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File name:Chronique_d_une_verite-fr-En.pdf
[preview Cabasse]
Size:1057 kB
Model:Cabasse 🔎
Original:Cabasse 🔎
Descr:French and english. Basic principles for the production of speakers of the highest quality at the time of Georges Cabasse designer and entrepreneur. Translation of a contemporary document with the help of google translate ...
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Car Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Chronique_d_une_verite-fr-En.pdf

A ORIGINAL SYSTEM Even more precise! Four measurement microphones are All acoustics laboratory worthy of the positioned, respectively: name boasts an impressive fleet of - 1 m in the axis of the enclosure, measuring devices. At CABASSE found - Close to the medium, more original tool, - Close to the tweeter, for each model, an analysis of the - At the rear of the enclosure. highest accuracy. Commissioned in 1982, but officially presented at the Salon of components in 1985, this system was the subject of several years of study. Sheet: - Capacity: all electroacoustic measurements. - Control: Digital. - Control: microcomputer CABASSE. So are we going to discover the local response and distortion curves assigned to each speaker. But we also detect the low vibration due to insufficient fixing or defective bonding cabinet ... What time do you think! Can we control and high production? MEASURING AREAS For nearly 30 years, the 2,000 m³ of anechoic chamber of Brest spread in the world the image of an eternally turned towards measuring manufacturer and listening. Furthermore in 1984, the Research Department Pure has been assigned a particular room to conduct its own tests without interruption. In fact, we have this tool specializes in the automatic production control: to highlight the defects and remedy instantly, it is the spirit of the measure. But in practice? Each speaker, considered as a single object, is entrusted to a specialist assembly and control. Warning ! Personal responsibility involved! It includes investigations of rigor on five key parameters: - Response curve, - Impedance curve, - Distortion curve, - Loudspeakers phase - Parasitic vibrations. If the computer registers a positive response from the speaker to the impressive all of these tests, it controls its output anechoic chamber and directs it to the package. Of course, the obtained results are automatically stored and archived on floppy. They form the enclosure of the personal file. We will consult it for verification, maybe in twenty years only. Furthermore it will be used for statistical processing of manufacturing and to the continuous improvement of our products. But if the computer finds the slightest drift, it detects the troublemaker element spontaneously displays the fault and controls the automatic return of the enclosure to the immediate rectification to shop. In total, it is therefore eight anechoic chambers that continuously officiate at CABASSE. But the scientific preparation of pregnant requires other measurement areas. Do you know that there are also Kergonan: - A reverberation chamber 128 m³ because only the inclusion of sounds emitted by the speaker in all directions to determine the total sound power. - A semi-reverberant room, for the variable acoustics but very close to that of a listening room, reveals the influence of the local speaker. Oh, one last point! With us, the determination of the nominal power of your speakers, according to EN 45573 NID takes place

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