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Now downloading free:BOGEN RP-60

BOGEN RP-60 free download

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File name:RP-60 Operating and Service Manual.pdf
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Model:RP-60 🔎 RP60
Descr:Bogen Rp60 schematic and manual
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name RP-60 Operating and Service Manual.pdf

BOGEN MODEL.RP6O FM-AM MULTIPTEX RECEIVER DESCRIPTION The Bogen Model RP60 is a compactly designed highfidelity stereophonic FM-AM Multiplex receiver combining a radiation-proof superheterodyne tuner, dual preamplifier, and two 30 watt power amplifiers on a single chassis. The versatile unit also provides for the amplification of sterophonic audio signals from a tape recorder, phonograph or one .auxiliary high level signal source. The RP6O incorporates the following features: Built-in Multiplex-to receive FM stereo programs via the Multiplex system approved by the FCC in April 1961. Completely self-contained. . .no extra chassis, interconnecting cables; wiring. Full band-width provides full frequency response, extremely lorry di-c161[9n and maximum separation between right and left channels. amplified RF amplifier, wide-band tuned IF amplifier with dual limiting action, and ratio detector arranged to ptovide automatic interstation hush. AFC with "IN-OUT'' switch is provided to maintain optimum fidelity as station transmission characteristics change. An AGC circuit maintains Scrotclr ond Rumble Filters-can be used for mono or stereo and regardless of whether one or two program sources are being used. Loudness Compensofor-preserves aural musical balance at low volume levels. Can be used for mono or steteo and regardless of whether one or two pcogram sources are being used. . . . stereo,.steteo with channels reversed, left channel or right channel input fed to both speaker systems. Thid Channel Outpul-f.or use with 3-speaker stereo arrangement or to operate an additional remote system. l{ode Selecror-to select the desitqd mode of operation changes. A guick-acting electronic indicator provides visual assurance of tuning precision and convenience. Iope Recorder operofion RP60 has an input sensitivity sufficient to allow the connection of tape recorder heads (of a tape deck) directly to the tape inputs. Also tape outputs are provided which are of the cathode follower, low impedance type. Pre-amplifier section features an input sensitivity for even the lowest output phono cartridges to be sufficient to drive the amplifier to a power output of,30 watts per channel, more than enough to &ive even the lowest efficiency speakers. Frequency response is 18 to 30,000 cycles (t1db) with distortion held to 0.8% at full rated output. Pure DC current is used on all preamplifiet tubes to guarantee absolute freedom from hum. from distortion blaring or fade-out due to station signal an FM audio output level of 10.5 db with a range of signal varaition greater than 10 to 10O,000 pv. This insures freedom Extra-heavy duty, special "pertnafiltt treated power transformer, oversized and conservatively employed parts and Bogents traditionally strict quality control procedures The F*l ,uner circuitry features a fully tuned and insure trouble-free operation and life-long retention of original performance specifications. SPECIFICATIONS OUTPUT POWER: 30 watts, per

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