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Now downloading free:Carlsbro Sidewinder

Carlsbro Sidewinder free download

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File name:Carlsbro_Sidewinder_User_Manual.pdf
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Size:1489 kB
Model:Sidewinder 🔎
Descr:User Manual for 60W valve guitar combo amplifier manufactured 1986-88
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Carlsbro_Sidewinder_User_Manual.pdf

4ffi&56'$d?& S IDE WINDE R ALL.VALVE INSTRUCTIONCUIDE NOTICE D'EMPOIE CO MB O t. INTRODUCTION 1.I Carlsbro have used their arxtensive past experience in all-valve an plification to brjng you the new sidewinder Lead Combo. A twin channel all vajve cornbo,packed with features and controls, which gives you the silnd versatility quality and warmth you'd expect from a Carlsbro valve unit. And much of the unique sound you'll derive from the Sidewindercomes from the professionalquality 150 watt Celestion Sidewinderspeaker, speci-lly selecLed C-rlrb ro J o r rh is s u p e rbu n ir. by l.2Please read this manual carefully before use. The wide ranee of useful tone settjngs available, make the Sidewindera superbiy ver;tjle unit, lts sound possibilitiescan only be fully understood,and exploited, by systematic experimentation with the unit. 2, CENERAL INFORMATION 2.1 Mains Voltage The amplifier js pre-set to operate from the nominal mains voltage c1 :jp.l ^. iha r a:r hr nal - For ll0v the working range is:- 105-120v,50-6AHz - For 200v the working range is:- 2A0-230v,5A-60H2 - For 24Av the workint range is:- 225-256v,5A-6AHZ The mains lead suppliedshould be plugged into the 3 pin I.E.C. Malns Socket and a suitable plug fitted to the other end. Care must be taken in wiring the plug and the followjng colour code must be observed. CREEN + YELLOW - EARTH B RO WN - LIVE BLUE - NEUTRAL 2.2Fuse Replacement Shouldthe mains fuse need replacjng, it is located on the rear paner. FIRST DISCoNNECT THE AMPLIFIER MAINS SUPPLY, and then replace the fuse u,ith the appropriate type and rating specified on the rear panel. DISCONNECTFROA, THE MAiNS when reDlacingthe HT fuse which is also The HT fuse is provided for mains transformer located on the rear paneL. protection and shouldbe replaced with the type and rating specilied on the rear panel. 3. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS iIIili iiIIII ffiIIII I l 3.1InDuts L OW CA IN (I) A low gain input, common to Doth channels,for use with high 8U1tarS. A hi8h gain input, common to lroth channels,Jor use with 1ow oulPUr guitars. HIGH CAIN (2) 3.2Channel I - uclean" LE D (4) CAIN (3) with PULL BRIGHT lacility Lights when the input is switched to Channel l. Sets Channel I soundlevel independently of Channel 2. PULL BRIGHT incredses top end punch, giving a 6dB lift at 2kHz. Stereo jack socket which accepts the FSE2 Electronic Footswitch supplied with the 5idewinder. Operation oJ the Footswitch causesthe c h a n ^ e l

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