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File name:fonte detex 1200w ETD49 Esquema ampliada.PDF
Size:53 kB
Model:beh 🔎
Descr:smps ... comot... ucle
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

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File name fonte detex 1200w ETD49 Esquema ampliada.PDF

1N4763 91V FONTE DETEX AUDIO 1200WATTS 1N4148 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 470pF 1000V 400V 400V 400V 400V 1800 DE PICO 470µH COM 15 + 15 TURNOS NO SECUNDÁRIO DA 95 + 95 VOLTS COM 12 + 12TURNOS NO SECUNDÁRIO DA 75 + 75 VOLTS T2: B 10 10 470µF 470µF 470µF 220K 220Vac L 220V10A SW T2:C +95 4,7K MUR1560 MUR1560 5A 470K 0,5W IRFP460 330µF 330µF 2W 100K 15V1W ON110 OFF220 2W 100K IRFP460 MUR1100 100nF 47 5W 220Vac N 47 5W 100nF 275V 470µH 100nF 275V 2,2K T1:A 2,2K ETD-49 T1:B T1:C 330µF 330µF T2:A=#34:20 turnos T2:B=#34:20 turnos T2:C=#34:190turnos DIAC:DB3 T1:A=#15-24TURNOS T1B=#16: 1T/6,2V T1C=#16: 1T/6,2V PWR-GND MUR1560 MUR1560 4,7K 100nF 470µF 470µF 470µF 1N4148 -95V +12V T2: A RELAY12V 10 10 100nF 250V MUR160 1N4148 15V1W IRFP460 IRFP460 NOTA:PARA OS MOSFETs USE IRFP460 20N60 W20NB50 MUR160 100µF T1:D 2,2K 100µF 100nF T1:D=#24 : 2 TURNOS GND 1 +24V MUR160 12VDC FAN MT1 T1:F T1:F=#24 : 2 TURNOS T1:E 2,2K 100µF 100nF T1:E=#24 : 4 TURNOS GND 2

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