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Motorola MC1377P free download

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Order this document by MC1377/D MC1377 Color Television RGB to PAL/NTSC Encoder The MC1377 will generate a composite video from baseband red, green, blue, and sync inputs. On board features include: a color subcarrier oscillator; voltage controlled 90° phase shifter; two double sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC) chroma modulators; and RGB input matrices with blanking level clamps. Such features permit system design with few external components and accordingly, system performance comparable to studio equipment with external components common in receiver systems. · Self­contained or Externally Driven Reference Oscillator COLOR TELEVISION RGB to PAL/NTSC ENCODER SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA · · · Chroma Axes, Nominally 90° (±5°), are Optionally Trimable PAL/NTSC Compatible Internal 8.2 V Regulator 20 1 P SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 738 20 1 DW SUFFIX PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 751D (SO­20L) ORDERING INFORMATION Device MC1377DW MC1377P Operating Temperature Range TA = 0° to +70°C Package SO­20L Plastic DIP Figure 1. Representative Block Diagram Quad Decoup 19 VCC 14 VB 16 Oscout 18 Oscillator Buffer Voltage Controlled 90° 8.2V Regulator PAL Switch 0/180° Chroma Amp 13 Chroma Out 17 Oscin H/2 20 NTSC/PAL Select PAL/NTSC Control Burst Pulse Driver 90° R­Y 0° B­Y B­Y Clamp 10 11 Chroma In B­Y Clamp R­Y Gnd 15 Latching Ramp Generator Dual Comparator Color Difference and Luminance Matrix B­Y ­Y R­Y Clamp 12 R­Y Clamp Output Amp/ Clamp 2 Composite Sync Input 3 R G Inputs © Motorola, Inc. 1995 9 Composite Video Output Video Clamp 7 1 Trise 4 B 5 6 ­Yout 8 ­Yin MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATA 1 MC1377 MAXIMUM OPERATING CONDITIONS Rating Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Power Dissipation Package Derate above 25°C Operating Temperature Symbol VCC Tstg PD TA Value 15 ­65 to +150 1.25 10 0 to +70 Unit Vdc °C W mW/°C °C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Characteristics Supply Voltage IB Current (Pin 16) Sync, Blanking Level (DC level between pulses, see Figure 9e) Sync Tip Level (see Figure 9e) Sync Pulse Width (see Figure 9e) R, G, B Input (Amplitude) R, G, B Peak Levels for DC Coupled Inputs, with Respect to Ground Chrominance Bandwidth (Non­comb Filtered Applications), (6 dB) Ext. Subscarrier Input (to Pin 17) if On­Chip Oscillator is not used. Min 10 0 1.7 ­0.5 2.5 ­ 2.2 0.5 0.5 Typ 12 ­ ­ 0 ­ 1.0 ­ 1.5 0.7 Max 14 ­10 8.2 0.9 5.2 ­ 4.4 2.0 1.0 Unit Vdc mA Vdc µs Vpp V MHz Vpp ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 12 Vdc, TA = 25°C, circuit of Figure 7, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristics SUPPLY CURRENT Supply Current into VCC, No Load, on Pin 9. Circuit Figure 7 VCC = 10 V VCC = 11 V VCC = 12 V VCC = 13 V VCC = 14 V 14 ICC ­ ­ 20 ­ ­ 33 34 35 36 37 ­ ­ 40 ­ ­ mA Pins Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VOLTAGE REGULATOR VB Voltage (IB = ­10 mA, VCC = 12 V, Figure 7) Load Regulation (0 < IB 10 mA, VCC = 12 V) Line Regulation (IB = 0 mA, 10 V < VCC < 14 V) OSCILLATOR AND MODULATION Oscillator Amplitude with 3.58 MHz/4.43 MHz crystal Subcar

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