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Original:Operating Systems (OS) 🔎
Descr:B.E (Engineering) » Computer Science (CSE) » Sem 5 » Operating Systems (OS)
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Operating Systems PART -A 1 0 C S5 3 UNIT -1 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATING SYSTEMS, SYSTEM STRUCTURES: What operating systems do; Computer System organization; Computer System architecture; Operating System structure; Operating System operations; Process management; Memory management; Storage management; Protection and security; Distributed system; Special-purpose systems; Computing environments. Operating System Services; User -Operating System interface; System calls; Types of system calls; System programs; Operating System design and implementation; Operating System structure; Virtual machines; Operating System generation; System boot. 6 Hour UNIT 2 Process Management: Process concept; Process scheduling; Operations on processes; Inter-process communication. Multi-Threaded Programming: Overview; Multithreading models; Thread Libraries; Threading issues. Process Scheduling: Basic concepts; Scheduling criteria; Scheduling algorithms; MultipleProcessor scheduling; Thread scheduling.7 Hours UNIT -3 PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION: Synchronization: The Critical section problem; Peterson's solution; Synchronization hardware; Semaphores; Classical problems of synchronization; Monitors. 7 Hours UNIT -4 DEADLOCKS: Deadlocks: System model; Deadlock characterization; Methods for handling deadlocks; Deadlock prevention; Deadlock avoidance; Deadlock detection and recovery from deadlock. 6 Hours Dept of CSE, SJBIT 1 Operating Systems PART -B UNIT -5 1 0 C S5 3 MEMORY MANAGEMENT: Memory Management Strategies: Background; Swapping; Contiguous memory allocation; Paging; Structure of page table; Segmentation. Virtual Memory Management: Background; Demand paging; Copy-on-write; Page replacement; Allocation of frames; Thrashing. 7 Hours UNIT -6 FILE SYSTEM, IMPLEMENTATION OF FILE SYSTEM: File System: File concept; Access methods; Directory structure; File system mounting; File sharing; Protection. Implementing File System: File system structure; File system implementation; Directory implementation; Allocation methods; Free space management. 7 Hours UNIT-7 SECONDARY STORAGE STRUCTURES, PROTECTION: Mass storage structures; Disk structure; Disk attachment; Disk scheduling; Disk management; Swap space management. Protection: Goals of protection, Principles of protection, Domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of access 6 Hours UNIT -8 CASE STUDY: THE LINUX OPERATING SYSTEM: Linux history; Design principles; Kernel modules; Process management; Scheduling; Memory management; File systems, Input and output; Inter-process communication. 6Hours TEXT BOOK: 1. Operating System Principles ­ Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, 8th edition, WileyIndia, 2009 REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Operating Systems: A Concept Based Approach ­ D.M Dhamdhere, 2 Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002. 2. Operating Systems ­ P.C.P. Bhatt, 2 Edition, PHI, 2006. 3. Operating Systems ­ Harvey M Deital, 3 Edition, Addison Wesley, 1990. rd nd nd Dept of CSE, SJBIT 2 Operating Systems

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