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Now downloading free:Infocus LP815 LP820

Infocus LP815 LP820 free download

Digital LCD Video projector - Sharp, Infocus, Sony - service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:LP815-820_ServiceManual.pdf
[preview LP815 LP820]
Size:1607 kB
Model:LP815 LP820 🔎
Descr:Official service manual. Faultfinding, disassembly, photos of innards. No schematics.
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Projectors
Multipart:No multipart

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File name LP815-820_ServiceManual.pdf

LP815/LP820 PDF service manual We designed this service manual for use on a computer. We suggest that you save it on your hard drive and make a short cut to it from the desktop. What is the difference between the LP815 and the LP820? The two models have identical specifications, with the following exceptions: The LP815 has 2,800 maximum lumens, while the LP820 has 3,200 maximum lumens in high power mode and 2,500 maximum lumens in low power mode. The LP815 does not have the low power/high power option. The audible noise level of the LP815 is 34 dB, while the noise level of the LP820 is 38db in high power mode and 34 dB in low power mode. The two models are diagnosed and repaired identically. Only two part numbers differ between the two, and each has its own system software. The part number differences are listed below. Part Controller ECA Label kit LP815 part number 510-0909-xx 802-0054-xx LP820 part number 510-1755-xx Various * * The LP820 offers separate brand, certification, I/O and top labels. The LP815 combines the four labels into a kit. Using the manual The bookmarks that appear on the side of the screen help you navigate to each topic in the manual. You can use them to quickly go from a troubleshooting topic to instructions to remove a specific part. The manual is arranged in the order you can use to diagnose and then repair the projector. The four main sections of the service manual are: Troubleshooting-- In this section, you will find troubleshooting flowcharts for a variety of symptoms. The flowcharts lead you through power and image diagnostics, as well as audio, keypad and remote issues. There is also a controller and power supply voltage diagram. Parts Removal and Replacement--instructions to remove and replace each FRU in the projector. We've also included a Removable Parts Hierarchy you can use to see what parts must be removed to access each FRU in the projector. You can also refer to the Exploded View in the Parts Lists. Performing Functional Tests--You use these tests to ensure that the projector is ready to return to the customer after you have repaired it. Parts Lists--In this section are the exploded view, the replaceable parts list and the kit contents lists. For specifications, software updates and instructions, and current field communications, see your online ASC Resource Center. Troubleshooting You use the Troubleshooting section to diagnose problems with the projector. In this section, you will find troubleshooting flowcharts for a variety of symptoms. Each flowchart leads you through a series of steps that will ultimately result in a solution. The solutions begin with the most simple and progress to the most complex. On the left, select the section you want. Power problems, including lamp issues, partial power up, shutdown and no power Image problems, including no image, bad color, dim image and other picture distortions Keypad problems Remote problems Audio problems In addition to the troubleshooting trees, you

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