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Descr:Esaote Ultrasound Systems 725X series - Service Manual Level 2
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Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor ( 725X Service Manual Chapter 1: 725X Service Characteristics The aim of this introductory chapter is to illustrate some of the characteristics of the 725X of fundamental importance to the technical staff, in particular, where to find the equipment status and how to keep it up to date. Identifying the boards Each board of the 725X is identified: · by its Code (950..), which is always indicated on the printed circuit, and its description, which is indicated on a label affixed to the handle or the printed circuit · by the Serial Number, indicated on a label affixed to the handle or the printed circuit · by the Configuration Index (CI), also on a label affixed to the handle or the printed circuit · by its Firmware (FW) level (when applicable), displayed in the System Configuration screen, Firmware Option (see next paragraphs) The Configuration Index represents the HW level of the board and is indicated by two decimal figures: CAD-KAS PDF-Editor ( Changed with the DEMO VERSION ofthe label will therefore be marked CONF.NN. Board Configuration Index and Firmware Level When the CPU is switched on, it reads these values: the results of this reading is, in fact, displayed in the Configuration screen, Boards and Firmware options (see next paragraph). The Firmware is memorised on Flash EPROMs and it is updated via Floppy disk. The Configuration index is memorised on the board on different supports. Some boards have this value memorised on the EPROMs or on a PAL, the next table details which boards use these supports. I-1 Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor ( Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor ( 725X Service Manual DESCRIPTION FE-TIMING BOARD AVERAGE BOARD MEMORY CONTROL BOARD MEMORY BOARD CPU BOARD VIDEO BOARD SVGA BOARD POWER SUPPLY BOARD KEYBOARD BOARD CARDIO BOARD AUDIO/FFT BOARD RF II BOARD MTI BOARD SUPPORT EPROM PAL PAL PAL EPROM PAL PAL µC EPROM PAL EPROM PAL PAL CORRELATOR BOARD PAL Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor ( Other boards have the Configuration Index memorised on EEPROMs or Flash EPROMs. Description INPUT BOARD EPTX-RX BOARD MPTX-RX BOARD RX-MUX BOARD RX-SHORT BOARD FE-MASTER BOARD RX-DIGITAL BOARD RF I BOARD DELAY CONTROL BOARD SCAN CONTROL BOARD SCAN CONVERTER BOARD RX-LONG BOARD I-2 Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor ( Changed with the DEMO VERSION of CAD-KAS PDF-Editor ( 725X Service Manual The up-dating of the configuration index will therefore be operationally different. If the support is a Flash EPROM or an EEPROM, the index will be updated via Floppy disk. Moreover the CI has to be set via a specific Service menu (see Chapter "Configuration and Calibration procedures") In all the other cases the support will be replaced during updating: excep

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