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Vestax pcv 002 free download

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File name:vestax-pcv-002-dj-mixer-service-manual.pdf
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Model:pcv 002 🔎
Descr:service manual
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File name vestax-pcv-002-dj-mixer-service-manual.pdf

VESTAX SERVICE NOTE MODEL: PCV-002 1. SPECIFICATIONS P. 2-P. 5 2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM P. 6-P. 10 3. PARTS LIST P. 11- P. 14 4. SPARE PARTS LIST P. 15- P. 16 Vestax Corporation Service Department (2003-07-22) Vestax NumbeModel Categorie Description PCB SYMBOL SHEET Specification B050100200 PCV-002 CASE BOTTOM FRAME VR Control 1 V012011200 PCV-002 C.F. MONITOR VOLUME VR13 50KB*2 L=15mm RS20112 V014511D00 PCV-002 VR CROSSFADER Fader VR17 1 100KB*2 RS4511DB6 J030470015 PCV-002 CONNECTOR DC JACK In-Out J6 1 HEC0470-01-630 DC 15V B010100204 PCV-002 CASE FACE PANEL BLUE H01MT90302 PCV-002 CONNECTOR GND TERMINAL MT-903 J010544010 PCV-002 CONNECTOR HEADPHONE JACK Phones J4 1 HLJ-0544-01-010 I04M781200 PCV-002 IC IC NJM7812 In-Out U20 1 12V REGULATOR I05AN6884S PCV-002 IC IC AN6822S Control IC1 IC2 1 LED DRIVER U10 U11 U12 U13 U14 U15 I010082L02 PCV-002 IC IC NJM082L Control 1 U16 U17 U2 U3 U4 U5 I012068L02 PCV-002 IC IC NJM2068L Control 1 I014556AL2 PCV-002 IC IC NJM4556AL Control In-Out 1 DUAL OP AMP I014580L02 PCV-002 IC IC NJM4580L Control In-Out 1 OPERATIONAL 20KA*2 L=20mm V014511201 PCV-002 VR INPUT FADER Control VR2 VR4 1 RS45112A6 T=45mm S0222B1702 PCV-002 SWITCH INPUT SELECT SWITCH Control SW1 SW2 1 LBC22B17K SILVER VR6 VR7 VR Control VR8 VR9

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