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PHILIPS 32PF9830/10 free download

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Model:32PF9830/10 🔎
Original:Shassi JL2.1E AA 🔎
Descr:Circuit Diagrams and PWB
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Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts JL2.1E AA 7. 46 7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts LCD Supply (32"): Mains Filter + Standby 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1000 D2 1001 D4 1011 E5 1305 F7 1306 F2 1307 B13 1308 C1 1400 C2 1401 F3 1402 D3 1403 D3 1450 C8 2400 C2 2401 C4 2404 C3 2406 C5 2407 C4 2408 C6 2503 E6 2802 E10 2803 C10 2804 C9 2805 E9 2806 F10 2807 E9 2808 E11 2809 E12 2810 D12 2815 C11 2816 D12 3101 C12 3400 C3 3401 C1 3402 C2 3403 D2 3404 D4 3405 D3 3450 B6 3451 C5 3800 D9 3802 E10 3803 E11 3804 E9 3805 E12 3806 E9 3807 E9 3810 B10 5006 B12 5401 C3 5402 C5 5403 B5 5804 E11 6154 C12 6155 C12 6460 E8 6461 D8 6506 E6 6807 C10 6808 E9 6809 D9 7805 D10 7806 E11 9001 C5 9003 C5 9005 C6 9050 B12 9806 E9 9808 C12 9810 D10 9811 D12 9812 E11 9813 C12 9814 C12 F410 C1 F411 B1 F412 B1 F413 B1 F414 B1 F415 C1 F416 C2 F417 C2 F418 C1 F419 C2 F420 F7 F421 F8 F422 B10 F423 B10 F424 F2 F425 F2 F426 F2 F427 F3 F428 F4 I410 B3 I411 C4 I412 C5 I413 B8 I414 B13 I415 C6 I416 C4 I417 B13 I418 C12 I419 D2 I420 D12 I421 E11 I422 E11 I423 E10 I424 E7 I425 E10 I426 E10 I427 E10 I428 E10 I429 D2 I430 D4 I431 D3 I432 D5 I442 B6 I444 B6 I445 C6 I455 D4 I456 E7 I810 B10 I811 B10 I812 B10 I813 B10 I814 E9 I815 E9 I816 E9 I817 C11 I820 F9 I824 E12 I825 E12 I826 E12 I828 E9 I830 C12 I831 E9 A1 A MAINS FILTER + STANDBY A1 A MAINS FILTER 9050 5403 1 4 3810 12K 2 3 F422 F423 5006 B F411 F412 F413 F414 25V_HOT 288V (0) 400V_HOT 1307 I414 I417 1 2 3 4 B4P-VH TO 1307 B MAINS INPUT 95-264Vac F410 I442 1400 PTF/65 I410 5401 I411 2 3 4 2 1 5402 3 4 I412 3450 I444 1R0 I413 I813 I811 I810 I812 BYG10 6154 AUDIO-STANDBY 2401 3401 2400 470n 4M7 2408 C 2804 1308 F415 F418 F416 F419 F417 2404 I416 47p 2406 47p 2407 220p 9003 3451 1R0 9001 I415 HOT 56n DMF3547HB60 V DMF3547HB60 100n 2 1 3400 1 470n T3.15AH 250V(EUR) T5AH 250V(AP) T5AH 250V(US) 9005 I445 6807 GBJ6J 3101 1K0 9808 I817 I418 BYG10 2803 2815 330u 9814 6155 56n C 3402 4M7 1450 9813 I830 1403 I419 500V 1402 500V I431 3405 220R I455 3404 220R I432 2816 3403 4M7 COLD G5PA-1-5VDC 330u 9811 D I429 GND screw 1 1000 I430 GND screw 1 1001 1N5062 6809 D 9810 I420 BAS316 100n 100n I424 I814 BAS316 6460 1N5062 6808 MODE VM OSIN NC VG OSOUT 6 5 I423 3803 390R 2808 47n I421 2 470R 3806 2805 47n 3 I425 2809 I427 8 I825 1011 HEATSINK I426 7 VDD 7806 COLD GROUND AVS10CB 7805 AVS1ACP08 2810 6461 3800 1M0 4 3802 I456 4V8 (0V) VSS 91K I428 1 RELAY + I816 RELAY - 2503 DF06M 3807 3804 9806 10u I815 22K I828 20K I831 I422 47n 2802 100p 9812 5804 I826 I824 E 6506 E 3805 2807 2806 I820 47u 50V F420 GNDHOT T1AE 250V 1401 F427 F428 290V (303V) B3B-EH-A 1305 F421 F 1 2 PTF/65 1306 F424 F425 F426 GNDHOT TO 1306 4R7 33u F TO 1305 AUDIO-STANDBY COLD G AUDIO-STANDBY G 1 2 3 3104 313 6063.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 F_15710_001.eps 080905 Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts JL2.1E AA 7. 47 LCD Supply (32"): Supply 1 2

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