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GT 5360 free download

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File name:s5360..schematics diagram WITH SJAYASINGA.pdf
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File name s5360..schematics diagram WITH SJAYASINGA.pdf

8. Level 3 Repair 8-1.Block Diagram S5360 Block Diagram 2M FF SF SENSOR LCD: 320* 240, ( 2. 98" ) QVGA TN TFT(BOE Panel) ILI9341 - LDI Earp ho ne (3.5 phi) C- t yp e TSP Rec eiver DC Mo to r ( 9p hi, 3. 4T) Sp eaker (1115, 3. 5T) PMU( MAX8986) GPS BCM4751 WI-FI/BT/FM BCM4330 SIM Card 1.8V/3.0V Support BCM21552 / B0 (11X11 464 pin FBGA) 3 DCDC 18 LDOs GSM/ GPRS/ EDGE / WCDMA/ HSUPA/ HSDPA ARM1136 ( 832 MHz) Camera I/ F ( Up t o 8M p ixel) 30f p s H. 264, MPEG- 4, H. 263and WMV9 5 b and equalizer MP3, AAC, AAC+, EAAC, WMA, AMR- NB AMR-WB USBOTG HS(480 Mbps ) STEREO DAC Bat t ery(1200mAh) Ext ernal IO Interf ac e UART 1 USB 2. 0 Memo ry ( SEC) KAT007012B- BRTT NAND(4Gbit) + DDR(3Gbit) PROXI SENSOR GP2AP002S00F ACCELERO SENSOR BMA222 GEO SENSOR MMC328XMA RF Blo c k BCM2091 (Tranceiver) RF3242(GSM PAM) SKY77705, SKY77701( 3G PAM) I t Intenna MIC SD Card 1 8- SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization TACT501 ANT201 TACT502 BOSS102 L209 C2 4 5 C2 2 1 VR501 VR500 C226 U205 C2 4 0 C2 1 5 C241 C2 4 3 TP_BT_RST_N C2 2 9 C2 1 1 C2 1 0 L203 U6 0 5 C235 C5 0 9 C234 C2 2 7 R1 0 3 C2 0 7 V500 R613 U609 R612 V5 0 2 C230 T P_ GPS_2 00 L2 0 7 L5 0 1 R5 0 8 C5 0 0 C2 1 8 C208 C213 C2 0 9 L2 0 8 C216 TP209 R5 0 0 C231 V503 L204 R6 0 3 R2 0 9 C2 2 4 TP317 C6 1 4 L6 0 2 C219 C214 C200 L2 0 2 U2 1 3 C2 1 2 C217 L2 0 1 R108 R6 0 2 C6 0 2 R6 1 4 L114 L5 0 3 R322 C604 C222 C223 L205 C220 BTC400 TP_GPS_EN TP_GPS_RST_N TP309 R3 3 0 C225 EAR5 0 0 C238 R3 2 4 R3 2 5 C232 C6 0 3 UME300 C107 R300 U614 R323 C106 C606 R119 TP315 C2 0 5 R1 1 5 R4 0 7 TP_BT_UART_TXD ANT500 ANT501 C4 4 2 TP207 TP208 R2 0 1 C2 3 9 TP_BT _WA KE C152 C1 3 6 TP308 TP31 9 C605 R604 R605 R328 U104 T P_B T_ UART _ CTS_ N C100 L122 L132 L127 L110 L113 C449 C445 C447 C522 MASTER_ JTAG_ PAD TP2 0 5 R515 C302 C6 1 7 TP2 0 4 C3 3 2 C3 3 5 C3 3 0 C3 0 7 C3 0 9 R3 1 3 C3 0 6 C3 5 0 C304 C3 0 0 C345 L1 3 3 C1 6 1 C1 5 5 L1 0 2 R1 0 7 C3 2 9 C3 4 6 TP2 0 1 TP20 0 TP2 0 2 TP2 0 3 C1 4 6 C1 4 5 C1 5 3 C4 4 6 TRACEPKT302 TRACEPKT304 U612 R307 C305 R113 C132 R120 TRACEPKT303 C1 5 4 TRACESYNC R1 1 6 C533 C134 L116 C1 3 8 C1 2 0 C1 5 0 C128 C119 C187 VR502 L601 L505 C5 2 8 C3 3 7 C1 1 1 C147 C149 C148 C521 C519 C524 C131 R118 R511 U501 C137 C1 4 3 R5 2 0 R5 2 1 R311 C3 4 0 R3 0 1 R312 R306 C3 2 4 C3 2 6 C3 2 8 R3 0 5 C3 2 3 R310 C3 4 1 C3 3 9 R512 C3 1 1 C3 1 4 R331 L1 1 5 L5 1 0 R4 0 8 U3 0 9 C3 4 4 R3 0 9 R6 0 0 C418 C303 C320 C310 C313 C312 C530 C421 C436 C503 C508 R507 C427 C432 R509 C4 0 3 C4 0 4 R316 TP_ GPI O3 0 0 T P_ GPEN 30 0 C6 0 1 C439 C434 L401 C437 R314 U503 C5 2 0 C441 U6 1 0 C428 C426 C424 C523 R315 L400 R6 1 1 C6 1 2 R615 R616 OSC4 0 0 C4 3 0 C4 0 8 PAM4 0 0 L402 U6 0 7 C4 2 0 C4 1 3 C4 1 6 C4 2 9 C400 C405 R403 R402 R617 R618

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