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Leotec IT-88 free download

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File name Leotec IT-88.pdf

IT-88 INSTRUCTION MANUAL 24IIOURSAI\D 7 DAYS DIGTTALTNqRWITH RANDOMAI\ID SUMMER TIME l This unit is a direct plug-in timer intended to control the electronic power to the appliance. Features: - 8 keys Timer Function -- Time setting is including HOU& MINUTE andWEEK. -- srunmer time change-over -- random function - 12 hours / 24 hours changeable 'qth\This time switch is a direct plug-in timer intended to )hrnqlthe electronic power circuit of the apt'liance. i i l 1. Initial 1.2 1.1 Depress 'MASTERCLEAR'key to full all systems s,slssning within 6 seconds. Use a sharp object (e.g. a pencil) to depress'MASTERCLEAR'key to delete all information you have Operation set up before 2."'Week" key for the Switch-On and Switch-Off 'ffie After depressed'TIMER'key to enter the setting status: 2.1 Depress 'WEEK' key to choose the days group you wish to switch-on the appliance. The days grotry TU --+ WE ---) 'f'H --> FR---> will advance in the sequence of MO TU WE TH FR SA SU --+ MO SA -> SU --+ MO TU WE TH FR --+ SA SU .-+ MO TU WE TH FR SA ---r MO WE FR -.+ TU TH SA --+ MO TU WE --+ TH FR SA --+ MO WE FR SU. + 2.2Depress'HouR'qIq:g"Foc$'?*.tl:12' 2.3 DeprE s s'lvfi NU-|E{ tev}i:FFomT0:0' --591 in setting status, it runs into current time if no presslng within 20 seconds. 2.4 When 2.5 Be sure to depress the'RESET/RECALL'key to reset or cancel all systerns. Note: Pressing the key HOUR or MINUTE or TIMER for more than 3 seconds, ca:ried out 4 times per second. - ..* --,,.s,*-*-!.,,,**!d$,r**.*g.," a fast runthrough is 3. Clock Function When in Timer Status: 3.1 LCD shows weeks, hours and minutes, e.g. 12 hours will be perfiormed AM or PM on' 3.2 Depress 'CLOCK'key with'WEEK' simultaneity perform MO-SA3.3 Depress 'CLOCK' key with 'HOUR' simultaneity perform 1-12. 3.4 Depress 'CLOCK'key with'MINUTE' simultaneity perform 00-593.5 Depress'CLOCK'key with'TIMER' simultaneity 12 hours / 24 hours changeable. 4. SummerTime Change-Over You are allowable to change the summer time with the aid of this function easily. 4.1 To change to summer time from current time Keep 'CLOCK key with'ONiAUTO/OFF'key simultanerty to change the current time to summer time. The LCD display will indicate the 'SUMMER' sign, and the current time will be advanced one hour. 5. Random Function will indicate 'RANDOM' sign to remind the user that random function is in active effectively from 6:00PM to 6:00AM. If over this term, it will be in 5.1 Keep 'RANDOM'key be pressed: The LCD display r ,i'ridr,rrtrtllirlrilttilffiiliffiiiffiffiim,Mtim,fisurien"wtrr.rrolh'" from LCD display. rr"n s.r, and the'IAND:M sign will arsmel po oo..l 5.3 Random Function Time during l-2 hours, i.e. the time of ON or OFF is 60-120 minutes -r 6. Mrnuelopention The LCD displaythe ouput stahs as AUTIO: Under se0ing status, it's in ON or OFF stab$. OFF: in,ON sterus. The unit is permanent controlled in OFF sta ,,.6,:i:r oN+AUTO___+OFF Special Technical Data: Model No.: IT-88 Voltage: R

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