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DG32240 DG32240 free download

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Endicott Research Group, Inc. 2601 Wayne St., Endicott NY 13760 607-754-9187 Fax 607-754-9255 8m052000 8m Class DC to AC Inverter Specifications and Applications Information 5/21/97 Preliminary The ERG 8m052000 (8m Class) low profile dc to ac inverter is specifically designed to power the Display International DG32240 LCD display module to a moderate brightness level from a +5 volt dc source. This low profile inverter features: ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Less Than 8 mm in Height LCD Module Specific Display Compatible Output Connector Firm Specifications Application Information Made in U.S.A. Factory Support Custom Input and Output Voltages Flexible System Interface Notebook Display Head Compatible 1. 2. 3. 4. Vin(+) Vin(-) Control NC 8m Package Package Configuration 1234 .55 [14,0] 2.35 [59,7] 3.58 [90,9] Typical Connection CCF Tube + Vin * 1 2 .116 [2,95] Dia (2X) JAE Output Connector .55 [14,0] .12 [3,05] .79 [20,1] * Input by-pass capacitor (25 uf - 100uf) may be required. Electrical Characteristics (Nominal) Input Current No Load Output Voltage (Min.) Output Current Tube Voltage (VIN = 5.0 Volts DC, TA = 25 °C) .3 Adc 1250 Vrms 5.0 mArms 250 Vrms

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