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Chinahanji Power Co.,Ltd Siemens Common Rail Injector free download

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File information:
File name:Siemens Common Rail Injector_????.jpg
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Size:14 kB
Mfg:Chinahanji Power Co.,Ltd
Model:Siemens Common Rail Injector 🔎
Descr:Siemens Common Rail Injector Siemens Vdo P/N Application(s) Range Model 5WS40000-Z PSA 1980 F0 (PSA) DW10TD 2.0 Ltr 96 521 736 80 (PSA) 2 Valve 5WS40148-Z Ford 2S6Q-9F593-AB (Ford) 1.4 Ltr Euro 3 PSA 2S6Q-9F593-AC (Ford)   96 553 048 80 (PSA)   1980 E7 (PSA) 5WS40149-Z Ford 2S6Q 9F593BC (Ford) 1.4 Ltr Euro 4 PSA 96 545 509 80 (PSA)   1980 J1 (PSA) 5WS40156-4Z Ford 3M5Q 9F593DB (Ford) DW10B Class 4 PSA 1980J4 (PSA) Volvo 96 571 445 80 (PSA)   8603565 (Volvo) 5WS40156-Z Ford 3M5Q 9F593EB (Ford) DW10B Class 5 Chinahanji Power Co.,Ltd Email:[email protected] Tel:0086-594-3603380 Fax:0086-594-3603560 Contact name:Ms Guo
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

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