (2) 491P086020 622C061010 622C061020 (3) 622D746010 (4) 711C029070 (5) 711C029080 (6) 711C029090 (7) 768C065010 (8) 701C078010 WT-46805 (1) 491P097010 (2) 491P098010 (3) 622D746070 (4) 711C029010 (5) 711C029020 (6) 711C029030 (7) 768C065020 801C395020 (8) 701C078080 SCREEN-LENTICULAR - 73" LENS-FRESNEL - 73" CLIP-CABINET - RIGHT COVER CLIP-CABINET - LEFT COVER CLIP-SIDE - 73" FRAME-SCREEN-TOP - 73" FRAME-SCREEN-SIDES - 73" FRAME-SCREEN-BOTTOM - 73" CORNER-CAP DIAMOND-SHIELD - 73" SCREEN-LEN
File name Service_Parts_List.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 #] Model Legend: (1) VS-50805, (2) VS-60805, (3) WS-55805, (4) WS-55905, (5) WS-65905. (6) WS-73905, (7) WT-46805 Ref # Part # Part Name & Description [#] Ref # IC6P00 IC6P50 IC6V30 IC700 IC7000 IC7001 IC7002 IC7003 IC7004 IC7006 IC7007 IC701 IC7014 IC702 IC703 IC704 IC707 IC709 IC710 IC712 IC720 IC721 IC7300 IC7310 IC7330 IC7600 IC7D00 IC7D01 IC7D03 IC7D04 IC7D05 IC7D06 IC7D07 IC7D08 IC7D11 IC7D12 IC7G01 IC7G02 IC7G03 IC7G04 IC7G05 IC7H00 IC7H01 IC7H02 IC800 IC802 IC803 IC804 IC805 IC806 IC807 IC808 IC809 IC810 IC8D01 IC8D02 IC8E01 IC8E02 IC8E03 IC8E04 Part # 275P164010 270P778010 270P626010 275P452040 275P218010 275P217010 275P258010 275P258010 270P348010 279P086010 279P086010 275P452050 275P278020 275P419010 275P242010 275P241010 275P244010 270P706010 275P419010 274P378010 275P336010 263P606010 275P423010 270P626010 270P778010 270P623010 263P436010 270P441010 270P441010 275P245010 270P348010 275P246010 274P825010 274P825010 270P506010 270P470010 275P247010 274P825010 274P825010 274P377010 274P377010 274P378010 274P825010 274P825010 275P223010 270P093010 270P093010 270P093010 270P093010 270P093010 270P093010 270P093010 270P348010 275P222020 267P120010 267P120010 263P408020 263P408020 263P408020 263P408020 Part Name & Description IC-C-MOS - SDA9288X IC - CXAZ119M IC - TAI226N IC-C-MOS - MN102LP35ZDP IC-C-MOS - TC90A18AF IC-C-MOS - TC90A17F IC-C-MOS - MSM51V8221A-30 IC-C-MOS - MSM51V8221A-30 IC - TLC2932IPW IC - TLC2933IPW IC - TLC2933IPW IC-C-MOS - MN102LP35ZDP IC-C-MOS - TC74LVX14F IC-C-MOS - SN74AHCT1G126DBV IC-C-MOS - ADM207EAR IC-C-MOS - 24LC32A*P IC-C-MOS - M66008FP IC - MAX823 IC-C-MOS - SN74AHCT1G126DBV IC-C-MOS - TC74HC4053AF IC-C-MOS - TC74HC11AF IC-C-MOS - TC74HC32AF IC-C-MOS - MAX4583CSE IC - TAI226N IC - CXAZ119M IC - CXA2069Q IC-C-MOS - MC74HC4066F IC - MB40C568HPFV IC - MB40C568HPFV IC-C-MOS - D77543PGE IC - TLC2932IPW IC-C-MOS - F432270PJ IC-C-MOS - MSM518222-30GS-KR1 IC-C-MOS - MSM518222-30GS-KR1 IC - M51957BFP IC - IC-PST600CMT IC-C-MOS - MB40C958VPFV IC-C-MOS - MSM518222-30GS-KR1 IC-C-MOS - MSM518222-30GS-KR1 IC-C-MOS - TC74HC273AF IC-C-MOS - TC74HC273AF IC-C-MOS - TC74HC4053AF IC-C-MOS - MSM518222-30GS-KR1 IC-C-MOS - MSM518222-30GS-KR1 IC-C-MOS - CM0007AF IC - UPC4570G2 IC - UPC4570G2 IC - UPC4570G2 IC - UPC4570G2 IC - UPC4570G2 IC - UPC4570G2 IC - UPC4570G2 IC - TLC2932IPW IC-C-MOS - M24C32MN6T HIC - STK392-040 HIC - STK392-040 IC-C-MOS - UPD6376GS IC-C-MOS - UPD6376GS IC-C-MOS - UPD6376GS IC-C-MOS - UPD6376GS [#] 1&2 1&2 1&2 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-7 TUBES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 251C204070 251C204080 251C204090 251C205010 251C205020 251C205030 251C205040 251C205050 251C205060 251C205070 251C205080 251C205090 251C206010 251C206020 251C206030 251C206040 251C206050 251C206060 251C206070 251C206080 251C206090 ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN ASSY-CRT-BLUE ASSY-CRT-RED ASSY-CRT-GREEN AS
File name Standby_Power_Supply.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65903 / WS-73905 STANDBY POWER SUPPLIES Page 78
File name Switched_Power_Supply.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65903 / WS-73905 SWITCHED POWER SUPPLIES 115V Page 79
File name Sync_Signal_Path.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65903 / WS-73905 MAIN PICTURE SYNC PATH Page 81
File name Tuning.pdf

File name Video-Color_Signal_Path.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65903 / WS-73905 VIDEO/COLOR SIGNAL PATH Page 80
File name Video_Adjustments.pdf

MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [HV Circuit] 3. HV Regulation Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal DC Voltmeter DT 1 & 2 -----------Video Signal Monoscope Video Input Purpose: Symptom: To set the CRT Anode voltage. Dark Picture Note: This adjustment must be rechecked following Adjustment 9 CRT Cutoff. 1. Supply a video monoscope signal. 2. Sent Contrast to maximum, and Brightness to mid position. 3. Connect a DC volt meter between pins 2 and 5 of the DT connector. (Positive lead to pin 2) 4. Activate the Conv-Misc Mode. 5. Select Item 1 HVOL (screen goes black). 6. Adjust Item 1 HVOL for 9V ±0.1V on the meter. 7. Save data and exit the Conv-Misc mode. 8. Confirm that the voltage does not change more than 0.15V. Note: This adjustment must be performed if E2RESET is activated. CONVERGENCE MODE Acivate ..MENU-1-2-5-9 Misc. ."6" Coarse..."5" Fine ..."4" Color (R,G or B)AUDIO Item No...VIDEO Adjust/Move.ADJUST Cursor Toggle...ENTER Save & Exit..MENU (twice) [Video Circuit] 4. Main/Sub Y Level Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal Input Terminal Oscilloscope GJ-16, GJ-5 ----------Color Bars Video Input Purpose Symptom: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To set picture luminance Excess or insufficient brightness. Supply a color bar signal to a Video Input (not an RF input). Select the color bar signal for both the main and sub pictures. Connect the oscilloscope to connector GJ pin 16. Activate the Service Mode Select Item 3 YDRM in the Main Matrix function. Adjust the data for 0.7 Vp-p max. - 0.67 Vp-p min. at GJ pin 16. (If it cannot be adjusted within this range, set to the lower value) 7. Move the oscilloscope to GJ pin 5. 8. Select Item 2 YDRS in the Sub Matrix function. 9. Adjust the data for 0.7 Vp-p max. - 0.67 Vp-p min. at GJ pin 16. (If it cannot be adjusted within this range, set to the lower value) SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) Page 44 MODELS: VS-50805 / VS-60805 / WT-46805 / WS-55805 / WS-55905 / WS-65905 / WS-73905 [Video Circuit] 5. Sub Picture Tint (V16N only) Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger Measuring Range Input Signal -------------------NTSC Purpose: To match the sub picture color to that of the main picture. Symptom: Sub picture color differs from the main picture. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Supply an NTSC signal. Select the NTSC signal as the source for both the main and sub pictures. Activate the Adjustment mode. Select Item 1 TNTS in the Sub Matrix Function. Adjust data to match the sub picture color to that of the main picture. . Input Terminal RF or Video SERVICE MODE Activate .. MENU-1-2-5-7 Function ...AUDIO Item No. ..VIDEO Adjust Data ..ADJUST Save Data . ENTER Exit ..MENU (twice) [Video Circuit] 6. Side by Side Sub Pict. Tint (V16W only) Measuring Instrument Test Point Ext. Trigger M

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