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File name Yamaha CX-1.pdf

6t,) MM AMPLIFIER STEREO CONTROL cx1 oury rnF' \llwfrliA l-l ---v'l[''lf\.* t f f i-'-4Ll/1 | t I *'^ u n tl H *'/(7N n \\* *'\ ) .// \v/ 'j,/ -.11 ">2+{tu ll \v t. ,//' ll-. -\\ -\\ IMPORTANT NOTICE )( )(. -)a)a) ]OC ]OC -tat_J lJ Ul This manual has been provided for the use of authorized YAMAHA Retailers and their service penonnel. It has ben assumed that basic service procedures inherent to the industry, and morc specifically YAMAHA Products, are already known md understood by the uwrs, and have therefore not bcen restated. WARNING: Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedurcs when seruicing this product may result in personal injury, destruction of expensive components, and failure of the product to perform as specified. For these reasons, we advise all YAMAHA product owners that any seruice required should be perfomed by an authorized YAMAHA Retailer or the appointed seruicerepresentative. The presentation or sale of this mmual to any individual or fim does not constitute authorization, cenification or recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish a principle-agent relationship of any form. laIMPORTANT: {*tri:" f[]tH'f; The data provided is believed to be accumte and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The reseach, engineering, and service depanmenb of YAMAHA arc continually striving to imprcve YAMAHA products. Modifications are, tbereforc, inevitable and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation !o retrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please coniact the distributor's Seruice Division. WARNING: Static dischargescan destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity your body may have accumulated by grounding yourself to the ground buss in the unit (heavy gauge black wires connectto this buss). Tum the unit OFF during disassembly md part replacement.Recheck all work before you apply power to the unit, IMPORTANT: li oo4ssl YAMAHA CORPORATION P.O.Box1 .Hamamatsu,Japan 3.05K-203 Q Prinredin Japan'll q/W ffl YAMAHA cx-1 I TO SERVICE PERSONNEL 1. CriticalComponents Informalion. are Components having special characteristics marked and equal to must be replaced with parts having specificalions those originally installed. (For 120V ModelsOnly). 2. Leakage Current Measurement to When service has been completed,it is imperative veri{y that all exposed conductivesurfaces are properlyinsulated lrom supply circuits. o Meter impedance shouldbe equivalenllo 1500ohm shunted by 0.15pF. o Leakage current must not exceed 0.5mA. o Be sure to test for leakage with the AC plug in both oolarities. WALL OUTLET EqUIpMENT UNDER TEST AC LEAKAGE TESTER OR EQUIVALENT @ -TNSLiLATTNG TABLE CONTENT NOTICE! WARNING: CHEMICAL n t . u s o e T h es o l d e r s e di n t h e p r o d u c t i oo f t h i sp r o d u cc o n t a i nL E A D I n a d d i t i o n ,t h e r l e c t r i c a l / e l e c t r o n i c c s t a n d / o rp l a s t i c( w h e r ea p p l i c a b l

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