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Pioneer SX-1280 free download

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File name:SX-1280KC-KU-S-SG_ART-266-0.pdf
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Model:SX-1280 🔎 SX1280
Original:SX-1280 🔎
Descr:Entire service manual
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File name SX-1280KC-KU-S-SG_ART-266-0.pdf

XRABi3 six-1 eEto MODELSX-1280 COMESIN FOURVERSIONS DTSTINGUISHED FOLLOWS: AS Typo Volr.rp 120V only U.S.A. rnodel R.mark! KU KC 120V only 110v, 120v. 22OVand 240V (Switchsble) Canads model Gen6ralexDort model s/G 1'10V,120V,220V.nd 240V {$i,itchsbl6l U.S.Milit8rymodel NOTICE: r This service manualis applicable the KU and KC types to . As to the S and S/G types,please referto page 81. CONTENTS 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. SPECIFTCAT|ONS. CONNECTION DIAGRAM FRONT PANEL FACILITIES L E V E LD T A G R A . . . . M B L O C K I A G R A M. . . D . CIRCUITDESCR]PTIONS 6.1 T u n eS e c t i o n r 6.2 AFSection 6.3 P o w eS u p p l y i r c u i t. r C P r o t e q t i o nr c u i t . . 6.4 Ci DTSASSEMBLY PARTS LOCATION 8.1 F r o nP a n e li e w . . . t V F r o n t i e w i t hP a n eR e m o v e d 8.2 V w l 8.3 T o pV i e w 8.4 Bottom iew V 8.5 Rear Panel View .. . D I A L C O R DS T R I N G I N G 3 5 7 .. ... . 10 . ... 11 ...13 ...14 ...16 ...11 ... 18 7, 8, ...20 ...21 ...22 ...29 .. . . .. 24 . . . . .. 25 9. IO. ADJUSTMENTS 10.1 FM Tuner 1O.2 AM Tuner PowerAmplifier 10.3 10.4 MeterAmplifier EXPLODED VIEWS ExternalPart . , . 11.1 11,2 lnternal Part PACKING 27 29 30 30 31 33 40 41 45 52 53 54 56 58 61 64 67 70 72 74 77 78 ... . ... 82 ,... 82 11. 12. 13. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS,P.C. BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTSLIST 13.1 Schematic Diagram and Miscellaneous Parts. . (AWE-092) 13.2 TunerAssembly (GWM-I05) 13.3 Microphone JackAssembly (cWS-134) 13.4 Cartridge LoadAssembly (GWS-I33) FunctionSwitchAssembly 13.5 (AWF-031). . . . . 13.6 EO Amplifier Assembly (AWG-0601 13.7 Flat Amplifier Assembly (AWG-059). . . . 13.8 Tone Amplifier Assembly (AWM-119) 13.9 Filter Amplif ier Assembly (AWH.074) 13.10 PowerAmplifier Assembly (AWX-I27) 13.11 Resistor Assembly (AWM-I211 13.12 MeterAmplifier Assembly 13,13 PowerSupplyAssembly {AWR-I57) . . . . 'FuseAssembly (AWX-I261 (AWX-I391 13.14 or (AWM-I23) 13.15 Protection CircuitAssembly ADDITIONALSERVICEMANUAL 1. 2. 3. 4. S P E C | F | C A T | O. . S .N . CONTRAST F MISCELLANEOUS RTS O PA EXPLODEVIEW . D SCHEMATICDIAGRAMS, P.C.BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST 4.1 S c h e r n a tDc a g r a m ii . .. . 84 .. . ... ... gs g7 4.2 4.3 A 5 P C o n n e c t o rs s e m b l(y W X - 0 6 2 ) . . A . F u s e s s e m b( y W X - 1 3 4 ) A lA ...88 NO?E: * .F'nse ossembly(AWX-I26) is applicable to the KII type, and AWX-tB9 is for the KC type. e sx-,| 480 1. SPECIFICATIONS Semiconductors FETS... lCs... Transistors Diodes.. Power Amplifier Section 5 6 ...61 ...50 Tone Control BASS... TREBLE. . , L l O d B( l 0 0 H z ) m a i nc o n t r o l a 5 d B ( 5 0 H 2 ) u bc o n t r o l s m . r 1 0 d B ( 1 o k H z ) a i nc o n t r o l e5dB (20kHz)subcontrol power per of Continuous output 185watts. from Hertz 20 min., to channel, at 8 ohms with than total Hertz n0 more 0.03% 20,000 harmonic distortion. Total HarmonicDistortion(20 Hertz to 20,000Hertz) ContinuousRatedPowerOutput . .No more th

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