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File name:VE710S-2 VE710B-2 VA721 Disassembly.pdf
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Model:ve710s-2 🔎 ve710s2
Descr:VE710S-2 VE710B-2 VA721 dissasembly
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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File name VE710S-2 VE710B-2 VA721 Disassembly.pdf

12. Procedure of Disassembly (VE710s-2/VE710b-2/VA721) This section provides disassembly procedures for VE710s-2/VE710b-2/VA721 LCD Monitor. Before you begin any of these procedures, be sure to turn off the power, computer system, and other attached devices; then disconnect the power cable from the electronically outlet. Moreover, when you disassemble the monitor, be sure to put the screws in a safe place and separate them according to grouping. 12-1 Disassembly of Stand unit from Monitor Hinge Cover Hinge Cover ! ! " X4 2080004800 1. Remove two Hinge Cover. 2. Unscrew four screws that secure Stand unit. Stand unit # 3. Detach Stand unit from the monitor. 12-2 Disassembly of Front Cover and Rear Cover Front Cover # X2 2084730062 ! " X2 2083740082 1. 2. 3. Detach Front Cover from the monitor. Unscrew two screws that secure Hinge Metal Fitting. Unscrew two screws that secure Keypad Board. Rear Cover $ 4. Detach Rear Cover from the LCD Panel module. 12-3 Disassembly of LCD Panel " X1 2082630062 ! X1 2082630062 # X1 2082630062 1. 2. 3. Unscrew one screw that secure M/B Shielding Plate and detach M/B Shielding Plate. Unscrew one screw that secure Inverter top Shielding Plate and detach Inverter top Shielding Plate. Unscrew one screw that secure Inverter down Shielding Plate and detach Inverter down Shielding Plate. $ 4. Disconnect three connectors to remove Inverter connector and LCD Panel FFC cable. LCD Panel % X4 2080002200 5. Unscrew four screws that secure Metal Fitting and remove LCD Panel from Metal Fitting. 12-4 Disassembly of Main Board, Keypad Board and Power Board ! X4 2082730058 1. Unscrew four screws that secure Main Board and disconnect the wires which are connected to Main Board and remove Main Board. " X4 2081430062 2. Unscrew four screws that secure Power Board to remove Power Board.

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