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Now downloading free: SS6900 usb Driver

SS6900 usb Driver free download

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File information:
File name:SOFTWARE_SS6900_USB_DRIVER.rar
[preview SS6900 usb Driver]
Size:6462 kB
Model:SS6900 usb Driver 🔎
Group:Electronics > Radio stations > HAM radio-stations
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:2
File name install_guide_win7.pdf

USB cable User Installation Manual v1.0 For Windows win7 ( Dec/2009) J 1.Power on your computer and boot to Windows. 2.Locate the USB port of your computer and plug in the USB cable,and open Device Manager. Windows will detect the new device (USB-Serial Controller) 3.right clik USB-Serial controllerUpdate Driver Software Browse my computer for driver software fo r RP C Se r ie s us b ca bl e on l y Browse... ,select win7 driver us b ca bl e . Next fo r RP C Se r ie s on l y 7. Windows will show a dialog box, select Install this driver software anyway 8. install successfully fo r RP C Se r ie s us b ca bl e on l y 9. Verifying the Installation fo r RP C Se r ie s us You should see the Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM *) device listing. This also means that Windows has assigned the device to COM * port. b ca bl e on l y
File name readme.pdf

USB cable User Installation Manual For Windows vista ( 11/2009) 4.right clik computerselect Manage Fo r R P C se ri es us b ca bl e on l 1.Power on your computer and boot to Windows. 2.Locate the USB port of your computer and plug in the USB cable. Windows will detect the new device and will initiate the Found New Hardware Wizard prompting you to install the software for the detected USB Device. 3.Click Cancel to continue. y 5.Computer ManagementDevice Managerright clik USB-Serial controllerUpdate Driver Software Fo r R P C se ri es Browse my computer for dirver software us b ca bl e on l y Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer Next to continue Fo r R P C se ri es us b ca bl e on l y Have Disk... Browse vista Fo r R P C se ri es us b ca bl e on l y 12 select "serspl" ok to continue 14. click Next to continue Fo r R P C se ri es us b ca bl e on l y 15. installing... 17. install successfully Fo r R P C se ri es us b ca bl Install this driver software anyway e on l y 18. Verifying the Installation You should see the Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port (COM *) device listing. This also means that Windows has assigned the device to COM * port. Fo r R P C se ri es us b ca bl e on l y

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