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Fisher and Paykel Smartdrive free download

Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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File name F&P Service manual 517735.pdf

SMART DRIVE ELECTRONIC WASHING MACHINE PHASE 1 to 5 ­ 230v This service manual supersedes all previous Smartdrive 230v service manuals. This manual incorporates all technical bulletins for Smartdrive up to January 2000. Information on IW and IWECO is available in Appendix E. Fisher & Paykel Ltd, Laundry Division. 78 Springs Road, East Tamaki, PO Box 58-732, Greenmount, Auckland. NZ Phone 0064 9 273 0640, Fax 0064 9 273 0649. Fisher & Paykel Customer Services Pty Ltd. ACN. 003 3335 171, 19 Enterprise St, Cleveland, PO Box 798, Cleveland, QLD 4163, Australia. Phone 0061 7 3826 9100, Fax 0061 7 3826 9164. Fisher & Paykel Singapore PTE Ltd. 150 Ubi Avenue 4, Sunlight Building #02-00, Singapore. Phone 0065 547 0100, Fax 0065 547 0123. Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd. 42 Clarendon St, Leamington Spa, Warks, CV32 4PG, UK. Phone 0044 1 926 88 2220, Fax 0044 1 926 88 3330. 517735 Issue A - October 2000 COPYRIGHT © FISHER & PAYKEL LTD 2000 Try PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 PHASE 1 GW Model `xx0' PHASE 2 GW Model `xx1' PHASE 3 GW Green & yellow PHASE 4 GW Blue & yellow. PHASE 5 (early) GW MW, LW & AW are different colours. PHASE 5 (late) GW MW, LW & AW are different colours. PHASE 5 IW Bottom right button is `Specials' PHASE 5 IWECO Size 6 & 7 have recirculation fitted. Bottom right button is `LifeCycles' WHAT PHASE, SIZE & MODEL IS YOUR SMARTDRIVE? PHASE PHASE 1 YEAR 1991-93 FRONT PANEL MODEL NUMBERS COLOURS Grey Background GW500, GW600, GW700, MW050, MW060, GW650, MW070 MOTOR CONTROLLER COMPONENTS Blue. (A few white) Pressure Transducer in display. Water cooled. PHASE 1 spare has phase 4 fault codes. ** GW501, GW601, GW701, Blue. Water cooled. 12v water valves. 15 ohms. Stator 12.2 MW051, MW061, MW071, ohms phase to phase. Mechanical lid LW015 switch (mostly). Compreci (26 ohms) or Selni (33 ohms) pump. GW503, GW603, GW703, Green. Water cooled. 12v water valves. 15 ohms. Stator 12.2 MW053,LW035 ohms phase to phase. Reed switch for lid. Selni pump. 33 ohms. GW508, GW608, GW708, Yellow. Water cooled.. 12v water valves. 15 ohms. Stator 12.2 MW058, LW085, AW085 ohms phase to phase. Reed switch for lid. Selni pump. 33 ohms. GW509, GW609, GW709, Grey. Air cooled. GW & IW 24v water valves. 64 ohms. Stator 32 MW059, LW095, AW095, have thermistor in mixing ohms phase to phase. Reed switch for IW509, IW609, IW709, chamber. AW, LW, MW no lid. Selni pump. 33 ohms. IWL10, IWM10, IWC09, thermistor. IW710, IW810 MODEL TYPES 12v water valves. 15 ohms. Stator 2.6 MW, GW ohms phase to phase. Mechanical lid switch. Selni (33 ohms) & Compreci (26 ohms) pump. LW, GW MW, PHASE 2 1993-95 Grey Background PHASE 3 White Background with yellow and green buttons PHASE 4 1996-98 White Background (Series 8) with yellow and blue buttons PHASE 5 1998-2001 Various colours. (Series 9 & Series 10) 1995-96 LW, GW MW, AW, LW, MW, GW AW, LW, MW, GW, IW, IWECO (recirc) DISPLAY TYPE * AW, LW MW GW IW * ** IDENTIFIER No cycle button

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