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Now downloading free:Panasonic PT-43LC14, PT-50LC14, PT-60LC14

Panasonic PT-43LC14, PT-50LC14, PT-60LC14 free download

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File name:Panasonic PT-43LC14, PT-50LC14, PT-60LC14 (Service Manual).part1.rar
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Model:PT-43LC14, PT-50LC14, PT-60LC14 🔎
Original:PT-43LC14, PT-50LC14, PT-60LC14 🔎
Descr:Panasonic PT-43LC14, PT-50LC14, PT-60LC14 (Service Manual)
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File name Panasonic PT-43LC14, PT-50LC14, PT-60LC14 (Service Manual).pdf

ORDER NO. MKE0406850C1 B2 Multi Media Display PT-43LC14 PT-50LC14 PT-60LC14 © 2004 Matsushita Kotobuki Electronics Industries LTD. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying and distribution is a violation of law. PT-43LC14 / PT-50LC14 / PT-60LC14 CONTENTS Page 1 SAFETY PRECAUSIONS 1.1. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1.2. LEAKAGE CURRENT COLD CHECK 1.3. LEAKAGE CURRENT HOT CHECK 1.4. UV-PRECAUTION 2 PREVENTION OF ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) TO ELECTROSTATICALLY SENSITIVE (ES) DEVICES 3 ABOUT LEAD FREE SOLDER (PbF) 4 SERVICE NOTES 5 DISASSEMBLY / ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES 5.1. CABINET SECTION 6 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES 1 7 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES 2 8 TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS FOR BLOCK LEVEL REPAIR 9 BLOCK DIAGRAMS 10 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS NOTES 10.2. INTERCONNECTION SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 10.3. FRONT JACK SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 10.4. NETWORK / OPERATION / DIAGRAMS 10.5. AUDIO AMP SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 10.6. TUNER SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM THERMISTOR 1 / THERMISTOR 2 / 13.4. ELECTRICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 70 71 72 COVER SWITCH SCHEMATIC 4 5 6 18 18 45 48 51 57 67 67 68 69 3 3 3 3 3 10.7. VOLTAGE CHART 11 CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT 11.1. FRONT JACK C.B.A. / NETWORK C.B.A. 11.2. AUDIO AMP C.B.A. / 11.3. TUNER C.B.A. 12 EXPLODED VIEWS 12.1. MAIN PARTS SECTION 12.2. FRONT AND BASE SECTION 12.3. DISPLAY SECTION 12.4. SCREEN SECTION 12.5. PROJECTION SECTION 12.6. TV AND TUNER SECTION 12.7. PACKING PARTS AND ACCESSORIES SECTION 12.8. OPTIONAL ACCESSORY SECTION 13 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 13.1. REPLACEMENT NOTES 13.2. MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST THERMISTOR 1 C.B.A. / COVER SWITCH C.B.A. 76 77 79 79 80 81 83 85 86 87 88 90 90 91 92 93 96 14 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS FOR PRINTING WITH LETTER SIZE THERMISTOR 2 C.B.A. / OPERATION C.B.A. / 75 Page 73 75 10.1. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT 13.3. OPTIONAL ACCESSORY REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 2 PT-43LC14 / PT-50LC14 / PT-60LC14 1 SAFETY PRECAUSIONS 1.1. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. For continued safety, no modification of any circuit should be attempted. 2. Disconnect AC Plug before disassembling this unit. 3. It is advisable to use an isolation transformer in the AC supply before servicing. 4. When servicing, observe the original lead dress. If a short circuit is found, replace all parts which have been overheated or damaged by the short circuit. 5. After servicing, see to it that all the protective devices such as insulation barriers, insulation papers, shield, and isolation R-C combinations etc. are properly installed. 6. After servicing, be sure to restore the wires, leads, insulation barriers, shields, etc. 7. After servicing, make the leakage current checks to prevent the customer from being exposed to shock hazards. Caution: Use a separate Isolation Transformer for this unit when servicing. not exceed 1/2 mA. In case a measurement is outside of the limits specified, there is a possibility of shock hazard, and thereceivershouldbe repaired and rechecked before it is returned to the customer. Figure 1 1.4. UV-PRECAUTION 1. Be sure to disconnect th

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